BUGA Community

Classifieds => For Sale => Topic started by: Shanon on April 15, 2009, 09:06:35 PM

Title: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Shanon on April 15, 2009, 09:06:35 PM
hEY bEN,
This is the current foto of the Beddie I just found and bought, got the body work sorted but need a bonnett, and side door, I see you have a dash, head console and door trim for the front doors..
Can you advise how to fit the dash? and is it to be painted? or covered?.
Also, got any finished product fotos??
Look out for this van, vanners,,gonna be the BOMB................neeed help with names tho,, trying to keep the whole thang retro,,,There we go!!! RETRO!!!! im in...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: hotrod on April 15, 2009, 09:16:45 PM
Got any more fotos shanon if so set up a gallery thingo that way I don't have to squint and get real close to the screen to perv on your van ;) :D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on April 16, 2009, 08:07:03 AM
hey bro,

yeh with the dash its realativly easy to fit.. it comes with tabs to bolt onto where the steering colum goes down into orig bolt holes and usually its screwed on left and right side of dash into metal work behind it.

there is actually an article on here somewhere of more detailed.. but its pretty easy really.

now you can cover it if you want or paint it.. its completely up to you. personal preference. both look good.

yeh there are plenty of finished photos of vans with these products fitted in the gallery.. just have a browse through "craig's" gallery.. and check out "eddys" gallery for the bonnet

dont have any pics of the overhead consol at thi stage thou.

the side door comes standard without a handle or holes in case a gull wing door is required. but looks exactly the same as a steel one.

yeh sounds like its gunna be a fair beast man. cant wait to see a few more photos..

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: BlackBedford on April 30, 2009, 08:25:14 AM

Bens prices are good, especially compared to other suppliers. I just priced a little flare kit for my Carry van. There is a little bit of change out of $1500.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: autocat21 on May 01, 2009, 09:18:31 PM
Ben what would it be worth ta get a Scooby doo flare kit sent West? (frieght wise that is)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Geoff on May 02, 2009, 11:52:50 AM
Hi all,

I have just bought some stuff in the last few days from Ben and found he is great to deal with. He is very helpful and knowledgeable. I have no hesitation in recommending him as a seller to anyone.

Regards : Geoff
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 03, 2009, 06:20:32 PM
thanks a lot geoff. i try to do my best..

autocat i will let you know tommorow.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: autocat21 on May 03, 2009, 06:28:34 PM

Thanks ben 8) 8)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 05, 2009, 12:24:49 PM
hey autocat.

$65 bucks freight for a scooby kit to perth cbd..

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: voodoo chile on May 05, 2009, 08:20:54 PM
gday Ben its Benny  emailed you a couple of days ago about the front ends youve got comming up in production just wondering if you got my email anyway can you make a custom frontend with scoops and flares and stuff cheers Benny
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 05, 2009, 09:43:06 PM
hey ben im not sure if its you or not but someone that has been emailing me and its been going to my junk mail for some reason.. posiblly your second email got deleted by accident..

please pm me a contact number for you and ill give you a call some time and we can have a chat.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: autocat21 on May 05, 2009, 09:51:07 PM
Thanks Ben, I'll contact you shortly about sending a Scooby Doo Kit over for me.
Friday this week the Beddy go's in for a Custom 2 & 1/4 inch exhaust system then just need to sort out the linkages for the Auto and we will be write to go back onto the Road. Started up the CF Beddy truck today and took her for a short drive up the road for a bit just to make sure she's still allright. 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: LS120 on May 07, 2009, 05:20:47 PM
hi Ben, Do you know of anyone doing kits over here in NZ?? am after a Scooby doo kit..

or price to send one over??

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: waikatostocky on May 07, 2009, 06:15:18 PM
hay david if you pm me ur e mail adress i may be able to help u there.

Cheers Paddy
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: matty on May 07, 2009, 06:50:06 PM
 hey ben,

   I just had an idea (and yes it hurt), how hard would it be knock out a set of standard front and rear bumbers in fiberglass? don't know
 if there would be much of a market for them but It's not that easy trying to find good ones sitting around. Its something i could maybe
 want down the track (not working at the moment) if I wasnt able to find a good set.

 just a thought
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: TOOLKING on May 07, 2009, 10:23:17 PM
hey ben did you get the cutting  blades i sent you?

I will be out of the office for a few days so will try to get the door you want to use ready when i get back

cheers mate
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on May 20, 2009, 08:53:54 PM
lol, lookin great ben, uve got heaps of great items now at great prices.
get into fish ponds and custom shower recesses , i tell ya ull clean up.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 21, 2009, 08:22:06 AM
marty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so good to hear from you..

everyone marty taught me a lot of what i know about fibreglassing.. and ive just been gathering info since then..

thanks heaps marty for the time you put into me. been chatting to danny riley lately. got some more great ideas off him too.. top fella too!!

have to catch up soon on the phone marty! its been a long time.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 26, 2009, 04:33:42 PM
really  marty? did you used to own these moulds?

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: beddyboy on May 26, 2009, 09:13:50 PM
 8)  that engine cover looks cool  I'll have to put an order in for one of them.
  ps I'll ive got a customised dash I'll take a pic and send it to you to make sure it fits.
                                                                              cheers archie.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on May 26, 2009, 11:13:42 PM
yeah, the guy i bought em off still has the commodore tilt front and 1 piece rear and side door moulds , or did last time i spoke 2 him, 3 years ago. let me know if u want them ben, ill organise it.
as long as u look after the beddy family (brothers n sisters) on here, :)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 27, 2009, 08:17:44 AM
yeh marty id be interested in the commadore front hey!! if you wanna track him own that would be sweet..

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: suterman on June 18, 2009, 08:10:33 AM
Ben, I am interested in some flared arches for my CF2, I understand that CF2s are rare in you part of the word but also am led to believe that the only difference between the CF and CF2 (regarding bodywork) is the grill, bonnet and wings.

What can you recommend for me? I was thinking rears only but the front looks a bit high and the tyres do stick out and I wouldn't mind some front arches to bring the gap down a bit.

Apologies for the poor pictures (low light)




Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on June 18, 2009, 08:49:45 AM
Ben, I am interested in some flared arches for my CF2, I understand that CF2s are rare in you part of the word but also am led to believe that the only difference between the CF and CF2 (regarding bodywork) is the grill, bonnet and wings.

