BUGA Community
General Category => Members Rides => Topic started by: Rotti on March 17, 2013, 10:59:19 PM
Saludo!, Been scooting around on BUGA for a little while now, but havent told you about my beddy, known as BOOHAG.(google it :)
I went & checked this thing out one night, as i have always wanted a swb cf.
This van didnt start because of flat batteries, out of fuel, out of gas, was parked under a building so could hardly see it, especially being matt black! My brain was hurting me & was telling me to walk the f away, but took it for a drive...attempted. After 2 hours of fiddling about, getting fuel etc....it started. Got about 200m up the road, no transmission! There was tranny blood all over the road. The dude said..."offers" I swapped it that night, all faults if any...IF ANY...RAONTFL!...for a beach cruiser! (which I bought back from cashies 3 weeks later)
The next morning I found the trans lines were air hose that dont crimp up too well when mixed with hot oil, fixed it & still fixing stuff up...but lovin' it.
Diff leaked everywhere, had no gear oil, fixed it & still noisy as Fluck, trans has just started to get 3rd...manually, almost overheated her, DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE ELECTRICS!, now the lights went out in the rain at 6pm...all of them except the indicators!
BOOHAG, she's noisy, fumey, challenging, worrying & snorts more juice than a gym junkie, but shes my beddy!
character building, stress & anger managing & parts traffic quicker than moses parts the red sea!
So thats me, Rotti signin' off & thought I'd introduce BOOHAG to the family ;D
Sounds like a normal Beddy to me :)
Now theres a man who wanted a beddie no matter what!!!! :D Great looking van Rotti Like something from the mad max movie.
Welcome to Beddie heaven or hell!
Thanks for the replies, yep, she gets the mad max reference a bit! :P
I'm currently armed with a fuse box, will attack her tomorrow!
would rather die pushing my beddie than drive a CHERI ;D
Me gots me some bits for BOOHAG today, complete v8 crossmember with HQ disc conversion.
A 12 bolt GM diff...any info on these? & a set of 70's / 80's cragars with filth dish up back, instant upgrade all round the bus for $800, thought i couldnt pass it up! Heaps of other parts as well, one of bens glass bonnets & a full set of fill in panels, windscreen, etc..etc...
Now for the time place & cash to fit it all up! :)
you jammy b*stard!
deal of the century with those upgrades!
you jammy b*stard!
deal of the century with those upgrades!
thanks man, I thought i did good. Done some research on the 12 bolt GM, supposed to be the GM version of a ford 9", so should be alright.
Just want the cragars under it now, but one must be patient ;)
Hi peeps,
Been doing some tidying up boohag this week, & have a query...under the abundance of topcoats, I found what looks like to be the first "professional" paint job, it is a 2 tone either white over silver or silver over white...cant remember, and has a Vauxhall decal on the rear panels, along with some writing that I cant make out.
Would it have been like a dealership truck or Vauxhall dealer team van. Did we have Vauxhall here or was it holden Bedford....hope someone can shed some light!
Rotti signin' off:)
Hi Rotti,
Yep. We had Vauxhall here.
Bedford Vehicles was a subsidiary of (Parent Co.) Vauxhall Motors.
Some early Beddies were sold under the Vauxhall name. I don't know why they
were sold under both names, probably a case of rebadging for a wider market.
A Vauxhall decal? Can you post a pic?
Hey Hobbit,
cheers for that, the decal is gone, but you can make out the outline, looks like a DTV decals on pommy vans, weird... heres a pic of whats left! :)
Hey Rotti,
Well, that's a Vauxhall, Griffin logo alright. The Vauxhall van I saw had a metal badge, like the
Bedford ones...and no griffin badge. Dunno about that decal, sorry.
Maybe one of our overseas members, or the Vauxhall Owners Club Of Australia, can shed some
light on this mystery.
Hi Hobbit,
Tis definitely a mystery, but, I was talking to an old guy over the weekend, he wandered up when he saw the van(didn't help sanding but, funny that) ;)
But he recalls back in the day they used some of these as track team vans? usually an odd ball colour was resprayed to save a white one which were easier to sell.
