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Author Topic: My Bedford Idea - Twincharged V8.  (Read 5513 times)

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Offline nathro V2.0

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Re: My Bedford Idea - Twincharged V8.
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2009, 12:53:55 PM »
Hey Guys,

I bought an LH torana in Jan so that has been consuming a bit of my time. Beddy is still coming along as well though. Have been doing some body work. made my own custom front spoiler out of fibreglass and am halfway through making a custom dash, out of glass as well.

Obviously sharing my time between two project cars is causing things to go a bit slower. But i painted the torana in basecoat the weekend before last. came up pretty good. Hopefully going to get the doors and bonnet etc back on this weekend and do some more spraying. Will see how it goes.

The twincharged idea is coming along. I bought a 6/53 supercharger last week. Picked it up for $150. Needs a bit of work to get it up to scratch though. Planning on stripping it down and replacing the bearings etc (if needed) this weekend. Going to hit the case with a die grinder as well and try and polish it. Probably wont be anywhere near show quality but with some time it should come up ok.

Should be cutting the headers shorter soon and rewelding the flange on so that the turbos can be mounted without fouling on the gearbox crossmember.

Got a new carby as well. have had the engine running but no radiator yet so cant run it for long.

All in all its coming along well but wont be ready for a while yet...

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