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Classifieds => For Sale => Topic started by: nathro V2.0 on November 26, 2008, 07:34:03 AM

Title: Bits and pieces for 'sale' (for free).
Post by: nathro V2.0 on November 26, 2008, 07:34:03 AM
Hi All,

I have some Beddy stuff that i am willing to part with for free if anyone wants/needs it. Nothing too fancy but it may be useful to someone...
Off the top of my head i can think of:
- 6 cylinder exhaust with extractors all in 1 piece. (some surface rust but seems to be in reasonable condition)
- dash and wiring harness
- spare tyre holder
- A few door handles (exterior)
- Some bedford badges
- mirrors and brackets
- All the other generic little bits and pieces that come off when stripping a car.

Sooner or later the jellybean mags and the seats will be ready to go also.

I am located in Canberra on the northside for those interested. Can post or freight at your expense.

PM me for more details. Can take photos of stuff as interest evolves.

Cheers, Nathan.
Title: Re: Bits and pieces for 'sale' (for free).
Post by: ajax_daze on November 26, 2008, 09:23:53 PM
Hey, im wondering if you still have the side mirrors? would you be able to send them to perth wa. at my cost?? thanks scott
Title: Re: Bits and pieces for 'sale' (for free).
Post by: obsession on November 26, 2008, 10:27:17 PM
Scott there available at auto 1 in cannington.
Title: Re: Bits and pieces for 'sale' (for free).
Post by: ben on November 26, 2008, 10:54:49 PM
hey man i baggs the jelly bean mags for marias van!!! if thats cool??
Title: Re: Bits and pieces for 'sale' (for free).
Post by: nathro V2.0 on November 28, 2008, 11:36:01 AM
Scott - yeah still have the mirrors. You can have them if you want them. i will send you a pic of what they are like so you can decide whether it is worth talking thses ones or buying new ones.

Ben - Yeah mate you can have the jellybeans when the time comes. I will be changing stud pattern on all 4 wheels so they wont be any good to me. They are actually in pretty good condition too. With some metal polish and a buffing wheel that will fill inside them they would come up shiny as! in fact, i might have a crack at one just out of curiosity!
Title: Re: Bits and pieces for 'sale' (for free).
Post by: Jock on December 25, 2008, 09:29:38 PM

If you still have the dash and wiring harness I'd be a taker for them both :)

What badges have you got? I'm interested. Anything else coming off the van?
Do you have a grill and lower bumper section?

I'll be down your way (Yass) in the new year. Could pick up then.


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