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Author Topic: Standard front ends  (Read 7396 times)

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Offline downhill

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Standard front ends
« on: February 07, 2016, 06:12:33 PM »
Hello standard owners, my front end re-do is moving forward slowly, just noting a couple of things. Out of 6 upper wishbones I have, 1is good, 1is rusted probably will crack in service, 2 have weld repairs in 2places each. The cracks are close to the pivot point, clean them well and check.The others are cracked need repair. The Nolathane bushes work different to standard in how they pivot on the crush tube, the old standard type are bonded to the crush tube and pivot on the outer of the bush, the crush tube is serrated to hold still when tightened. Consider this when tightening the bolts on the Nolathane. You don't want the bolts to rotate or the chance is they will loosen. The standard crush tube uses the serrations to lock it. I am trying a spring washer under the large washer, it fits it the new tube against the end of the shaft so you tighten onto the shaft, not the flange of the bush, which rotates as the wishbone moves. The lube is put between the crush tube and the bush inner, as per their instructions, and on the inner face of the bush flange. So, the difference is standard rotates on the outer of the bush, the Nolathane on the inside of the bush. The top plates need attention, rust and deteriorated rubber plates under them. This one bolt and two studs hold the front end to the body, I will need to make and weld on new lock plates to secure the bolt after tightening.  24mm socket, 1/2drive bar with a jack handle extension got mine out. I have been lucky to have two rubber plates good enough to use again. Also have found cracking on these plates. Going with the standard rebuild can be a problem with parts, but changing the front end from standard sounds like more of a challenge! Be careful when pressing, alignment is critical, as is what you push on, support the end of the shaft when pressing on the Nolathane kit crush tube, yes, I was out a fraction, have distorted the tube, managed to see it in time to get it out again, I won't try the tube again, another kit, if it jams up going on, it's a world of pain! The standard ones fought me getting them off! Hope this helps the "restorers" out there, you transplant guys are very keen!

Still pushing uphill! Thanks for watching!

Offline Drifter

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Re: Standard front ends
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2016, 12:20:18 PM »
Thanks great info
never to old

Offline ben

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Re: Standard front ends
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2016, 07:19:46 PM »
"Also have found cracking on these plates"

yeh my passenger side bolt almost pulled through on my front end. i thought it was to do with my 350 chev but maybe its another design fault:)



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