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Author Topic: Hemi 6 conversion  (Read 2014 times)

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Hemi 6 conversion
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:16:58 AM »
So this has been mentioned a few times before but no info. Anyone here done this conversion? (Pick me up you were mentioned in a previous post) Cutting the floor dosent bother me, im mainly interested in length and height. Does the sump need modifying? Can i still run a manual box behind it or will she sit too far back? Or at least anyone here got a 245 or 265 Hemi sitting around they can measure all dimensions for me? Any info would be appreciated?

Offline pickmeup

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Re: Hemi 6 conversion
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 11:26:07 AM »
I bought the one with the 318 fitted but not running-no cut floor.
The 265 we fitted -dont laugh now but we cut the engine mounts out the valiant wiith a gas axe and welded them with plates to bedford front end. the transmission mount got moved a little bit(drilled out holes and moved it back a bit then some other stuff.)
We were young and had never done anything like it before.
Looking back very unsafe and dumb but once we fitted a new tail shaft she went well but vibrated at high speed.
It was also the first van we tried disc brake conversion on with no success.
I really like this conversion the fuel economy was great and it had enough poke for me to tow a trailer with 6 kayaks on for the club a number of times.
I would look at this conversion again in a heart beat but some more mearsured approach and less youth enthusiasm.
"Do what you love, love what you do...and remember that luck has the smell of perspiration about it!"
-Charlie Hutton


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