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Messages - Brendan Cookson

Pages: [1]
Wanted / Re: Dual Wheel Diff
« on: November 04, 2018, 07:43:58 PM »
Sorry, just re-read your post, mine is only a single - oops! : )

Wanted / Re: Dual Wheel Diff
« on: November 04, 2018, 07:41:49 PM »
Hi Greg, I have one sitting on my shed, ready to go but needs one wheel bearing replaced which I have sitting on the bench. Yours for $150 (the bearing cost me $200) ph 0432870713, I'm on the far south coast, NSW at Merim bula
Cheers, Brendan

Maintenance / Wheels sizes for Aussie Bedfords, CF
« on: March 06, 2017, 11:55:44 AM »
Hi, I'm in a bit of a pickle with getting my 1979 Bedford van on Historic rego. I had previously been running 15" F100 wheels that had been re-drilled but they were a bit wide so reverted to a set of alloy jelly bean mags 14 x 7"
With the changes in rego rules and a requirement for more originality on historic vehicles I need to go back to the originals, however, my originals seem to be 14 x 7" as well and all the spec sheets, British and Australian show 5.50 or 5 1/2" x 14" wheels as standard? If anyone can show me where they say 6" or 7" x 14" it will save me heaps in new tyres! at least until these wear out and I can get whatever they need (if it doesn't change again in the mean time!! : )
ALso, I do believe that Landcruiser 200 series (5 stud) wheels in 15, 16 and 17 will fit the stud pattern of the Bedford (PCD matches but u would have have to check the offset and adjust tyre sizes to suit so they don't foul on guards, cheers, Brendan

For Sale / Re: Urgent collection going to scrap
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:27:37 PM »
Hi Wendy,
               great job to save the Beddy's! Good on you! I'm down in the deep South Near Eden but I'll be up in April, so I'd love to check out what you have, my number is 0432870713, cheers, Brendan

Maintenance / Re: Australian owners manual for CF Bedford
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:14:42 PM »
Hi, thanks for this, it's just what I'm after! but.... I'm afraid I couldn't open the link? error 404? any chance of emailing me the scan? cheers, Brendan

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