Unfortunately the wheel arches are also a larger diameter. Flares built for the earlier model will not fit. Found that one out years ago.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on June 18, 2009, 09:02:52 AM
Rough, you are right, before I put the Mk 2 front on my van it had bolt on flares ofcourse it was a Mk 1 then, but the flares did not fit the new Mk 2 front guard, had to cut them and make them longer. Bas 
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on June 18, 2009, 09:21:24 AM
Suterman, go to the UK van site at http://www.ukcustoms.cjb.net/ (http://www.ukcustoms.cjb.net/) click on custom vans, there is a site that only deals in vans but can't find the link at the moment, they have a lot of MK2 Beddies with kits on and they are the same, so someone is making them over there. The pictures below are all UK Vans.  Bas
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on June 18, 2009, 01:01:06 PM
sounds like the go..

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: silverado on June 18, 2009, 03:30:28 PM
Hey Suterman, Ben and others I will very soon have moulds for CF2 flairs, as Im making mine shortly.

I will keep you all posted, the ausis dont bother making them because they only have TWO CF2's in Ausi, poor neglegted cousins of ours   :-\ :-\ ;) :D 
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ShaneJ on June 18, 2009, 03:34:16 PM
We got the better weather, better.. well pretty much better everything.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: suterman on June 18, 2009, 04:54:46 PM
cheers fellas, I'll try that uk customs place for them as I need them before we go touring Europe in late July ideally but I'll keep you posted either way.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on June 18, 2009, 06:18:53 PM
Better weather, I'm not sure about that, depends on where you are, but any way we have the MK2 Bedford. ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: suterman on June 19, 2009, 09:04:36 PM
Well I have contacted a few places and the trail ended at a place called fibresport where the bloke told me their CF moulds were lost in a fire :(  so if any one can supply me I'd be grateful.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on June 20, 2009, 07:58:49 AM
Suterman, go to a fibreglass company in your area that deals in fibreglass parts, I worked in this field for 15 years and is very common to take another product and change it to fit what you require, sure there is a cost involed but it is a one off cost and in most cases not that bad.

Just  a thought.  Bas
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Kirk on August 17, 2009, 07:41:48 PM
Hey Ben,

Is it possible to see the shovel front on a beddy, or atleast maybe leaning where it would go, cause it looks like its not very high.


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Worzel on August 17, 2009, 07:48:06 PM
Hey Ben,

Is it possible to see the shovel front on a beddy, or atleast maybe leaning where it would go, cause it looks like its not very high.



hmmmmmm, methinks the top photo might have been what you were after ???
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Worzel on August 17, 2009, 07:51:15 PM
oh yeah, ben, that might be ¨voilà¨

more beer, and bring me the shotgun........
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: obsession on August 17, 2009, 08:21:20 PM
how much benny I like it.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ShaneJ on August 17, 2009, 08:23:26 PM
how much benny I like it.

I'm gunna have a guess and say about $150 ;)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: mezzmo on August 17, 2009, 08:27:42 PM
Now thats funny LOL - good stuff Shane!!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on August 18, 2009, 07:24:26 AM
there is heaps of ground clearance kirk..n just the angle of the photo. and the green van has low profile tyres also and a 307 chev it sits a bit lower.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wraithknight on August 18, 2009, 08:09:48 AM
looks good ben aye do you have the flared guard to go with it
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on August 18, 2009, 08:13:16 AM
you could use the flares from the 5 piece kit quite easily.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wraithknight on August 19, 2009, 06:02:36 AM
scooby van mate
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: mbasinski on September 25, 2009, 08:46:33 PM
just wondering what the length and width ur  v8 engine covers are so i know how big a whole i can cut in the floor of my bedford
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wraithknight on September 26, 2009, 06:55:54 PM
just pm him mate he will answer you aye
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 26, 2009, 08:22:12 PM
i wouldnt make the hole any bigger than. 690mmlong x 600mmwide to be safe. but if had to maybe another 20mm at most.

both my engine covers are rougly the same size. that was the flat one with no top.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: mbasinski on September 27, 2009, 11:24:41 PM
cheers time to get the grinder  out lol
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on October 26, 2009, 07:27:12 AM
i could make the engine cover another 10 or 20mm wider if you wanted to cut more of the floor out to be able to take rocker covers off and what so ever.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on October 26, 2009, 07:41:00 AM
One of the things I have learnt the hard way is don't start cutting, fitting or welding anything till you have all the bits you need in place. There's nothing worse than cutting a hole and finding you have taken too much out. It is a real pain in the arse welding bits back in to resize it. It never looks the same again.

If you're not sure whether the engine cover will fit and don't want to shell out the cash before you're sure measure out the hole you think you will need and mark it out on the floor of the van. Then ask Ben really nicely if he will cut out a cardboard template of the foot print of the engine cover and put that in the post. You can then line that up with your measurements on the floor of the van to give you a better idea of whether it is all going to work before you shell out the dollars or start cutting.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on October 26, 2009, 07:42:40 AM
wise words my friend:)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Sweet Shock on October 28, 2009, 08:33:28 PM
Instreated in you products, Looking for a front scoop in the future, keep me updated thanks pete
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: penguin on December 29, 2009, 02:06:30 AM
 ;D oh yeah this is the stuff i have rear flares but the roof wing bonnet rear door front flares and spoiler is all good thanks for the response now all i have to do is find the wiper motor and indy stalk and all will be good cheers guys
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: JOE RYAN on December 29, 2009, 10:50:02 AM
The stork off a mini will fit all you have to do is connect the original bedford harness plug to the new stork I just did it very simple I bought the new stork on ebay for $45 conplete with metal strap for attachment to steering column all working fine so far


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: penguin on December 29, 2009, 01:27:14 PM
 ;D you guys are great thanks heaps i like the shovel front i gota get rid of the transit bumper its ok but its off a ford lol
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: penguin on December 29, 2009, 01:30:08 PM
on a different note my old man used to be in the bedford van club of australia is this club still going ?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on December 30, 2009, 07:36:33 AM
nah dont think so. i think this site is the only real bedford club left.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on December 30, 2009, 08:03:26 AM
But it's the only one you'll ever need!!  8)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on December 30, 2009, 08:06:26 AM
and its so convenient:))))
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: BlackBedford on December 30, 2009, 08:23:37 AM
on a different note my old man used to be in the bedford van club of australia is this club still going ?

