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Author Topic: Posting pictures- How-To v2.0  (Read 6026 times)

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Offline Warren

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Posting pictures- How-To v2.0
« on: February 01, 2011, 10:56:55 AM »
There are two ways to post pictures in a thread.

One is to use the "Aditional Options/Attach" tag in the reply/post screen.

The other is to upload the required picture into your gallery and then use the pictures URL address and the [img] [/img] tags to insert it in a post.

The first method is quick but puts the pictures below the text of that post and above your auto signiture, making it harder to highlight text on multipal pictures. Also the pictures are not "sized" and stored in a common folder which eventually fills up.

The second and prefered method is to add your pictures to your Gallery and then use the pictures URL address and the [img] [/img] tags to insert it in a post.

While this method is slower it resizes your pictures to an optimal veiwing size and has the advantage that your pictures are now stored online.

To get the URL of the picture you need to be viewing the picture and then right click to get the options menu, down the bottom is the "Properties" tag click on that and a window will pop up with the properties of the picture.

Half way down you will see a "Address (URL)" heading, and to the right of that the actual URL of the picture.

High light the text by left clicking and draging till the end of the text, remeber to scroll all the way to the bottom as the URL link might not be fully displayed on the first two lines.

Once all the URL text is high lighted right click and select Copy.

To make things easier, if you want to add multipal pictures to a post have two sessions of BUGA running, one on the thread you are posting in, and one on your gallery so you can quickly get the picute address.

To add the pictures URL to your post you can type in [img] picture URL goes here [/img] and insert the URL between the two tags or you can use the insert image button second left above the text box to write the image tags for you.

This way text can be added before or after the picture giving a more organised flow to the post.

I used to be vague..................Now I'm not so sure


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