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Author Topic: What the heck is a Tri-Matic 3 speed?  (Read 7206 times)

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Offline ben

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Re: What the heck is a Tri-Matic 3 speed?
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2008, 09:09:09 PM »
strengthening the shifter hammers.. nice work..

just makes my mind go wild and remember everything can be modifyed and nothing is impossible!!!


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Re: What the heck is a Tri-Matic 3 speed?
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2008, 11:45:31 AM »
haha yeah ive gone through the shifter strengthening route before, but i think its only necessary when you are slamming it into
gears too hard, - usually more likely to happen in a 308 kigswood than a bedford.
I'd guess they should last for years if you treat them nicely. if you rebuild an M21 and put it behind a 202 it will last longer than the rest of the car. M21 rebuild kits are only $100 or something from memory.

The phillipino torquemaster is it? at least it has a much cooler name than i remembered...
I think it had a shorter 1st and second gear (must have had some reason i used to use them???), but they seemed to
destroy second. only used for the 6cyl and 4cyl VH's so probably designed pretty weak.


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Re: What the heck is a Tri-Matic 3 speed?
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 03:06:01 PM »
Hey Bren,

having lower first couple of gears means you can get away with a higher diff ratio, whcih will then give you better economy at higher speeds!  ;)

I agree that more gears ain't necessarily better. It comes down to how you like to drive and the type of driving you're doing. But in my opinion if you're driving a manual than you'd be better off with a 4 speed as it'll give you a wider control of your torque around the streets!  :)


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