BUGA Community
General Category => CF Bedford Chat => Topic started by: photol on December 14, 2008, 12:13:07 AM
....so whilst Chris battled the Gryphon on his way home.....I had a very different experience.....
as you may know I've been searching for a LWB for some time, watched many come and go as I saved my pennies, when I saw the white CFL go from Queensland, I felt a slight knot in my stomach....not really knowing anything about bedfords other than my readings on this site, I felt this was the sort of CFL I would like to find.
Through the mysterious workings of this site my dream became a reality last weekend as I was served up a very straight and tidy CFL that exceeded my expectations, delivered by a gentle and generous disciple of the Great Gryphon herself.....not only did the CFL come with extras, but Chris charmed the neighbours, made himself self sufficient (as I had to be out) didn't drink any of the beer or bourbons and was reluctant to accept any of my humble offerings....
Sunday we took off early, met up with Ben in Frankston, drove convoy style across Melbourne and also met up with Craig.....all seemed well.
Ben had to go, Chris had some issues with points, nothing a spare motor in the back could'nt fix and off he went ....leaving me to contemplate my good fortune....somewhere between there and home I think my Bedford assimilated me......I was quite overwhelmed by the whole experience, as if I had been initiated into a sacred metal box sect......yes, I HAVE BEEN SAVED !!
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to Chris, you are absolutely awesome and also to Ben and Marty who may not know it but added valuable content to my thinking.......and a huge thank you to this site and those that manage it......it works
now the real journey begins
far out man!
your top bloke. with a top beddy!! cant wait to get my fairlane tailights in my van again!!
Hey guys well it seems that Chris must have decieded to play Santa this year as I persuaded with him to let one of his beddies go also.
it arrived last week and we have already started work on her should have it on the road in about 6 ix to eight weeks
so Cheers to you Chris.
man if i knew chris still had that van i would have bought it!!!!! what a beauty!
toolking your amazing!!
Good to see the Beddy love being shared - the result is happy people!
We have helped a few get Beddy's of their own this year and it is great to see
the results. Ten points and a big HI FIVE to anyone that helped another get a
Beddy... Bringing joy to others through the Bedford fellowship, it seems a little
strange to think that such a thing could happen but it has and it will continue!
Well done all for sharing!
This site and the people on it just keep suprising me! I love it!