I was a member of it. It became the Bedford Owners Sporting Club of Australia (BOSCA). The costs of club insurance and distances between members killed the club. If we had the Internet back then it would have been a different story.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on December 30, 2009, 08:30:38 AM
Hi All, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the only site in oz strictly for beddy's. There are lots of van clubs out there, and over the years I have found that bedford owners get squeezed into whatever space is left, Phil's club, sunstate vans is like that, a good club but 99% of it is dedicated to panelvans, mmmmmmmmm Yet phil is a beddy owner, in fact 2 nice bedfords. Q. are we classified as a club here, or just a site ? I am fairly new here so I'm still learning about us. Can I say thankyou to all here that have pointed me in the right direction in 09, I would still be stumbling around in the dark without you guys and girls THANKYOU.
           George............... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: John Abbott on December 30, 2009, 11:32:11 AM
Stumble no more George!!! ;D ;D You have found your second home here....cheers,,johnno
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Warren on December 30, 2009, 12:40:49 PM
Hey George

Yes this is an Ozzy site, but we have members from all over the world, predominately Oz and NZ.

We don't exclude other vans, but it's primarily about the CF Bedford.

We are not a club, but a loose association of people with an affliction of the bedforditis.

We share our experiences to help keep the Bedfords alive.


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: penguin on December 31, 2009, 02:34:25 PM
so whens the next beddy gathering as id like to meet you guys and girls in person and have a look at some of your machines up close and bring my dad for reminising purpouses as pics are great but up close is better
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on December 31, 2009, 05:58:51 PM
Hey George

Yes this is an Ozzy site, but we have members from all over the world, predominately Oz and NZ.

We don't exclude other vans, but it's primarily about the CF Bedford.

We are not a club, but a loose association of people with an affliction of the bedforditis.

We share our experiences to help keep the Bedfords alive.


who,s we ?
well i dont know about anyone else but the day other vans ie/ transits, hq-wb pannel vans etc become part of here im deleting buga from my computa,

i like the fact its just bedfords

whats other members view on it?

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Warren on January 01, 2010, 12:11:39 AM
There are a few on here without CFz (transits and CAz) and I certainly don't hold it against them, but I did say it was Primarily a CF site.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on January 01, 2010, 07:59:44 AM
I'm with you Marty, lets keep this a strictly bedford site/club. There are plenty of panelvan clubs out there, if beddy owners want to visit then hey  ::) it took a long time to find this site, lets keep it genuine bedfords. When you go to other van sites, it's a game of spot the beddy  ;D ;D I remember a post just as I was signing up here, about only members being able to access certain areas, I agree, when we have members dropping phn # & rego #, maybe some security would be nice. What do others think ?
           George......... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dave on January 01, 2010, 02:50:36 PM
For my 10cents worth

I wouldnt change anything as the site is working well now, if the mix of posts starts changing too much we might need rules to maintain bedford van focus but I dont think we do right now.

I dont mind non-bedford owners being members as long as the chat is "primarily bedford van". 
I particularly dont mind non-CF bedford topics & members, for me CA's topics are just as welcome as CF's, I like them both nearly as much.

As for other vans some transhit owners share a love of bedford and should be welcomed unless the conversation begins to veer away from beddy too often (a nice Transit turns up at the odd WA bedford run and is welcome by all as far as I can tell)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 01, 2010, 04:22:27 PM
you think the ca is almost as good as the cf dave eh? well your crazy!!!!!!!!!!  cant stand to look at the CA but anyone out there who likes them, each to their own dave:)

panelvan owners wouldnt want to be on this site anyway. everything is backward for them. everything is custom:) 

im happy how things are:) not so happy my fibreglass post is being hijacked lol. oh well.

happy new year!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on January 01, 2010, 06:29:19 PM
Hi Ben, I'm sorry I helped to hijack you post, hehe ;D so tell me, do you work in fibreglass, or is it a sideline ? What sort of gear/panels do you build ? do you have a photo cattledog for us to look at ? As someone who loves 4x4s back in the 80s I saw a lot of bonnet, roofs, and front guards on our fj cruisers crack and fail because of the shake rattle and rolling, have things improved with strength since then ? Do the beddy panels have the problem with cracking ?
          George.........does this bring your post back on track ben lol....genuine Qs. though...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 02, 2010, 06:43:44 AM
hey george,

fibreglass is something i have got into for an alterntive reason other than beddys, but its been good all the same. have a look at the start of this post and you will see a lot of photos of stuff that ive got moulds for.

regards cracking im not exactly sure what your talking about products glassed onto steel or just products in general, but it sounds like 4x4 fj cruisers would be pretty hard on fibreglass panels which i would not expect such treatment from a beddy,

ive been told just recently if epoxy resin and microfibres are used to stick fibreglass to steel it will last 20+ years with no rust forming and no  cracking occuring. so i think things have improved:)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on January 02, 2010, 09:41:34 AM
Hi ben, looked at your prts list, will be getting some gear off you as I get closer to my interior. My one complaint is this, to the left of screen in the main menu why is it that you do not have a button called shop, so that you can promote your fibreglass, you have some great stuff for sale, and a one stop one click site shop would be great, anyone looking for parts could just check in at the shop and you can have all your gear in one place. Anyone selling parts or wrecking can post their gear there. Afterall you are providing a service, suppling the impossible to the members here. I think we should vote to have a shop on the site, anyone else think its a good idea ? after looking at the fibreglass you have for sale, you have now solved a few problems for me, and a lot of fab work.
            George.............. :o
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on January 02, 2010, 09:48:42 AM
Hey ben, do you have a stock fibreglass bonnet without scoops in it. If so how much, and do you have a price to send to brissy ?
            George..................... ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 02, 2010, 12:23:11 PM
i will pm you george.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on January 06, 2010, 12:14:06 AM
hey ben, just saw you on ebay... wanna give us some more info on the following:
Already made, Pics soon

Cargo Door - $350

Swb Guards for lwb owners wanting to go to single wheels - $100 each


Coming Soon

XC Gt Grill.

Coming later On Horizon

Full fibreglass Front doors - $350 each
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 06, 2010, 08:14:27 AM
yeh im making cargo doors, same as original except in glass.

the rear guards are just swb guards that you can mould into your lwb for narrower guards or cf280 style.

xc grill ive given up on. never really tried, but danny rilley said im wasting my time,. so that was enough

full fibreglass front doors i have absolutely perfect front doors here. just gotta take moulds off them at some stage but im building jukeboxes out of fibreglass at the moment and its taking up most of my time so probably wont happen for a while.


