Its not to hard to nut out.
There are two circuits involved in the auto selector, one which stops the motor from being strated in gear and the other for the reversing lights.
Also there is a circuit to the backlight, so three ccts actually.
It looks like your two purple wires (they are purple in the picture) are heavier and are possibly the power side feeds to the switches.
Seeing as you have two switches (my van has one) you need to sort out which one is the saftey cct and which is for the reverse light.
Do you have a multimeter or test light ?
If you dont it makes it hard, but not impossible, but a mutimeter will make it the easiest.
OK so if you don't have either - make a test light, get a indicator bulb and a 1 meter length of wire, cut the wire in half strip back and solder all four ends, solder one end of one piece to the body (-ve) of the bulb and solder the other length to the centre (+ve) of the bulb - one test light.
Take the test light, attach the -ve lead to the chassis some where and with the ignition OFF stick the +ve lead into one of the purple wires, now turn the ignition on, does the bulb light up -
Yes - then it is a power feed
No - its a feed to somewhere
repeate this for each wire.
Once youve found the two power feeds, connect them to the switches - by the way the grey one might have not come on put your test light back in and turn on the lights - the test light should light up
Now you have power to your switches put the selecter into reverse, then put the +ve of the test light onto the other pin of each switch, one of them shoul light up the bulb.
Once youve found the reverse switch remember which on it is and then put the selecter into PARK, touch the +ve lead of your tester to the other switch - it should light up, move the selector into reverse and the bulb should not light, move the selecter into neutral and the bulb should light again.
Now all you have to do is work out which wire (most likely on of the green ones) goes to the starter.
Easiest way to do that would be to trace it as its not far to the starter, or you could try one, then the onther onto the saftey switch and try and start the motor.
Now once youve got it all sussed get some insulation tape and wrap some around one set of wires - so you know which are pairs, and write on the selector base the colour pair and put an arrow toward the switch they go to then next time you wont have to stuff around again.