Mine was originally lime green, then first paint job was the 2 tone, white over grey, red pinstriping (wide) & this griffin decal on both rear panels....see what turns up, he's explanation sounds feasible, if true, would love an old photo of one!
Rotti signin off
i dont beleive it hell my old van were did you find it
Hey Grandad, been waiting for you to log on & see your old truck, will keep you updated! cheers,
i havnt been on here since i sold my van miss the old girl sometimes
I think I may have to put the van over the weighbridge again, the amount of bog & old paint that i've ripped out this week. :P There's been some strange paintjobs over the years, its even been a mystery van at some stage & has been graffitied, or someone purposely poured flouro pink & green paint down the sides!
At least now shes rust free!
Good work Rotti! ;D where abouts was the rust and how did you take care of it?
Good work Rotti! ;D where abouts was the rust and how did you take care of it?
Hey walzaher, :)cheers for that...it had some missing areas on the turret, repaired with metal mend, made some rust repair panels in both outside rear quarters, put metal mend over them as well, then a skim of filler
while at it, glassing flare kit to body & repairing the edges. Deleted the drivers side rear window with a hand beaten steel panel. they take some work, have done a few but.... ;)
glassed some aftermarket taillight bases in as well....
the old girl was good on rust really, just a few small areas, just :D want it finished now...
Thata very neat Rotti well done. Did you weld the new metal in and if so what kind of welds did you use? Any pics of the quarter panels that you fixed? Thanks for the info :)
The side window panel is urethaned in, this way there is no warping at all, strengthened with a support brace inside, then skimmed with metal mend, same with rear patches, they weren't real big, no need for fully welded sections. In the states metal mend is a structural repair method, does a great job.
Plenty of rust converter!
getting closer.....
Been busy blocking back the van this week, but also test fit some replacement parker / indicators up front, a nice upgrade for anyone interested
I am upgrading my headlight from sealed beam to h4, I had a pair of h4 lenses with no parker provisions, so looked for this kind of upgrade
LED aftermarket bull bar lights as seen on prado, mazda etc...
They can be a straight up swap over, or to make them fit "perfectly", you will need to elongate the original mount holes about 1/2 a smidge
...well back to sanding!.......... :-\
Well. threw the chevy 12 bolt diff under BOOHAG last night, cragars look a treat!!, but....& its a medium sized but....more a JLO butt, not quite a kardashian butt.....my van has the shock mounts on the outside of the chassis up top, the diff has them located to suit shock mounts on the INSIDE of the chassis. To me it looks as if I can remove each mount(with spot weld remover bit) & swap them over, from left to right &vice versa, so im left with shock mounts on the inside of the chassis.? Would stop the shockies touching the springs too maybe? cheers people
Hi Rotti
I am facing exactly the same issue with my Galaxy 9inch back axle that I took out of my donor red van to put into the yellow van. I't looks to me like like the chassis shock mount is almost like a headless bolt that pases through the chassis leg and is spot welded to the chassis on the side where the head of the bolt should normally be. Its still on my list of things to sort out, so I'd be keen to hear if anyone has managed to re-orientate these mountings as you have described in your post. I've heard that the further out the shocks are from the centre of the axle the more effective they are, but I don't know how true this is.
Cheers Gordon
Gordon, will check in the morning, but think you might be able to use the lower shock mount on the Jumbo van as they are located on the spring plate not the diff, and I think they can be faced inside or out by swapping, but would have to check this in daylight, as on my new diff I had to remove the shock mounts from the diff as didn't need them due to this.
Hi Bas, if that is the case it would be a big win :) :)
That sounds a bit promising, just been scouring the net for pics, to no avail, any chance someone can upload a pic of one of these setups? :-[ :)
my first attempt of uploading a pic.... hope it works
cheers for the pics rumax, looks like it might just work! the spring is on top of the diff on my swb, so hopefully if you swap sides :-\it may work??