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Gethin on January 18, 2010, 09:32:42 AM
Ben How much would the postage be on the dash to UK please.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 18, 2010, 12:15:07 PM
about as much as the product. it was gunna cost 375 bucks for a bonnet to switzerland
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on February 22, 2010, 06:32:36 AM
hi ben do you do any bits for the cf2 flared arches ect also can u tell me about the dash board wat clocks go in it  and will u post to uk as dont get anything like it over here any more thanks the van custom seen went for a while not even any custom van shops any more
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 22, 2010, 09:03:10 AM
sorry bud we never got the cf2 so dont do anything for it. custom dash put whatever guages in it you like or use the standard dash panel. up to you.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on February 23, 2010, 02:39:30 AM
oh ok no probs been searching the uk but no luck will your cf 1 wheel arches fit with some playing with
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 23, 2010, 12:30:03 PM
i would not have a clue?? never seen a cf2 in the flesh in my life. its hard enough to spot cf1s now days lol..

i cant imagine them being too different but stranger things have happened.. anyone in NZ know hoe different the cf2 wheel arches are to the cf1??

cheers ben
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on February 23, 2010, 07:33:08 PM
hey ben, how are you going with the one armed fiberglassing?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 23, 2010, 07:35:50 PM
easy bro. made a dash today and trimed up and egine cover. im just avoiding the angle grinder for the moment lol. i get my other arm back on monday next week.. not counting down thou lol
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on February 23, 2010, 07:39:49 PM
hi ben thanks for that dont matter now found a cf1 how much would the postage be for any items to the uk thanks do you have a pic of the body kit on a van thanks 8)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on February 23, 2010, 08:30:26 PM
hahah good to hear.
Yeah doesn't sound like you're counting down at all, it's only what.. 9 days until monday.. plenty of time to relax.. haha
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: able on February 24, 2010, 05:55:53 PM
ps.. thanks again for the goods benny boy and thank you to your mum for helping rap them up ;)

im waiting on funds to get all the gear to get it all attached but i have them taped into place and i go out twice a day just to look at it and force the miss's to go look with me ;D

what a difference a flare kit makes to the look of the beddy..... thank god i went that road.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 25, 2010, 08:42:28 PM
no worries able i recon you got a good combination of parts:)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on February 25, 2010, 10:00:06 PM
hi ben the pics u posted of that black van is that body kit the five piece kit and the green one the scooby kit could u do the arches off the five piece kit with the front airdam spoiler andwould it fit together thanks mark  uk
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 25, 2010, 10:13:42 PM
yeh could do but you would have to mould them in. but could be done quite easily.

like this?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on February 25, 2010, 10:32:28 PM
great any extra charge for that and wat do u think of mine
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on March 13, 2010, 03:41:56 AM
hi ben the wheels u got on the black van wat make are they wat they called and wat size they look amazing on a beddy
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on March 13, 2010, 08:44:12 AM
hey cf, I think they are dragways. i think. They are still easy to get at most wheel places here in brissy.
George..........  ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: hotrod on March 13, 2010, 11:39:00 AM
befordcrazy  is right they are the classic dragway 5 spoke. Dragway is an Australian company
so I doubt
a/  you could get them in the uk
b/ you could get them in a stud pattern to suit ( as being aussie they make for aussie cars/stud patterns + I reckon the shipping would SUCK!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: able on March 13, 2010, 12:19:38 PM
could they drill them to suit beddy stud patterns for the backs?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on March 13, 2010, 09:05:16 PM
dragways are the best full stop.

apparently kim (kimbosound) was the first bloke to get a set of dragway mags with bedford stud pattern. ask him how much they cost back then ha ha..
the dragways on the black beddy are beddy stud pattern. but are quite rare to find these days but im sure if you kept an eye on ebay for a few years there would be a set come up. or i could give you the number for the bloke i sold those rims to able.. actually looks like he is coming to the run next week. you may get to meet him:)

but you can easily get them off ebay for hq - wb stud pattern.. just be careful when buying them..  there are 2 makes of dragways that look almost exactly the same. and many different offsets. so work out what you need first. i have been sold 1 of each as a pair. people

you will notice the difference between offsets on the 2 yellow peril vans.. one has flares one doesnt need it..

heres a few vans with dragways that come to mind:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on March 14, 2010, 05:35:59 AM
ok thanks for that i am going to see if i can find some they look fantastic
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on March 14, 2010, 07:33:42 AM
another tip..

the centre is alloy. the outside is chrome. they almost always have rust forming on the outside. sellers quite oftern say they will clean up ok. that means they have rust on them.. try get ones with no rust on them. cause as soon as they start rusting you cant stop it, its broken through the chrome and then its like bare metal even if you can scratch them off with steel wool.

ebay the best for them.
feel free to email me an add for a second opinion.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on March 14, 2010, 10:04:02 AM
here is another one ben, kathy's Alien8 van.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on March 14, 2010, 09:44:07 PM
thanks can any one tell me the pcd for beddys all so the size front and rears and wats the offset for the one with arches  as im in touch with the main dealer for dragways  thanks
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: project cf on March 15, 2010, 09:19:59 PM
thanks can any one tell me the pcd for beddys all so the size front and rears and wats the offset for the one with arches  as im in touch with the main dealer for dragways  thanks
found outthe pcd just need the offset for a van with arches thanks
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on April 27, 2010, 08:45:51 AM
over the next few days im taking moulds off stuff..

i have front doors that im going to be supplying just outer skin for so then replace your banged up/ rusty outer skin with fibreglass to refurbish your old door.. so dont chuck out your old front doors!!

barn doors (without window)

window surrounds for cargo door

standard bonnet.

i got some real good glue for gluing fibreglass to metal too.. pretty darngood stuff i tried it out. glued a chunk of fibreglass to a hand wood saw. when it was dry i bashed it around about 10 times eventually the fibreglass was destroyed.. nice stuff..

you could also use it in places where you didnt was to weld because of warpage and just glue metal to metal:)

also going to put up for sale some old stock i have here once my digital camera i bought on ebay arives in the mail.


