BUGA Community
General Category => Cruises and Events => Topic started by: wendyh on August 13, 2017, 04:51:22 PM
Bedford Blitz day in Parramatta Sydney
At the All British day, Kings school. Pennant hills rd
AUGUST 27TH ,saturday
10 am to 4pm
Pre paid entry essential , please see website and email them.
Come on beddy owners we need a good roll up for an awesome group photo!
Well welll lookie here
They let the rolls royces park near the bedfords hahahahaah!
We were at the all british day at the kings school in Parramatta, sydney.
They allow bedford to mingle with the elite!
Unlike other car shows , like the all holden day who wont let bedfords in because the vans didnt come crom factory with a holden badge! Pffft even thou we have general motors holden on our complaince plates!
Well bugger them huh!
Befords have pride in place right next to rolls royces, jaguars and spiders!
how were the Vans received by the die hards Wendy?
Yeah thay got an awesome response!
The crowd loved them, anD as always...i used to have one of those, hahah
Even a pommie guy said he used to work on them in the uk , cutting noles in the roof to put in poptops!
Hated it he said as the metal was very thick ....
Steves blue van made it onto the news!
A couple of seconds at the end!