Tiz OK. Have to go to the local wreckers on the weekend for my "daily driver" as need a starter motor and they are wrecking 3 CF vans.... so will check out if they have the required mounts there.. you may owe me one. Cheers Russell.
Ok, think the NZ mount is a little different to this if I remember right, a lot better :D ( but could be wrong ) will take picture and upload tomorrow, I think a engineer could make this up cheap, it was the idea behind it I am talking about.
your a legend, cheers! :)
have been throught this scenario a few times...w diffs....
seems CFS's had wider spring width than CFL....
n with a lots of vans... having shorter width diffs..
ive had CFS vans with shock mounts on both sides of chassis...
ah........ ::) the The world non standardised bedfording..
Hope u get it sorted Rotti...
Gotta get a QLD NNSW Beddy run happning soon as
Baz-, cheers for those pics, there is some difference between yours & the one that Rumax uploaded. With my diff being under the springs, maybe the ones with added angled/stepped bracket is what im after? ???
Marky-, what if I found some top mounts from a van that mounted on the inside of the chassis & had them welded on, would that probably be my best solution, or, do you know if these jumbo style bottom bracket may work? got a pair I can try out?
:-\ :)
I have seen the Jumbo ones fitted to a SWB under the diff housing as the spring sits on top, worked a treat, not sure on the set up as can't remember, it was a few years ago.
Thanks for the pics Bas. Cheers Gordon
Well, over the last couple a weeks, I've stripped down BOOHAG naked & have been givin' er a good full body massage, upgraded the hq 2 core rad to a v8 size 3 core...JUST fits!, well it doesn't really if you put a thermo fan up front. Deleted the mech fan, fitted the thermo & modified the grill panel to hide the thermo, works nice.
No windows in the rear anymore, including rear doors, cut up a couple of bens fibreglass fill in panels for those!
She wont be perfect, but a good freshen up, nice new satin black, peep mirrors, WURTH parking sensor kit, rear camera GPS setup from the states...think that's it ;)
sorry for the doubleup pic, was supposed to be this one! :-\
Got the mirrors this week, 4" peep with 1" arm extension. LED turn signals incorporated in glass, these with backup camera, & reversing sensors should keep the better half happy!
Awesome, love the old retro look!
Predicament...Im about halfway thru blocking out the body, but cant stop looking at the rear wheels, too much gap for my liking, may be getting rid of the flare kit unfortunately, would rather the old school ss cragars. I could bolt up one of those spacers, but from what I have been told they aren't legal?
If I get rid of the flares the tyres will be JUST under the guards, would probably look better?
any thoughts peeps!
Pull a few leaves out of the rear springs Will make it ride softer & lower
Why not just trim back the flares till you are happy. I assume you are talking about side on, and not top gap.
thanks restoreid, pretty happy with ride height etc, its just the width that's peeving me....
thanks George, have been looking at that alternative...do some measuring tomz, cheers guys!
If you dropped it just a tad it will look awesome, dont cut back the flares, you'll regret it!
Get wider wheels.
Looks like it's already on 10" wide rims, a correctly made spacer in NZ is allowed.
That's the thing, she'll be a daily driver for work, so will be everywhere from tweed to Brisbane, Toowoomba, so trying to be as "legal" as I can. transport is pretty happy with 215's up front, 235's up back, so the rims are as wide as I can sorta go... :-\
im about 30seconds away from buying spacers, but being reverse cragars, they'll be really noticeable as I need at least 50mm Bolton spacers to fill the gap.....will fit up the actual tyres im using today, take measurements and see how we go from there, will be happy either way I spose! :P
thanks for your inputs guys!
Here are the ones I made up...
perfect, cant see why they wont allow them here?! they are perfectly safe. much safer than some of the cheap 'legal' rims that are being sold these days!.... ???