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: beddymad on April 27, 2010, 07:34:42 PM
front door skins sound great,are the barn doors just the skins or complete doors?and can the glass be made to fit them ben?cheers furio
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on April 27, 2010, 07:41:02 PM
yeh barn doors will be full glass + you can fit glass in no probs:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: beddymad on April 27, 2010, 07:45:12 PM
heres the big question,how much benny? ::)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on April 27, 2010, 07:49:33 PM
dont know
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 09, 2010, 01:38:20 PM
ok so ive sold my white van:)

so im gunna be buying another 44 of resin to make

1. clance shower tray..
2. bonnets i owe people, like rocket, morgan, dude from cranbourne, eddy

after that im gunna build a tilt front end..

do you think i should build it with flares moulded in? or standard guards? or make a lip on the mould so i can do both..

probably not worth doing the flared bit is it cause youll have to line it up with the rest of the guard anyway..

i think ive decided ill build it to fit the ford xc grill..

any thoughts?

once ive done this i can sell off another van i have here.. yay mum will be real happy:)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on May 09, 2010, 05:26:41 PM
hey ben congrats on the sale. I like the idea of a tilt front end, if i was you i would make provision for the flares and none flare version, that way those that want flares can buy the more expensive one. As for the grill, dont lock people into one grill design, if it is at all possible, i would do a grill in a blank, that way people can get a tilt front and and have 3or4 grill/light options, and just cut out what is needed. I know for me i would not buy one if it was for xc, only because there are so many xc grills around, i do like the xc front, thats just me. But a blank grill that can be cut to suit more than 1 type of insert would be a big seller. If i get to do my next beddy then i will be up for a tilt bonnet and blank grill.  Hope you go for the tilt, we need to see more custom out there, being different is what turns heads.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on May 09, 2010, 07:43:27 PM
thats cool george.. thanks.

http://www.buga.com.au/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=2&topic=1240.0 (http://www.buga.com.au/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=2&topic=1240.0)

like this?

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on May 09, 2010, 11:59:29 PM
i recon tilt fronts look great and give exellent acess 2 ur engine etc,
BUT u know that there is a lot of structual strength in a standard steel bedford front?
 by cutting all this out and fitting a fiberglass front ur loosing all your protection.

tilt fronts are great on a show van but im not so sure on a daily driver.
also check with your insurance company nand ur local rego check station first before commiting 2 a fiberglass front.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on May 10, 2010, 06:14:37 AM
I was thinking exactly the same thing Marty. They were quite a novelty years ago but these days with all the engineering certs required getting the fibreglass front made up is probably the easiest part of the battle. There would be an awful lot of reinforcing and framing required to make it roadworthy.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: pickmeup on May 11, 2010, 03:48:38 AM
Craig should have some photos of a tilt front van..... I think it was the NSW version of City Lights..maybe anyways little bro post em up!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on May 11, 2010, 05:23:03 PM
yeah thats why i wouldnt touch 1 Rogue.
 unless it was engineered properly or just for a show van.
its not worth the legal nightmares i dont think.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jesus_is_alright on August 15, 2010, 01:51:36 PM
Hey Ben im after a 5 piece flare kit and do you make a standard bonnet without scoop?
What would postage cost to SA? and what sort of time do you require to produce them (or do you have plenty in stock?)
Cheers - Aaron
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jesus_is_alright on August 15, 2010, 04:28:26 PM
Hey I may have mentioned this before, but this is the look i'm going for.
Is the air dam the bit below the front chrome bumper (which the indicators are mounted on) or a different bit?
and is the 5th piece in the 5-piece kit the same as the very bottom front bit on the attached pics?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: SkippyThBushKangeroo on August 16, 2010, 01:48:44 AM
GASP!. .  :o jesus has the missin green van!!!!!  :o  :o   ;)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on August 16, 2010, 08:39:57 AM
wrong colour skip, the missing one is more of a lime colour. I recon your hiding it in your pouch. lol  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jesus_is_alright on August 16, 2010, 06:49:25 PM
GASP!. .  :o jesus has the missin green van!!!!!  :o  :o   ;)

I dont have either of those vans, i just have googled them.
My vans are (until tomorrow the one in my dp) and the one on the "spot the difference" thread
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dave on August 16, 2010, 08:22:32 PM
GASP!. .  :o jesus has the missin green van!!!!!  :o  :o   ;)

Neil has my missing lime green van, but I hope to get it back in the next week or three  >:(

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: John Abbott on August 16, 2010, 11:10:34 PM
GASP!. .   jesus has the missin green van!!!!!       

Well Jesus was a carpenter you know.....All trademen drove bedfords at some stage... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on August 17, 2010, 01:59:54 AM
Skip, Craig has that missing green van, and its not really missing its just south of the river
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on September 08, 2010, 12:08:59 PM
Now that's flash!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 08, 2010, 12:47:22 PM
Awesome ben, when are you going to do a complete fibreglass beddy body, then you can bolt it to a chassis, rust free bedfords.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on September 08, 2010, 03:11:51 PM
ben, that door looks HOT, you must have had a VERY good door to have made that mould.

How strong do you think they are in terms of flex when compared to the steel ones? My door rubbers need a fair bit of force to close the doors, so they'd need to be very strong or rare spares would need to make a better rubber kit ;)

I'll keep these in mind tho, its gotta help with weight reduction
Good work
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: atk1 on September 08, 2010, 04:20:16 PM
Thats what Im talking about George. We need a full Beddy mould in NZ too. I talked to a local fibreglass company who said theyd mould a whole Beddy for 6-8K!?! I know a guy who makes heaps of roll cages for stunt vehicles that need to flip & roll too...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 08, 2010, 05:44:34 PM
Actually that is not to bad a price, so long as that is for all the doors, bonnet and floor with all the structual mounting points moulded into the floor. I would also suggest a custom dash to be moulded in. If some one was to do it, they could do a CFS - CFL and cab chassis, then we could bolt on bens flares and other kits, just think it would give new life to bedfords, and a renewed interest in custom vans. I recon what turns a lot off is the rust repairs, just think, ben could then do fibreglass cabinets and interiors that glue or bolt into the fibreglass shells. I guess if you got someone to do it, and they did not get greedy you could put a new bedford van on the road for a reasonable price, and rust would NEVER be a problem.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: atk1 on September 08, 2010, 06:08:50 PM
Yes that was for the whole van including doors etc, I think that is really cheap even tho I know nothing about fibreglassing. Just need a straight windowless to mould off. I agree people young & old love Beddys but the reality in finding a decent body/foundation is crazy low.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: SkippyThBushKangeroo on September 08, 2010, 10:29:23 PM
rust n dents are not indecent foundations atk1.. they are character scars  ::)  ::)  ;)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Jonbongjovi on September 09, 2010, 08:39:06 AM
hey ben sent you a msg about obtaining some fibreglass
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 09, 2010, 08:44:28 AM
I dont think finding a straight van to mould off is the problem, it's more a case of finding someone that wants to invest the time and money into making it a career. The set-up cost  would be hefty, and you would need to sell the 1st 3 straight away to keep things moving.Then you need to have a good chassis builder to work in sync with the fibreglass guys. You would also need the chassis to be built to a standard that would allow you to bolt on the latest running gear, that way you can just order a power rack disc brakes, crate motor and so on straight from holden or chev. Then you need to make sure the whole thing can be approved for safety and rego. A big job, but the potential would be awesome. Trust me, if i was to ever end up in a financial position, i would look at something like this as a new career.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 09, 2010, 09:40:55 AM
ben, that door looks HOT, you must have had a VERY good door to have made that mould.

yeh thedoor was pretty good to start with but like everything under the microscope it needed work. but its ready to mould now.

matte i can make them as thick or thin as i want. they will be strong i will be making sure of that.

