BUGA Community
General Category => Members Rides => Topic started by: stumpy1972uk1 on September 15, 2008, 07:02:46 AM
as per usual for a bedford , the foot wells on mine are well rotton, so after 5 hours of graft today ive made two new panels to replace the rotton ones , pic shows the passengers side
just to fit them now. ;]
http://www.bedford-cf.co.uk/mboard/thread.php?id=5959 (http://www.bedford-cf.co.uk/mboard/thread.php?id=5959)-- not sure if this works
more here. http://retrorides.proboards86.com/index.cgi?board=readersrides&action=display&thread=36808&page=1 (http://retrorides.proboards86.com/index.cgi?board=readersrides&action=display&thread=36808&page=1)
looks fantastic fella!!
I'm with Ben's comments, that is fantastic work !!!!!! wish I was that talented ;D hey stumpy where are ya in England, my missus was over there last year to visit her relos (but I won't hold that against her, try $750 in mobilephone calls to Oz to tell me what she was doing each day .... I had to stay in Oz to mind the fort while she leapt overseas to play) ..... still trying to work out who the guys are in her holiday pics ;) ;) didn't recognise you on any of them though :D her relos are in Cornwall ...
thats cool mate.
Mmmmmmm shiney steel. Luv it Stumps cheers...Johnno ;D
cheers guys , im from birmingham eddy . i dont thnk the first link i posted to the uk bedford site allows anybody but members in , so ive posted a link to retro rides uk. my build up is on there.
Hi Stumpy,
Nice work. Just checked out your retrorides pages and it's coming along well. Look forward to the next installments.
cheers , im currently looking into replacing te whole front suspension cause the bushes are near on impossible to get in the uk , they are around 500 aus dollars over here for four. IF YOU CAN FIND THEM THAT IS. ???
im planning on fitting my foot wells this coming weekend if the weathers good. watch this space.
Gday bedford brother from the city of 'Brum' the missus sez she visited the Brum markets for a few hours, her relos are from Coventry and Cornwall, one of her nieces from Coventry whos living at Bournmouth is travelling to Oz soon to stay with us for a while ...... buga, no none of her relos own beddies ;)
hey stumpy.. pretty sure we could get some for you and send them over to you.. if your not too keen on front end swap over.. it does sound a bit weird thou.. us sending you parts over to where the old beeddy was birthed!!
cheers for the offer ben , im looking into fitting jag running gear into the bedford, the front cross member from the jag will need widening and new mounts making up. got my ideas and plans set already. eddy , im afraid that very few people like bedford cfs over here , when you mention a custom bedford cf to people here they liken it to that cheesy american A team van.
thats easy fixed
cheers for the offer ben , im looking into fitting jag running gear into the bedford, the front cross member from the jag will need widening and new mounts making up. got my ideas and plans set already. eddy , im afraid that very few people like bedford cfs over here , when you mention a custom bedford cf to people here they liken it to that cheesy american A team van.
move to AuS!!!!!
Hey Stumpy,
Have you been in touch with the NSVA (Nationals Street Van Association). They seem to have a good mix of custom vans, plenty of US based vans but Transits and Bedfords as well. Could be worth a look.
hey bro, I'm hearing you with the A team van, theres one for sale on ebay ...... $40,000 worth of cheese !!!!.... shouldn't poke fun though, it has been done exceptionally well and far better than anything I could do just abit pricy for my budget :P
hi garry , there old photos on that site , dont think the sites been updated for quite a while , i dragged my sorry ass down to a custom van event at a site in the uk , supposedly the mutts nuts event- ::)- 4 american day vans with more cheap junk statues than the local bargain buys shop , now i know that theres a saying that goes " each to their own " and i hold my tongue on alot of peoples efforts. proberbly that same as a lot people do on my efforts. but hey thats life. all i know is that " i love my bedford " lol. hi eddy , the a team`s got a lot to answer for. lol. but 40,000 grand , to have people laugh at you ,? no way lol.
well today i started fitting the replacment steps , fair bit of work to remove the old step and repair anything found underneath.
(http://img4012.photobox.co.uk/58940947bc9b9744ce6b43cbe2810ae6abf55540f9d7f430fc6c6ea368295c639df3ec08.jpg) the old step rear section.
(http://img4012.photobox.co.uk/92572407cf7773dd9a9c6e524ceda519a14ae29701a5f3d255ae737241e4c448e1d5b323.jpg) cant beat a bit of genuine bedford rust.
(http://img4012.photobox.co.uk/5292133640986da5c2b8ff3984a03cc0e322c6df94987e038c092c2cb458c8bf5b0a6e90.jpg) chopped out.
(http://img4012.photobox.co.uk/613357881bdd926b3c002a96a35e0b865c80f4992a4a3b1a783e463d55c5a05ccd185cca.jpg) new panel welded in.
(http://img4012.photobox.co.uk/88200803ecd3f5e7f990788a0b810702e4e8d5c6eb03104b96bc6328510ecbca39f3de2f.jpg) the old offending item.
well now next weekend i will start the drivers side and continue to replace the floor sections needed in the cab area.
youv done a great job mine was rusted in the same spots i had 2 replace as welll...
looks good, if i have to replace mine i'll do it in checker plate
stop it i'm drooling!!!