I am being an old fart here & say be careful.... It's not the local cops you have to worry about, but if you travel into NSW and to Toowoomba, they may have different views on what's allowable. Especially if they have had a bad day. And the fine won't be small!! Only alternative I can see is to have it "engineer approved" and signed off by Qld transport. It's always nice to shove that piece of paper into their face.... ;D
if you want the wheels to look wider just get the diff made longer
Hi guys,
After talking to a few engineers/tmr etc, I have decided to go the safe route. Removed flares, keep the tyres 215F/235R, no spacers etc, all kept level with original bodywork. Can lower her at a later date...maybe!
Being a daily driver to areas out of my local was the biggest risk, hate to get yellow stickered away from home. Have seen too many stickered vehicles on the side of the road in the last few weeks!
cheers for all your input/ideas guys
Well, of course, getting carried away....tidying up wiring, upgrading all lights, removed old shifter, getting a hurst or b&m cable op shift, modifying one of bens v8 fibreglass covers to suit 6cyl with gas hat, deleted flares& a little bit of body work,... :P
Looking good Rotti. What colour are you thinking of going?
Thanks Gordon, gloss black looks like the winner...that with a metal flake tangerine or metal flake green roof, pinstriping, black & Mexican blanket interior, but first I think i'll write to rudd & lobby for a few more hours in a day! ;)
Also, now that the flares are gone, she rides high, those flares are good for hiding the gap! I would like to bring it down maybe a max of 2inches, will that affect the front end too much? just need shortened springs & shorter shocks?
Up back has been fitted a HEAVY duty tow pack, would I be better off grabbing a standard set of springs & removing a spring or 2, or find some reset springs? any thoughts are appreciated.
Because I need it for work, I cant slam it,(that's what I do to everything!), just filling the gap a bit would be nice!
cheers people! :)
Hey Rotti, why not have the best of both worlds, work and play, fit the van with air shocks or air bags. That way you can raise and lower as you want. Lower to cruise and pick up chicks, raise when working to pay their bills. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
hey George....don't tempt me with bags!!!!!! ;)
She already has pump up shocks, in the pic, the shocks aren't even fitted! ::) :D
Get some bigger wheels. 15" fill up the gap nicely.
My vote would be for bigger tyres/rims. will fill the gap nicely & added advantage of dropping those revs when travelling.
If you go bigger tyres / rims, dont forget to re-calobrate your speedo.
Fitted an aftermarket indicator stalk / hazard switch, swapped it over to the other side of the column(my other car's a BMW, pain the ar5e going from one car to the next!!) :D
plastic welded the factory indicator hole on the shroud, upgraded to led, so did the led flasher unit. because nothing else worked on the dash, its all going.....VDO gauges going in.....
list gets longer! :-[ :D
converting the gauge pod to a stand alone gauge housing. plastic welded the whole unit together & will have a removable aluminium front panel for the gauges. VDO 52mm 'cockpit' gauges & a 'speedhut' 4" GPS speedo...should work out ok... :)
the speedo -
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/350852608864?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/350852608864?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)
thinking of Chrysler voyager seats in the front of the cf, has anyone fitted up a pair? Been slow on boohag the last week or two, had to get some real work done...bit of a bigger job now, complete re-wire etc.... :-\
Hi Rotti
Getting my spedo sorted has been quite interesting, after months of looking at all the options, I decided on a full digital unit from the states, but just before I hit the purchase button I checked with some people I know in the rod scene and they said just make sure its ADR approved, the unit I wanted wasn't, so back to the drawing board, not sure if this applies to you but I thought its worth mentioning, the unit I was going to buy was over $700, found a different one in Australia for $250, and is ADR approved
Hi taggraphx,
thanks for the info....I'm keen on speedhut GPS speedo,
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Speedhut-4-Dual-Gauge-200kmh-Metric-GPS-Speedo-8K-Tach-w-turnsignal-highbeam-/350871655066?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item51b194929a (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Speedhut-4-Dual-Gauge-200kmh-Metric-GPS-Speedo-8K-Tach-w-turnsignal-highbeam-/350871655066?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item51b194929a)
vdo cockpit gauges for the rest.....I thought this speedo may be ok because of the odometer, & I can have it factory set to my current reading. I will haveto find out before forking out the coin but!..cheers for that
I'm also looking at the sheedhut gauges, http://www.speedhut.com/customizer.i?clid=1185178 (http://www.speedhut.com/customizer.i?clid=1185178) , if you do go for them buy them off their website, is a bit cheaper speedhut.com and they will customize your gauges for about $15 us, am getting kph and a red mark put at 50kph and a couple of other small changes.