Just need a straight windowless to mould off.

too much work. ive been working on reroducing everything ever since i started fibreglassing. i have a beddy here thats pretty straight but rust so im saving the rear panels. i almost have everything available but man its been a lot of work. i just dont think you could makeany money out of selling full fibreglass beddies. you would sell some but not really enough to make it worth while. i just do it cause i love beddies:) and fibreglass:) its awesomestuff:)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Mark B on September 09, 2010, 10:01:37 AM
Benny bro, that barn door looks a treat! Keep 'em coming bro  ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 09, 2010, 10:14:48 AM
just wait till you see tilt front:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 09, 2010, 11:04:18 AM
Thank god we have ben and his glassing, hey ben have you considered doing roofs. You could do a lwb high roof that fits swb van. or roofs like ian has got on his van. Roofs could have single, twin or no sunroofs in them. Thoughts.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: atk1 on September 09, 2010, 11:06:14 AM
George, the 6-8K was for making the moulds. There might be a few investors on this site??? I would...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 09, 2010, 11:20:39 AM
ok, misunderstood. as i said above though you would have to also align the chassis guy, and make sure they keep up with the glass guy. My guess is to do it properly you would need at least $500,000 to set up, and have a massive publicity splurge to the hot rod industry. I suspect it would probably be a bigger success in NZ then here, as you guys seem to be more into custom then here in oz.

Hey ben, have you thought about doing front guards. I do look forward to the tilt fronts, they are going to be awesome. Will they be just stock, or custom with flares and so on.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on September 09, 2010, 11:25:33 AM
I suspect it would probably be a bigger success in NZ then here, as you guys seem to be more into custom then here in oz.

I think it's just because we can get away with a bit more here but they're tightening up on it all the time. To be honest I don't really think I'd like to be in a fibreglass vehicle if it should be involved in an accident.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 09, 2010, 12:01:22 PM
True rogue, but look at all these hot rods, most these days are fibreglass, some from the factory were originally glass, i mean if you are going to drive, say a cobra, they are glass bodies, power to weight is fantastic, if they have a mishap, imagine. But as i said from the begining, part of the set-up would have to be getting an engineer to sign off, that would be the structual side as well. At the end of the day one of us on here will need to win 2million bucks for something like this to take off, so for now we can settle for the bits benny is turning out. I can't wait to get my overhead console fitted.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 09, 2010, 02:33:51 PM
already have a roof mould of a swb roof george but i dont advertise it cause its a real pain to makethem. its massive. wont fit in my shed. got to have the right day to make otherwise i stuff up the job..

yes i could make a swb roofto fit lwb. but its so much work!! it took me 12 hours to make the mould and its way to thin. but cause i dont plan on making many it is sufficient.

sorry george but im happy selling my hz spoilers for100 bucks.. take me an hour to make and i churn em out:)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on September 09, 2010, 05:14:11 PM
considering the size of your garage you are doing well, big is good, but quality is better. Keep doing what your happy doing mate.

Tell me ben what do yor HZ spoilers look like, do you have a pic in your gallery. I ask because my mate was here the other day and he and his son are doing up a hz ute, and he was asking about a certain spoiler, may get one off you, will show him a pic of yours to see if its what he is after.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on September 09, 2010, 10:09:31 PM
hey ben, thats good to hear about the doors, i'll definately keep it in mind.

In terms of cornering a few more markets, have a look at the front lower spoilers on HZ era cars, wheel flares for toranas(screw on type), and if you can be bothered look into BA-BF falcon front spoilers - the FPV typhoon and GT spoilers, you could have a couple of moulds so you can do the XR cut away lights, or the standard flat lights.. these sell for $500 odd from memory, and theres always someone wanting to make up a faker. Easiest way would be to buy one, use it to make a mould, then sell it.
Also look at side skirts for late model falcons (you could probably do commodores too)
Also BA XR8 bonnets are very popular, and surprisingly enough, standard boots without spoilers are very popular with the turbo boys

a few ideas to keep you going..
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on September 14, 2010, 07:00:56 PM
Ben, just have the same thought on the window blanks, do you have a set for a Jumbo, well one side................Bas
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 15, 2010, 07:56:43 AM
can do:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: John Abbott on September 15, 2010, 01:07:57 PM
Hi Benny....Just had a thought. ;D Didnt the HQ and HZ models have a boot spoiler as an option. Do you do those as well? ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: TOOLKING on September 15, 2010, 11:41:50 PM
hey benny, Ive got that part sitting here for you.
sorry its late ive been flat ot travelling. let me know wht you want done with it
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 16, 2010, 07:01:14 AM
yeh i sell them already john thanks:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: petrolhead on September 21, 2010, 09:35:44 AM
What about making a one piece rear door skin then you could make up a steel frame and glue the skin to it, if you want to get rid of those ugly external hinges fit some hagan hidden hinges, just google them
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on September 21, 2010, 07:04:31 PM
hey ben, there is a part of the BA-BF falcon dash that is no bigger than 300mmx300mm triangular, that ALOT of people ask me for. I have it sitting in my shed, but i dont want to seperate the dash.
If you can find one it'd be worth making a mould and mass producing them.. I could sell a bucketload. In terms of materials it'd cost you bugger all. You could use the same base plate and add some gauge holders on top..
just a thought
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 23, 2010, 11:54:46 AM
what part of the dash are you refering to matte?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on September 23, 2010, 09:52:39 PM

Ben, i just got this image off google, it's the bit above the vents, the triangular piece.
Another semi popular part is the fascia that surrounds the vent, the screen and the control knobs. for the effort you could probably make a few sales out of it too
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 23, 2010, 10:13:52 PM
how do the original attach matte?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: MaTTe on September 23, 2010, 10:34:29 PM
there are 3 clips on the bottom, the mounts usually break when you pull it off - hence the popularity. All you have to do is get the mounting points right and sell them without the clips, as the buyers can re use the original clips after the mounts break off
See if you can get one at your local wreckers, shouldn't cost you much.. all in the name of the big picture
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Jonbongjovi on September 24, 2010, 03:52:11 PM
Is there anywhere online i can find a how to on how too glass these bits on ben?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 24, 2010, 07:37:47 PM
yes www.fiberglassforums.com (http://www.fiberglassforums.com)

mainly car audio but there is bodykits on there also.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Rogue Trooper on October 11, 2010, 12:37:09 PM
You're joking! You made that out of fibreglass? I take my hat off to you Ben. That is fantastic work!!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Mark B on October 11, 2010, 12:54:26 PM
Looking good benny  ;D I want one just to put my turntables and dj setup in LOL
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on October 11, 2010, 01:06:47 PM
You're joking! You made that out of fibreglass? I take my hat off to you Ben. That is fantastic work!!

