Well the van nats is shaping up to be BIG, with confirmed Bedfords so far - Mystic Fantasy, Alien8, The Beast, The Judge, Easy Roller, Bedvan,Wrangler, Vantastic, Wildside & a few others so come on guys and girls get your entry in asap as the prices go up as of the 1st of Jan.
you can download an entry form from
here is some of whats on at the Nats:
these are not in order but here is some of whats happening at the Van Nats..
Note: subject to change with out notice.
Remote control car games practice
Rocker cover races test and tune
Kids Biz
Karaoke night
Undercover wear party - For the ladies
Mens adult entertainment this event will be held away form the grounds if is a go. T.B.C.
cruise of track
Friday VCV AGM ( Hall of Agriculture) if multiple bids voted on Sat after tea
6.30 – 7.00 pm Light and Sound Comp
Saturday 11th April
9 am – 6pm Administration open.
7.30 – 9.30 Breakfast Rotary stall
11.30 – 1.30 Lunch
8am Line up for Adventure Park Cruise line up vans first then rods then others
8.30 leave for cruise late comers will miss on reserved parking
12.00 till late Wasteland bar (Hall of Agriculture)
Paragon shop open
Advanced Airbrush demos
1.00pm Line up for Burnout comp cruise to Avalon Speedway
1.30 pm Leave for Burnouts
NO KIDS BIZ due to Adventure Park Run unless someone wishes to run it
6.30 pm Saturday night meal BBQ Dress up in theme Psychedelic 70’s followed
Followed by music and fun
TRACK CLOSED FOR CRUISING AT 9.00 PM to allow for market set up
Allowed on arena tonight ready for morning
Sunday 12th April SHOW DAY
6 am – 6 pm Administration open for entrants and sale of merchandise
7.30 – 6 pm Rotary open for breakfast and lunch
7.30 onwards Sunday market open
Advanced Airbrush demos
10.30 am Peoples games
Car games TBC
12.00 onwards Wastelands bar open
Paragon shop open
1pm Rocker cover races finals)
2.30 Remote control car games finals
11 am – 1 pm Auctions of some items
? Kids Biz if someone willing to run it plans for jumping castle
4 pm Presentation of Show’n’shine trophies if possible TBC
Other trophies to be presented with balance of Auction at 7.pm onwards
Note: shops in Geelong only shut on the Friday till around 1pm
more info: madmax@ncable.net.au or phone 0432 916 220