I just have to check with the engineer that a GPS speedo is allowed
tempted to put the 400klm one in ...just in case... :D
Very nice unit, will suit the Bedford perfectly, because mine has to be re-registered I don't want to take any chances, if any of you have driven a show van on the streets, you tend to get a lot of unwanted attention from the nice people in uniform, who I must say do a fantastic job, but you really have to make sure every thing is spot on, not sure if the GPS systems are allowed yet?
Yeah I don't think they allow them as the only speedo because 'they don't work in tunnels'....the real reason is, the guy in Victoria who got pulled up for speeding, was using a gps speedo, was able to print out his exact readings and whereabouts, & embarrassed the boys in blue badly, that's when they called for a nationwide enquiry into the calibration of speed cameras etc...the fact is the gps speedo is more accurate than the speed cameras, I don't think they like that much!! :D
My truck is regoed so makes it a little easier to get away with, but hopefully they will be more worried about 'dangerous' modifications.....I did say hopefully?..... :-\
Well.....after "fixing that while i'm there" &.... "well... I might as well do this while i'm at it" BOOHAG wont be seeing the bitumen for a while! After consulting with the minister of finance & weighing sh!t up, we want a better van than just a ''she'll do" :D
Lifted the roof back up where some numnut had jumped on the roof & smashed the sunroof a few owners ago, about an inch raised! Hope I still fit in my underground parking, just made it before!
fitted a dual glass sunroof for added strength, the last sunroof was too small anyways, this new one fits up on the top edge instead of the low edge...so strengthened the roof heaps.
Engine....well the 186 needs topend at least, has a weird miss etc, the traumatic is nearly stuffed...so seeing as I picked up the v8 gear i'm thinking of removing the 186 & going an 8
The crossmember I bought had a 253 attached previously, my thoughts are:
253 with T400 or T700 4 speed auto?
Any one have this combo? Straightforward? QLD engineers?
Go the 253 & T700... will rock
Have been busy with an AD HOC dash...timber based, not coming up too bad. Purchased RPC wiring kit, added electric water pump & controller. Aftermarket gauges will be on the tilt panel, behind that for easy access is the fuse box & EWP controller.
Painless headlight switch, wiper switch, & will be fitting a painless full cabled wiper system.
the dash still has to be bondo & sanded, then a repaint in textured rubberised satin black paint
2 padded panels on top will be Mexican blanket material
I pulled a complete dash out of a skip, some jap thing, not sure what its out of, recycled all air vents, stereo panel etc, all moulded in , do the air ducts next!
looks great man, i'm not patient enough with wood hehe!
thanks Sammy, I think the woest is having to install & un install the thing about 3000 times making adjustments & squeezing everything in..... ::) just want to get back to the body work!!!.....or do I?...... ;)
I've dropped the tank, looks like the poor old thing has been beat up a few times, I have the early tank with the sender on the top & drain plug on the bottom....my query....I have a smick later model tank, has the angled edge & sender on the side near the top. I hoping to swap it over, its a bit bigger, it looks as if I need different straps or longer hook bolts? maybe? has anyone done this swap yet? cheers people
Well, after freakin out & regrettably offering up my cf for sale, ive been back into it! organised more time in my shed, freed up a(few) more dollar bills & got my sh!t together again! ;)
glased in some stainless steel louvers into the bonnet
front clip is now been painted
roof is now all sealed up ready for paint
sunroof in & serviced up so she WONT leak!
dash is finished, will be covered as soon as my gauge set turns up (veethree black stirling featuring a gps speedo)
picking up a new ezywiring cable wiper kit this week, have some wiper bezels coming from the UK that have itegrated washers, so can have a nice clean bonnet with no washers sticking out of it (pet hate)
So shes getting closer, a few more weeks on the body, then back into the rest, so a few months should see her back from the dead! Hoping to get to bathurst!! ;D
pics coming!!