Hey Stumpy.....Excellent excellent job mate. Just think every bit that you replace ,is just exstending the life of your beddie. And you get that feeling of doing it yourself.!!!!
Keep the pics comming...cheers.John Abbott. ;D ;D
;D yeah thats true john , lol. should be almost brand new by the time im finished. more work being done this weekend. i will be fitting the drivers side step hopefully. getting to the stage of getting itchy fingers now and wanting it on the road as soon as possible , fed up of seeing it under the covers and up on axle satnds. oh for the love of bedfords eh??? ::)
good job stumpy keep those pics comin, gives me a bit more inspiration when i see these pics cheers stevo 8)
well done stumpy, looks like a million bucks mate, how many hrs?? 8)
Tidy welding work ;D
I put checkerplate only on the base of the step.
Good idea to replace the whole thing, looks great !
cheers guys , the steps took me approx` 3 hours to mark out , cut and fold then spot weld each. around 2 - 3 hours to fit. folded the edged of the step seperatly as the return bends are hard to do.
more pics to follow now im working on the front arches.
repaired the rear part of the front arch, made a complete new section for the lower part.
more pics to follow.
wow thats awsome work there stumpy.
thats going to be a great beddy u got there,
better pics
the lower part of this arch was rotton , to replace it took 6 different shapes of metal joind together to get the same profile. daft thing is this will be hidden away under flared arches.
the rotton section .
primered up , ready to be refitted.
Man that's magic work hey! I'm gettin excited again, tho the missus hates the smell of metal after a good days playin......... ;)
Your metal work is amazing mate! Any progress since the last session you did on your van?
not sure if you guys have seen these pics , well these were the rotton front headlamp mounts out of a spares van i have,
after a bit of measuring and cutting these were knocked up
my van has the single side door , well thats no use to me with a family and the van to be used for weekends away , so llast year i took a set of rear doors and shortened them to fit the side door opening.
(http://img4011.photobox.co.uk/517458047d33e745828924d1c441d7fb95eadef9cccc60bcb9b147d9a3a8ea2b5510fe41.jpg) before.
the interior of the door
(http://img4011.photobox.co.uk/98190944c3bc69b476f3d581b35ae696198ef8f868485f544cc32680b3250d0c6937cafb.jpg) after a bit of cut and shut.
(http://img4011.photobox.co.uk/6709286403eecd83f67167a7d42de9e953d94c92022528b585f4715e1939267788cc1718.jpg) mazda mx 5 door handles grafted in.
side doors held in place , the window appertures are being panelled in to give the appearance of a panel van with factory fitted side doors.
WOW !!!!
That's an awsome job.
You sure have some amazing skills.
i reckon what a great job mate maybe ben could take a mould off them and do them in fibreglass
what hinges are you using?
hi guys , im using the original side door hinges , two pairs, flipping the second pair upside down fits the contours of the body. i wold have liked to have beeen able to conceal the hinges but i havent as yet found any suitable hinges.
hi guys , im using the original side door hinges , two pairs, flipping the second pair upside down fits the contours of the body. i wold have liked to have beeen able to conceal the hinges but i havent as yet found any suitable hinges.
what about the original rear door hinges mate
would holden HQ-WB panel van ones be any good, thats what ive seen used in the 1 piece rear doors,
they work great on the rear doors , consealed 2.
although i dont think they would open all the way up then, but might be modafieable.
unfortunately they take up tons of room on the inside. ::)
you guys might need to post a picky of those hinges as they don't have HQ's in UK
So Stumpy has no reference point!
68 holden , the rear door hinges are bigger than the side door hinges, id like to find some hinges here in the uk that would be hidden. i dont think the airport authoritys would let ben back on the plane with two fidre glass moulds . lol.
lol yeah mate i should have looked at where you were b4 replying mate ??? cheers
68 holden , the rear door hinges are bigger than the side door hinges, id like to find some hinges here in the uk that would be hidden. i dont think the airport authoritys would let ben back on the plane with two fidre glass moulds . lol.
Hey Stumpy Ben could stay with you for a while, till all the foods gone. Then just ship him across the channel to look a some of those French vans. ;D ;D
P.S. He'd only be with you a couple of days at the most cause for a little hobbit he can sure pack in the food.lol
(sorry Ben just joking!!)
well i thought i had a good bonnet (hood) untill i sandblasted the dam thing , bogged inside and out.
more pics as i do the repairs
bugga! :-\
reminds me of orlandos bonnet i just repaired last week.. had the replace 2/3rds of the whole front lip.
got photos on my phone but no way of taking them off yet. will figure that out some time. and post. cheers
mine was like that too, i sandblasted it and found alot of bog, I didnt want to chuck it so I rust treated it and only patch up the outside. Might last afew more years.
Ben try blue toothing straight to ur pc, or take the "sd" card out of ur phone and plug into pc????, have you checked ur bank yet?
yeh dont know how to do bluetooth. and the card is a weird one cause its a song ericson. got ya money cheers will send off flares in next few days.
repair work done . just needs a return lip and a skim of filler.
