BUGA Community
Classifieds => Wanted => Topic started by: Drifter on July 11, 2017, 03:09:22 PM
I'm needing the internal brake hardware from a set of 9 inch back brake drums...springs, adjusters etc...70 to 77 model.
Pic shows the brake pads that came off the diff.
Hi drifter,. Wendy is having a working bee this weekend, you might be able to get what you want from one of the beddies they are wrecking. If not another possability which I did years ago was using Holden bits. Hk backing plate and hq drum and all the internals, if you have hq disc's pattern on the front you can redrill the the axle to suit hq pattern or if you are still running beddie drums on the front redrill the drum to suit beddie pattern. Just a thought and holden bits are sometimes easier to get than beddie bits.
Thanks shaggin, ha, I'll run that by my trusty mechanical wizz modifier and see what he says.....
Hi drifter,. If your trusty mechanical Wizz decides to go with Holden bits I can give you the mods needed. They are simple and easy to do.
Actually, Julian, it's the back drum hardware I'm after not the front...I'm staying Bedford brakes all round at the moment.,.need at least one brake adjuster more than anything else...the one i is well and truly seized and no amount of soaking etc will shift it...
Hi drifter,. I am talking about the REAR brakes,. Not the front. You would still be able to redrill the hq drum to suit Bedford stud pattern.
ahhh! ok thanks again...my misunderstanding...ill have a close look at your idea if i get stuck
If stuck can try Robert Bedford Manor Brisbane
Phone Mobile : 0402989175
ahh i have some for him....just need him to ring me
thanks for the effort you put in Wendy...very much appreciated.