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Author Topic: My old english doormobile coach built on bedford (cf) sounds royal  (Read 4518 times)

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Offline aussie

  • Gumbie
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  • Location: Tin Can Bay, Queensland
  • Posts: 25
  • It's Buga owning a bedford
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just an up date on my cf camper (doormobile) all new tyres, still chasseing hubcaps, might have that problem solved in 3 days when ebay auction ends,just had the new windscreen and rubber fitted, I had to get a bank loan to pay for it, yipes the rubber cost all most as much as the bloody windscreen,
my bro recons I should have claimed it on insurance, a bit hard as its not regd, after sitting in a brisbane paddock for 3 yrs i had to de bug it with insect bomb, cant belive how many different types of criters who want to live in a bedford, mined you it is an english motor home, progress is slow. I'm busy with work,
cheers  :)
aussie buga


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