nah its not made yet.. i really have not dont much yet lol. hard work is still to come.

that one i cut off a van.

and its all bogged up ready for the mould.

then ill make them out of fibreglass.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on October 11, 2010, 01:14:29 PM
Awesome ben, you have done a great job on it, can't wait to see the glass one. How much are you looking at selling them for ? i will be thinking hard on it while we await the first one from the mould.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on October 11, 2010, 01:26:56 PM
less than 1000 more than 500. depends how long it takes me to build them, how much glass i need to use to make them strong enough to be on the front of a vehicle.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on October 11, 2010, 03:22:41 PM
less than 1000 more than 500. depends how long it takes me to build them, how much glass i need to use to make them strong enough to be on the front of a vehicle.


Ben I think you will be looking closer towards the $1000 mark, used to make a tilt front for the F100 trucks in my early days, time is a factor, re-inforcing, and the layup 8oz - 10oz. Then comes the Hinge system in the front............ lock down system, it just adds up. Good luck  ;)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: hunterbynature on October 11, 2010, 04:04:48 PM
tilt front coming along well. couple of weeks and they should be available for anyone keen on one.


more pics in my gallery if your interested

wonder how much to get one of those to kiwi land?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on October 11, 2010, 06:12:29 PM
too much..
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: hunterbynature on October 11, 2010, 07:00:02 PM
my birthday's coming up ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jimmyfreak on October 11, 2010, 08:46:51 PM
i think we sometimes forget that ben now does this stuff one handed...well 1 and a half...your awesome buddy...got pretty good at painting now too aye...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on October 12, 2010, 08:36:29 AM
you only need 1 hand to fibreglass thank god:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: lostsheep69 on January 26, 2011, 07:46:44 AM
hi ben i was wondering if your scooby doo body kit was the actual one used in the movie or a replica and if you ve had any dealings in selling and shipping these to the uk. i've got a 71 bedford cf that i would like to convert into a mystery machine replica. But parts are so hard to find in the uk especially aftermarket stuff like body kits etc.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 27, 2011, 07:13:01 AM
the scooby kit is a replica. but there are no originals cause they were a once off kit. they are a glass on kit. you cant bolt these on. nope never shipped to the uk sorry. but ive got prices for switzerland and france and i seemed to always work out about the same as the product. cost wise.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jimsvan on January 27, 2011, 05:28:02 PM
hows the tilt front going ben
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 27, 2011, 07:01:58 PM
nope done nothing on it of recently. will do it but not right now im preparing for ballarat swap meet..

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jimsvan on January 27, 2011, 07:45:53 PM
count me in the tilt front i want one,
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 27, 2011, 07:51:44 PM
yeh i want on too!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on January 28, 2011, 09:26:55 AM
Have  you worked out a price yet benny, for the tilt fronts.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 28, 2011, 10:36:10 AM
nope. sorry george
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: aka5000 on January 29, 2011, 09:37:51 AM
gday ben how goes it? can i buy the front spoiler that goes with this scooby kit?
what would postage be worth to east brighton vic 3187?

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh20/jukeboxesrus/scoobydooflarekit.jpg (http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh20/jukeboxesrus/scoobydooflarekit.jpg)

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Jonbongjovi on January 29, 2011, 03:19:26 PM
Hey ben sent you a MSG about getting some stuff
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on January 29, 2011, 07:59:15 PM
pmed you alex and jon...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Jonbongjovi on January 29, 2011, 08:29:42 PM
Can't see it... Maybe something is lagging and it hasn't shown up yet.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: katana1100 on February 01, 2011, 12:43:04 PM
Hi Ben, this is my first time on forum so unformiliare with code of conduct on here .
I bought flare kit from you' have to be over year ago now, shovel nose front, 4 wheel arches, i have not fited them because they were not as easy as i thought to fit shovel to match up with front flares, needs bit of fibreglassing to match up, and i didnt have the experiance, I was hoping to sell them as i am getn rid of my vans and parts and no longer need them.
Dont wana step on any toes tho.
Think i payed around 450,500 bukx delived to adelaide?
If your ok with it i wana advertise them on here?
Scott from adelaide 0400339225
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 01, 2011, 01:23:55 PM
yeh thats fine scott but you will reach more buyers on ebay.

i may not have made this clear enough. they need to be moulded into the shovel front not bolt on .

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Jed on February 01, 2011, 08:34:33 PM
the scooby and the tilt front 4 me!!  ouch, my walet hurts!

                       jed ♫  ♪
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jimsvan on February 01, 2011, 09:04:02 PM
count me on the tilt front might get the flare kit too but im wanting to do the flare kit after i get it running
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Sweet Shock on February 02, 2011, 08:16:40 PM
hey Benni, What do you mean mould them in Have you got any more info thanx pete
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 02, 2011, 08:24:44 PM
they dont bolt together you need to fibreglass them together on the van. and smooth it off with bog.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: stuey on February 02, 2011, 09:37:25 PM
Any chance you know how much it would be to freight a bonnet(with scoop) to NZ?
And maybe a one piece back door?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: stuey on February 02, 2011, 09:53:01 PM
Hey Ben, dont s'pose you do a sun visor for the MK1 ? If you do then i'd be interested !
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 04, 2011, 10:25:50 AM
where are you in NZ? im sure it makes a difference to the price.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 04, 2011, 11:21:08 AM
ok i got a quote from a company that has been pretty competitive in the past. dont know what you think but this looks rediculous

bonnet is $275 freight

1 peice back door $542 freight

it would be cheaper to take it back on the plane after a holiday here for a few weeks serious!.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Jonbongjovi on February 04, 2011, 07:24:36 PM
Hey ben just repliedto your pm sorry for the late reply. I also would be really keen for a sun visor... Would pre pay if that helps costs to work it out...
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: stuey on February 04, 2011, 07:35:11 PM
JESUS, it would be cheaper for me to freight my van over and fit it all whilst i was there!!!!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 05, 2011, 07:24:37 AM
it would be cheaper for me to freight my van over and fit it all whilst i was there!!!!

