HI Team
I dont know if news has reached this forum as yet,
But there is a special Bedford weekend coming up.2009 is the 50th aniversary of Bedford worldwide and to celebrate this occasion special event Bedford only events are being held around the world.
Labour weekend 09
Ambury Farm Park
Mangere Bridge
AucklandIn New Zealand we have booked the large outdoor ARC park Ambury Farm as the loction of the Bedford Rally 2009.
The event is a come as you are event and the only fee's are those charged by the ARC for overnight camping, however you must be selfcontained.
The event is already well publiszed through the motorhome fraternety plus other circles and it is growing in interest.
You can bring anything Bedford, from model cars and trucks, memrobilia to the real thing.

The event is expected to receive international attention as a representative from Bedford World in Europe has indicated he will be attending.
You can bring, sell, buy and swap plus the event is open to the public, as Ambury park is a public venue.
It is expected that people will bring along other motorhomes, vans and vehicles to stay or visit, but these will be parked in a different area to the main Bedford display's.
There will be a flat deck truck used as a stage and a range of entertainment both organised and spontainious is planned to take place.
If you entertain, have a band, play an instrument or any other please let us know.
Saturday night may see something of "drive In" bring a lawn chair movie weather permitting.
(Yours truly is the entertainment co-ordinator)
The theme of the weekend is "The return of the Hippies" so use your imagination and have fun.
It should be noted:
This event is not being run by a committee as such, it has been arranged by a few very keen bedford enthusiuts and is an open event with some common sense guide lines, however there will be security.
The ARC parks do however have rules and these will be enforced.
No tents are permitted.
No firearms.
city noise limits apply.
No Dogs (sorry) we love animals but this is a working farm.
Pack in -pack out, take all your waste with you.
We hope you will join us for what should be an exciting, diverse and fun weekend.

Remember you are welcome in an un-Bedford vehicle, but will be parked away from the Bedford's to reduce the risk of cross contamination of the pedigree blood lines.

If you want more details shoot me a PM or email me.