BUGA Community
General Category => CF Bedford Chat => Topic started by: westy12 on November 25, 2008, 12:41:32 PM
gday guys hows it?
well it had to happen sooner or later but the other day i backed into a tree!! i was trying to reposition the van in the bush amongst trees (moderately tipsy!) and didnt check to see there was a chunky tree right behind me out of site of my mirrors! doh! anyway, i hit it pretty hard, and bent the area just below the left door and the door is trashed..
well ive got insurance with shannons but im not sure if it covers me for a run in with a tree but i doubt it i think ive just got 3rd party. anyway just putting the word out to anyone who may have a good door kicking around (preferably in vic)
Chris Ryan youve got heaps of vans no? im near nowra at the moment and could swing past i think your somewhere near here?
doesnt matter if not, ill suss one out somewhere, i pushed the door back out, with the help of a mashy! and now it just looks dirty and beat up... not unlike most beddies i see around!
well take it easy folks. westy
I probably have a good rear door in the pile.
A few years back I got a back yard painter to give one of my vans a respray. It was too big for his shed so he used the neighbours shed. As he was backing it out of his neighbours yard the wind blew the gate half shut and he hit it with the lhs rear door. By the time we rebuilt the van, replaced the door, and repaired the gate and gate post, he definitely lost money on the job.
gday chris well i looked at the map i thought dubbo was south of sydney but obviously not! were a fair way past you now so if i cant get hold of one in vicco i may see if you could ship one down...
i know it sucks when something stupid happens like that, if only id walked behind the van i wouldve seen the tree.. anyway as they say sh!t happens, not the end of the world....
take it easy.
Yeah Dubbo's west westy! ;)
I'm pretty sure I could help you out. 1 day i'll get around to putting on the 1 piece rear and won't need the barnies
Thta's a good idea Doofhard! Then you'll have no choice but to make it a priority! ;D I would love to see that van late March! ;)
Yeah na not really, I sleep in it so taking off a door just makes easier access lol
I know you do doofhard! That's my point! ;) If you got no back doors, you'll have to sort it! ;D And I know there is a whole heap of us that would love to see you rock up to the Nats in your Beddy! ;D ....No pun intended! ;D
hey doofhard if your van is not ready with the motor in it for the van nats can we get a whole heap of people to come push it onto the ferry then to the nats that way?? it will be sweet fun!!! tust me
What date are you going to set yourself to have your van on the road?
It's been resting for some time now! LOL