I was getting timed out uploading pics so have put some up in my gallery, check em out! ;D
Hey guys, just looking at the speed hut gauges, and they look ok and simple to install. BUT, i just wonder how reliable the GPS part really is, here's why. I have three speedos in my landcruiser, dash, headunit, and gps speed alert, and i know that when you hit an area where the satelites are blocked or weak, there is a difference between all 3 speedos for a short time, till the units find the satelites again, not something you want dropping out while driving.
I got caught by a radar the other day doing 15 over, the cop showed me the speed on the gun, and he gave me a warning and let me off. I went home and downloaded my camera footage, and yep i was over and i could hear the audio on the camera, speed alert gave me the wrong speed in that zone when the satelite dropped out. Mind you i should of known seeings how i drive that road offen, 3 speed changes in less than 500m. BUGA
So what do you think about the gps speedo.
We aren't allowed to us the GPS speedo here in NZ, they reckon they don't work in tunnels (we hardly have any) and they give false readings in bad rainy/stormy weather.
I was going to get the speed hut gauges for mine, am still thinking of getting them but electronic instead of GPS version
I was looking at the GPS speedos a while ago but there is nothing that is ADR approved, so I got a generic digital one with a ADR approved certificate, picks up the speed from a magnetic sensor mounted on your drive line, very simple and easy to fit, around $180, also has fuel, bat, turn, h/l beam and lots of other stuff
hey taggraphx, do you have pics of your digital dash. I prefer a hard wired system, so to speak.
Hey Rotti, good progress mate. She is coming together nicely.
Yea, Rotti, well done. definite progress & looking good.
As for the speedo, I would not rely only on a GPS unit. Think about it, they measure the distance from a point WAY UP.
Fantastic if the earth was FLAT (only transit drivers believe that), but will be wrong going up or down hill
as they effectively measure the straight line difference.
But each to their own. I use mine as a reminder on speed and love the map directions.
Favourite is turn around when possible.......
Hi George this is the dash that will be going into my van, it can be calibrated to suit any size wheels, its not very big , but it is legal
model number is ACE 3969, got it of flea bay
Yeah standard beddy dashes suck,
I hate them now, lol
Thanks for the comments!
As for the GPS gauges, i have 2 other cars, one is 6klms out at 60kph & the other is 7 out. So i am constantly using my iphone app 'speedbox' its awesome, works spot on unless thru a tunnel, so i just cruise a bit slower than the other cars.
I have decided to go the veethree as it looks a bit more standard, and are coming from nz, so a bit quicker as well. the speedhut speedo has GPS written on it so not very incognito.......
just finished the turret today, so the whole roof & turret is ready for paint, bonnets painted, will start on the rear doors next....should be fun!
Sounds like its getting close to the finnishing line Rotti,
It will be a cool van when ite finnished
thanks mty, should be a good truck! I JUST WANT TO DRIVE IT NOW!......... ;D
Been burning the midnight oil lately, bit of progress, tomorrow, will have the drivers door prepared and bolted on.
just got the drivers side to do now, then start wet sanding........
The paint is a flat black with pale eucalypt rub through, looks grumpy, just how i like it!
still on the lookout for a rectangular fuel tank in good nick, can travel for a good one! I also have a later model tank in great nick if someone needs one
thats looking pretty cool, that wing is great
Looking good Rotti. Not long now till you will be cruising.
Yeah keep up the great progress...looking good !
Bedford manor has the fuel tank u want we saw one there your after when we picked up some sliding doors!
thanks for the replies guys, yeah not too long now...... 8)
wendyh, I was up robs way today & called in, grabbed a tank & battery cover!....now to track down an auto elec that will tackle it.... ;)!
ahhhh nice one ! He is a nice bloke hey! got heaps of beddy bits ;D
Looking good, Rotti.
