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Author Topic: V8 pictures  (Read 15445 times)

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Offline Captain Slow

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2013, 06:40:06 PM »
Hey, I'm pretty new here and have mostly been lurking in the shadows, but thought I might have something to add to this discussion. You probably already know all this Shane but just in case :)

I've done a bit of research regarding fitting a later model falcon 6. To be honest you sound like you are much more knowledgeable than me but i'll throw this out anyway just in case. After reading around on various ford forums I think i remember discovering that the FG sump (which has a rear pan) and pickup should bolt onto earlier engines which i'm sure you know all have front pans, and therefore would allow you to mount the engine much lower.
I believe also territorys have the same rear pan sump.

It's been a while since I was looking into all this so I would definitely recommend that you look into it yourself, but this is the path I am probably going to pursue first when the time comes.
I've only some some rudimentary eye balling and tape measuring at this stage, but nothing led me to believe that it was going to be overly intrusive space wise.

If this information is any good to you and you do go ahead with a straight 6 install, I would very much love it if you took lots of pics and posted them up. And hey, if you felt like knocking up a second set of engine mounts, i'd be prepared to pay to not have to re-invent the wheel myself :)

Good luck which every way you go.


Offline ShaneJ

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2013, 07:02:56 PM »
Hi Ben, thanks for your reply here.

I can confirm that the G series sumps and the Territory AWD sumps(both rear pans) do not fit on the earlier AU/BA/BF engines without serious mods. The bearing retainers are the cause of the problems.

Offline Captain Slow

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2013, 05:27:39 AM »
Ahh well that's a bummer. My memory is a little hazy as it's been a while since I was looking into this.

Maybe I was thinking of just using the FG engine. But i'm sure there are problems with that path too. Something about the size of the plastic intake manifold springs to mind.

I have seen several other engine sumps modified ie the pan part moved to the other end, and pickup tube extended, for various engine transplants.
I have not take a close look at an AU sump, but might this be possible for anyone with reasonable welding/fabrication skills?


Offline ShaneJ

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2013, 08:27:59 AM »
The problem with the AU/BA/BF/FG sumps is they form part of the engines structural integrity. They achieve this fixing to the bottom end bearing caps so once you start cutting into the sump you instantly loose the strength gains the sump provides.
If the strength isn't important for your application you would be best using an earlier model block and then find a Cortina sump to fit. No reason you cant fit the later efi gear on this setup.

Offline Captain Slow

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2013, 07:28:15 PM »
Riiiight it's all coming back to me now. Sorry if I gave you a bum steer but it sounds like you had already sussed it all out anyway.

Just for my own curiosity, do you thing an FG engine would sit low enough that all the top end gubbins ie intake manifold etc wouldn't be too intrusive?
I realize the question is hard to answer seeing as you have not done it, but your impressions on the idea would still interest me.


Offline ShaneJ

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2013, 07:41:31 PM »
I'm not 100% sure obviously, but i think the FG engine would be more intrusive then an AU-BF due to the fact the inlet pipe enters the manifold from the passenger side.

If efficiency isn't a priority the best falcon engine to fit in a bedford would be an earlier model with steel sump and the EB style log manifold.

Offline MaTTe

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2013, 09:47:41 PM »
That or a BA-FG turbo with a Nizpro type manifold (same principle as the EB log manifold) ;)

Offline johng

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2013, 07:01:36 PM »
G Day All
Im not at that stage on my bedford as yet but im looking at  putting in a rb30 out of a vl i saw where a bloke in NZ fitted 1 looked like a bit of messing around id really like to put in a 5.7 but nsw regs are a joke engineer crazy way to costly. Even thought of buying a stat VE with a sidi & 6 speed auto  just not sure what im going to do im still a fair wack off from that stage as yet
cheers John

Offline greasey monkey

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Re: V8 pictures
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2013, 06:05:22 PM »
G Day All
Im not at that stage on my bedford as yet but im looking at  putting in a rb30 out of a vl i saw where a bloke in NZ fitted 1 looked like a bit of messing around id really like to put in a 5.7 but nsw regs are a joke engineer crazy way to costly. Even thought of buying a stat VE with a sidi & 6 speed auto  just not sure what im going to do im still a fair wack off from that stage as yet
cheers John

my CF facelift is the one with a Rb30e out of a VL, hasnt been too bad on the conversion as long as you start with a complete donor - stay away from the r31 skylines - that was my first mistake of trying to use as a r31 with a rb20 as donor, they have way too much wiring, the vl has a hell of a lot less. the conversion to put the vl rb30 took about four weekends to get it in and to kind of running, had a few headaches with fuel tank issues(factory one got blown up) and crank angle sensor(basically the points) crapping out but otherwise so far its good, turn key and it starts & runs. i tried the skyline conversion first and was stuck for about 18months trying to sort it out and couldnt get it to even run due to headaches in with the wiring. i have got heaps of photo's of the conversion.

1986 CF2 Ambulance:  Holden 3.3, Trimatic
1977 CF  SWB: radical body work,VL Rb30e &Auto, Chev 10 bolt diff


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