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Messages - AGR071

Pages: [1]
Cruises and Events / Re: (NSW) Open Run to all members of the BUGA forum
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:07:31 PM »
Hi again.
East Coast Vanners are having our October run on the 18th October to Bobbin Head.
All members of the BUGA forum are welcome to attend.
It'd be great to see some big vans join us.

Found for sale / Re: on ebay
« on: September 10, 2009, 07:20:00 PM »
Agro 71 i dont think she's a keeper mate , not real straight , good for part s maybe.

Thanks for your input.
I'll just keep an eye out for a  6 cylinder that i can cruise around in. ;D

Found for sale / Re: on ebay
« on: September 06, 2009, 07:49:24 PM »

low buy it now price......worth a look

I spoke to him today on the phone.He seemed VERY vague about it all.It has some rust in one of the guards but he can't remember which one. Doesn't know the date on the LPG tank.
I imagine by the time i drive down there, pick it up and trailer it home, i'd be paying about $2000 for it.

Is that exspensive for one of these??

Cruises and Events / Re: (NSW) Open Run to all members of the BUGA forum
« on: September 02, 2009, 09:39:35 PM »
Sunday September 13th.
East Coast Vanners September destination has been confirmed.
It is now a 10am meet-up with a 10.30 leave time, from just north of Doyalson traffic lights (Near the ambo station), where the run will go to Catherine Hill Bay pub.
There will be a live band playing at lunch time.
All vanners are welcome to attend.

Due to there being 3 club runs for the month of August, our run to Penrith has now been postponed.
BUT the run to Newcastle will still be on for the 13th September.
ALL members of the BUGA forum are invited to attend.

Thanks mate  ;D ;D

Hi Craig
That's fine about the beer time. Next year for sure.
I WOULD get a big van but finance's don't allow it.
Having said that it'd have sidepipes, an XC front and an 8 of some sort.
I know it's all been done before but it looks cool!!

Spoke to Regatta Centre today, don't need to know numbers as we can use the carpark. ;D
Would be great to see some Beddie's there. ;D ;D

Cruises and Events / (NSW) Open Run to all members of the BUGA forum
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:49:11 PM »

East Coast Vanners are having their next monthly (August) run to Sydney International Regatta Centre at Penrith.
It’ll be on the Sunday 16th August.
Meet up time will be 10am at Penrith McDonalds with a 10.30 leave from there.
There is a Kiosk and for those who wish, you can bring along a BBQ.
If you can notify me if you are interested, so i can get an idea of numbers for the Regatta Centre


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