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Author Topic: Straight changeover of steering knuckle?  (Read 2925 times)

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Offline Rothu

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Straight changeover of steering knuckle?
« on: August 26, 2008, 03:43:23 PM »
Has anyone done just a straight change over of a HQ steering knuckle for disk brakes? Or are there any Holden steering knuckles that change over?
The point is, I changed from another Bedford the disk brake setup, knuckles and all, and now find that the left stub axle is bent up! Only found out when the inner bearing completely disintegrated (at 110kmh!). The confusing bit is that it fits holden bearings, but has the Rodshop caliper backing plate.
So I don't know if it's original Bedford machined down to holden or what.
I have the old drum set-up so could change it all over (machining the rotor out to fit bedford bearings) but would still like to know if it's easier to just fit a HQ steering knuckle and avoid the backing plate, machining, spacers, etc...
1976 SWB CF, 186 block, LPG customised VK EFI self ported Head, LPG converted Ram tube manifold, Extractors, Supra 5 speed, Falcon hwy Diff, HQ Disc brakes, Commodore 3 core cross-flow radiator, HEI, 90 litre LPG.
It can drive up a wall in 5th gear and across the Sun without overheating!


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Re: Straight changeover of steering knuckle?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 09:58:49 PM »
It was fairly common I believe to turn down the Bedford Knuckles to take HQ bearings to fit HQ discs. But I don't think this was a the good option as it weakened the knuckles. I don't think there will be a straight knuckles swap. You'd be better off matching your bearings to your knuckles. I don't remember what mine are sorry! Try Julian or James!!!


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