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Messages - Leif wilson

Pages: [1] 2
Found for sale / Re: LWB CF250 78, Full LPG
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:40:04 AM »

not sure why it wont come up on for sale page.


Found for sale / LWB CF250 78, Full LPG
« on: January 15, 2013, 09:16:36 AM »
Selling my beddy


sad to see it go.


For Sale / 78 LWB CF250 for sale on LPG
« on: January 15, 2013, 09:11:30 AM »
Selling my beddy

$8000, LPG, 202 Yella Terra, celica 5sp
custom fitted with bed, cupboards, fridge etc
 serious work done but still some to do

Call on 0420558797
or email leifstyles@gmail.com for pics


I'm assuming that was done when AKA's mate did the Yella upgrade. all one unit so fingers crossed. otherwise what am i looking at?

all going ahead. using the beddy pedal and cable from Rob, all the adaptions etc seem to be in place so i think i'm going to be lucky.... if not, poor.

hoping the manual, Yella, Gas carby, twin extractor, electronic ignition version has got more balls so i can finally make Byron in a day.

wish me luck!


Maintenance / Re: Beddy Mechanic in or around Sydney?
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:56:11 AM »
Yay! got a mechanic to work on it...... gonna be a poor bastard soon...

Maintenance / Beddy Mechanic in or around Sydney?
« on: July 09, 2011, 11:10:21 AM »

Anyone know a Beddy mechanic in or around sydney. i'm struggling to find someone to do my engine replacement. have almost everything, converting to the supra 5sp from the trimatic and a better head but it is all already on the new motor. just need someone to do the work. (no i cant do it myself, live in a flat in the eastern suburbs and super busy at work).

i have a budget. would love any reccomendations. mechanics who know the quirks of beddys are best because anyone else seems to think of it as a 'conversion' and therefore too difficult.


Getting very tempted to do it myself. Mechanics are all 'too busy' or telling me it'll be a shit fight because 'its a conversion'.
doesn't seem all that complicated to me. i even got told that installing the clutch pedal is a major complicated operation. is this true? not sure if it is hydraulic or cable for the supra gearbox but that still just seems like something pretty straight forward even if it was an auto before. can you get bolt on clutch pedal assemblies?

the motor looks pretty sweet. the only issues may come from the gearstick being too far back, the gas carby intruding into the engine cover, and getting a new tailshaft to couple with the new gearbox.

i dont think i'll have much luck trying to do it myself on the street in bondi so if anyone knows someone who wants a bit of cash to do the job let me know. the guys who were going to do it quoted $770 for the replacement plus parts and with the expectation of extra time spent on the alterations at extra cost. then told me that it wouldn't be for 6-8 weeks once i returned with the motor....

would REALLY appreciate any contacts for mechanics with workshops who would take it on soon.


MAAANNNN!! I just had a look at the 'moving the motor' discussion and i am definitely out of my league! you guys are nuts ;) rear engines and drag motors!! I live in a flat!

Not going to give up the wagon yet, have had way too much fun so far. already burned $13k on it, why not a bit more?

Settled on a red w/ gas gear and a yella terra from AKA5000 on this site. going down to get it from melbourne this weekend but i need to get a mechanic to install and tune it in sydney. god help me i could save some cash if i had any idea what i was doing but if i'm going to have to put my faith in a mechanic round here id love a recommendation! i've had some bad experiences of late....


From my experience, the Dellow Celica 5-speed conversion is worth around $1500+ on its own, if it includes thrust, slip yolk, selector, clutch, bellhousing
Ive got a 202, 5 speed and HQ 3.66 ratio diff, and its a great setup, current top speed is 116kph, but i think thats cuz my vaccum and exhaust is still wrong.
Are you throwing in the trans crossmember as well?

116kph wifes beddy was geting that out of secondgear and them some ;D

HA HA. mine was doing well if it cracked 90 with the trimatic and city diff

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