;D (http://img3014.photobox.co.uk/37048020eb6496dacc5a7dfd1d6c6887426f327adf8c057f4050f824dd083f62d65c727e.jpg)
(http://img3014.photobox.co.uk/0631370122b104f4bee2cbadeb437c7e7d3bbe727b0a09d117bba59f4d2d2d78719d61b0.jpg) sandblasted and rust treated ready for etch primer.
more to follow.
filled the windows in on my side doors , want a panel van styley with cargo doors.
the runs in the paint is intentional , its a product called reface , basically its spray filler. when i cut the filler back i will post some more pics
^^^ There you go ben, just what you wanted to do :D
fully shick, or as you say in the UK...BRILLIANT!!!!,
well guys and girls (possibly) , just thought id update you all on the further developments of the pommie wagon. lol . well the side doors have now had the filler panels made and fitted , just got to be cut back and fine fettled to suit ,
fitted the step arch back in and welded the step up . just got the other side to do now.
G'day Stumpy....Thanks for the update and the pictures!! You are doing some brilliant stuff mate.
Keep the pics comming...cheers johnno ;D
excellent stuff m8, so when you shiftin to oz?
cheers guys , when am i shiftin to oz , that would be nice to be able to do , very tempting , could start my own bedford customizing workshop, lol. all them sweet mk1 solid beddies to play with , wheres me passport.
slotmag in place to give me an idea for arches , ::)
front chassis memebers were rotton, so cut them out , made new tops and fitted a new cross member ,
welded in the headlamp panels I made.
just got to fabricate new inner wings and flitches.
Gee Stumpy....When i grow up one day, i want to create some of that beautiful metalwork that you make!!!!! ;D :D Inspirational :)
Gee Stumpy....When i grow up one day, i want to create some of that beautiful metalwork that you make!!!!! Grin Cheesy Inspirational Smiley
yeh well i think most of us are in the same boat johnno. actually when i grow up i want to have enough time to do that kind of metal work!!
cheers guys , the work that you see on here has happened over this weekend , saturday,sunday and monday. hard graft it has been , worth while deffinatly , total of 20 hours work approx. wish i could spend more than just the weekend on it.
more pics
(http://img3014.photobox.co.uk/27643265f6d8a6e3e18c52fd71e24dba23a2ccba34f2063716356ee08326790e6be0a948.jpg) headlamp support welded in
needed to make a new inner arch , started with a flat sheet marked out with approx shape.
a bit of forming with a bossing mallet
(http://img3014.photobox.co.uk/56567725cb54b32cd57dc9e933821a138234fa2424709c3fb422bf8e5d1abe59e888bd3b.jpg) held in place temporary
(http://img3014.photobox.co.uk/21012006d241a81cba4899b64285e23ae139e5348f2c122fdd3e2cbbb009ca5b3a8c878a.jpg) welded in to place.
still got to do the return lip on to the wing . ;]
cheers for the good comments
Great pics Stumpy....Keep em comming!!! cheers..johnno ;D
That's insane work! I'm suffering feelings of inadequacy... :-\ ;)
hey stumpy. can you post a pic of a bossing mallet? never herd of one.
http://www.emir.co.uk/pages/handtools.aspx?cid=1&pid=20 (http://www.emir.co.uk/pages/handtools.aspx?cid=1&pid=20) have a look at this website , this is a bossing mallet , generally used for lead dressing. when used with leather sand bag you can form curves.
thanks stumpy!
hey Stumpy lookin good mate , can we see some photo's of where you cut the floor out from (inner side and under if poss). It relates to what I asked a couple of days ago, fitting new front chassis rails ( custom to drop the van/ raise the floor)? keep up the good work!
ps fellas waiting to hear back from someone regarding air bag kits for beddies
hi dano, i chopped the tops off the rotton chassis rails and made new top sections , i thought of chopping the chassis further back and bringing the chassis rails up into the van . the way i see it , would be to cut the floor along the chassis rail , cut the chassis just as it where it levels out behind the front suspension. the new chassis rails would need welding to the top of the cut section and top hats makeing out of steel to cap the chassis rails to the floor. i will see if i can find as drwaing of the bedford chassis and modify to show what i mean.
Stumpy, your work is truly inspirational ;D you are treating the old beddy to the love that she deserves! Keep up the good work, mate. We appreciate you keeping us posted on your progress!
Hi guys , Long time since I posted on here , still got the Bedford, not moved on much since 2009 , finally moved it to my workshop , the cf took a step back whist I got my upholstery business up and running , will be resurrecting the cf towards the end of the year. How do you post pics here.
Cheers ade
Hi stumpy
Great to meet another upholsterer 😊
Ok when you click on reply ...to this post.
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Hope that helps, otherwise let me know.
Looking forward to pictures of your beddy
Hi Wendy, I'm on Facebook as Adrian Sutton too , on the aussie cf page . Didn't realise you were an uphosterer also.
Ok kool I'll add you ok fb..