Wiring isn't a too hard a dark art, just be logical and realise that if you use the right amperage wire, the worst you can do is blow a fuse.
Or is that blow your fuse... ???
good luck
Hey buga's
been a quiet month so have got into the van a bit, just (FINALLY) finished the body, shes all perty & shiny black....ditched the tear drop mirror idea & went an old 60's style west coast mirror with seperate curved hotspot,
trying out a keepitclean door loom, hope it works with the awkward door opening, then my new tinted glass window & hand built window rubber...should keep me going for a few days...
but lovin' her, shes getting there, slowly, but getting there.... :P
Ahh good to see your work in progress is still happening...sooooo may we may see you van at next years van nats then ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D
any pics?
been away from the pc,
1. i downloaded the free windows 10 & it just wiped the crap out of the laptop...
2. ive been busy moving out of the shop & getting the beddy home!! ;D
I found an old school style mechanic/electrician, who actually enjoys older cars, easy to deal with & fairly priced
shaun wallace
FBD-far beyond driven mobile mechanical
0411 391 132
based on the gold coast
(check out his facebook page)
this guy worked with me side by side for a couple of weeks of late nights to get the old girl home
Shes not ENTIRELY drivable just yet. The chev 12 bolt diff needs wheel cylinders, sump gasket is leeking like a siev, & just haveto get the 2 elec pumps & elec fan in sync.
I had to move out of my shed as the landlord was playing funny buggers, so the interior isnt decked out & wont be for a while!
I will also haveto sort the brake booster to suit the hq v8 calipers etc, can i get the original bored out? as i think that would ultimately be easier?
anyways, shes home & ill put up some pics soon, :o ;D
kool to see your back on line and beddy progressing along nicely Rotti :)
looking forward to more pics!
Good to see you back. :)
Bedford friendly mobile mechanic / auto elec!
if you have removed drum brakes and fitted discs, you need to undo master cylinder fluid supply pipe for front brakes and remove small spring and nylon slow return valve. then re attach pipe.
if you have removed drum brakes and fitted discs, you need to undo master cylinder fluid supply pipe for front brakes and remove small spring and nylon slow return valve. then re attach pipe.
cheers for that john, so is that all i will need to do to make the discs a lil bit more responsive? i dont need to muck around finding a bigger booster etc?.....cheers!
Been a bit busy...organised rear wheel cylinders for the 12 bolt camaro diff, new brake lines, today, sump gasket, crap thats a shitty job....but done now. ;D
Now just got to figure what i havent done right with the twin elec water pump, it got a bit warm on the drive home & froze the lpg.....
I fit up the davies craig elec water pump system with the added auxillary pump to feed the lpg constantly, i might even just have the thing around the wrong way yet?....
anyway back to it....
I had a VP on gas once and the LPG froze cos there was no coolant going into the converter (the heater tap had shagged itself)... Easter and away from home...not a happy camper!!
Quote from: john on October 31, 2015, 03:04:58 PM
if you have removed drum brakes and fitted discs, you need to undo master cylinder fluid supply pipe for front brakes and remove small spring and nylon slow return valve. then re attach pipe.
cheers for that john, so is that all i will need to do to make the discs a lil bit more responsive? i dont need to muck around finding a bigger booster etc?.....cheers!
So, back at it...synced both ewp's, gas converter is staying warm so no more freeze ups! lol...going to try johns trick (prior post) with the brake booster to get better brakes this week...keepn me mechanic mate on his toes lately!
Well after 2 years, this bitch is drivable again! BOOHAG is now once again let loose on the unsuspecting public.......yayah!
Massive shout out to Shaun Wallace of FBD Mobile Mechanical for his magic touch & getting her all wired up.....
i smashed one of the sunroof panels....it slipped off the roof, so i had 2 x 3mm alloy ones made up, curved them, then had the powdercoated satin black. On the under side i put some adhesive backed rubber stripping so its now rubber against rubber, should work...youd never know to look at them!!
Great to be on the road crusin hey!!
we need a like button here! hahah a
ive liked your pictures on face book !