i dont think so. think youll find its at least $2000 to import a vehicle to aus from memory

if you can find better quotes be my guest

bonnet dimentions are 155 x 55 x 20cm 7kg

back door 135 x 135 x 20 13kg

im in yarram vic 3971.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Brendeni on February 25, 2011, 06:36:08 PM
Hi Ben

Can you please advise how much it would cost for the bodykit to be shipped to the South Island, New Zealand. Thanks
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Brendeni on February 25, 2011, 06:38:27 PM
Hi Ben, I am also after a sun visor, how much to ship to the south Island, NZ. Thanks
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on February 25, 2011, 08:07:33 PM
Ben does not have a sunvisor, but I think he is getting a little worried now ;)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wraithknight on February 27, 2011, 10:42:34 AM
in in the processores of maken one mate still working on it will let you know when ive got a workable mould up and running
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 27, 2011, 11:54:17 AM
sounds like sun visors are for new zealanders and french vans. never really see them much here. ben
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on February 27, 2011, 12:21:51 PM
I guess we have more sun in NZ ;)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on February 27, 2011, 12:51:00 PM
or we like to tan?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on February 27, 2011, 03:20:55 PM
Yea that would be right, hay I lived in Oz for 4 years, so I know your right. I have one sunvisor from the UK here but never got around to doing anything with it, as it's one of those ones that has the point in it.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: obsession on February 27, 2011, 03:26:40 PM
sounds like sun visors are for new zealanders and french vans. never really see them much here. ben
buddy if you come up with a design that will complement the van it will sell here , we have had over 58! days consecutive 30degree days ,getting into my bedford is like an oven. any sun cover will help.
If you wanna be successful in business you need to think outside the box!!
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: BusyKiwi on February 27, 2011, 05:54:15 PM
I think Murray from McQuoids Engineering is going to make a batch of alloy ones, I know this because he's asked to borrow mine for a template.
I think he's waiting on me, if there is interest I could hurry him along
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on February 27, 2011, 05:59:46 PM
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: BusyKiwi on February 28, 2011, 06:40:07 AM
mesh like mine
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on February 28, 2011, 06:48:47 AM
Ok I'm in.................. I have a metal one on the camper, but like the mesh better..
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dano on March 01, 2011, 01:53:46 AM
I have an alloy one similar if not the same as F100, off me dads van ..... I would like to punch some louvers into it , as I do remember a trip "up north" and how the semi's used to almost rip it off as they passed the other way, both doing 100+ didn't help.

check it out in me gallery, "dads van" folder thingy..
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: BusyKiwi on March 01, 2011, 05:33:37 AM
I find the mesh one great for sunny days, dont even use the visors anymore
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bas NZ on March 01, 2011, 09:24:15 AM
I find the mesh one great for sunny days, dont even use the visors anymore

Let me know David if Murray goes ahead with it. Cheers
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dano on March 04, 2011, 09:52:51 AM
Hmm mesh, that sounds good.....wonder if i can swap them out ???, that'll be good for the 4B
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: VanWolf on July 22, 2011, 03:44:58 PM
Ben, how long you away for?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Sweet Shock on July 22, 2011, 05:19:00 PM
Hey Benni What are my chances of buying one of those shovels. Do you want me to get it off ebay, also how much post to geelong and can an idiot like me put one on thanx pete
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on July 22, 2011, 06:55:29 PM
im back now van wolf. ill pm you pete
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Sweet Shock on July 26, 2011, 04:22:45 PM
Hey Ben have you got an E.T.A  on that shovel and what flares do you think would go with it that you make or are they all the same            thanx pete
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Sweet Shock on July 27, 2011, 08:35:54 PM
Thanx Ben recevied today
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: cords on August 04, 2011, 08:24:55 PM
hi ben do you do these flares if so how much posted to sydney


Cheers Gav
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on August 05, 2011, 06:47:34 AM
pmed you chords

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Appsy on August 23, 2011, 09:27:50 AM
G'day Ben

Mate nice pic with the Beddy Tee  8) do you have any pics of the easy roller dash and V8 engine cover installed definitely want to get an engine cover (existing home made engine cover on my van is huge) but interested in the dash and have never seen one installed.

Cheers Appsy
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: KGG86 on August 23, 2011, 09:54:13 AM
Hey Ben, with the 5 peice flair kit will the front side flairs fit alright to a shovel nose or will it require some cutting??
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Appsy on August 23, 2011, 10:06:09 AM
Hey Ben, with the 5 peice flair kit will the front side flairs fit alright to a shovel nose or will it require some cutting??

Good question I would like to know how the shovel nose would fit with the flares on my van

Cheers Appsy
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on August 23, 2011, 03:08:53 PM
yeh wil require customizing. its not made for the 5 peice kit. but wont be too far off.. im gunna do it to my van soon ill let you know how it comes up.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: bedywest on August 26, 2011, 10:21:36 PM
hi Ben interested in some of your gear can you send to west aust
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on August 27, 2011, 10:21:59 AM
yeh aus only got the swb and lwb so yes everything will fit. yes i send parts to the west most weeks.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Adioxer on August 30, 2011, 07:27:26 PM
hey Ben!
do you make any form of rear bars for a 78? and if so do or would you ship to brisbane and what sort of $$ would i be looking at?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Appsy on September 05, 2011, 07:29:57 AM
Hey Ben

What are your prices for the engine cover, dash, shovel front & bonnet with monaro scoops

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: restoreid on September 05, 2011, 07:47:40 AM
Good mornin Appsy It was great talking to you & your lovely wife yesterday Im sure Ben will do you a great deal Maby even better if I get a dash too haha Cheers Reid
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Appsy on September 06, 2011, 06:41:01 AM
Good mornin Appsy It was great talking to you & your lovely wife yesterday Im sure Ben will do you a great deal Maby even better if I get a dash too haha Cheers Reid

G'day Reid good to meet you as well love the work you have done on your van I'll have to give you a call to gee you up on getting a dash. Catch up soon Appsy.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on September 23, 2011, 10:29:08 AM
yes i use ego for all my parcels?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: rizzo on December 16, 2011, 01:46:06 PM
Hi Ben is that my new roof looks tops  hay a few more body parts and you could turn out a whole van any way cant wait to see it and fit it thanks ben
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on December 16, 2011, 03:41:36 PM
check with the RTA about fiberglass body pannels before commiting,
 i was talking with a mate that builds a lot of hotrods and the laws are all changing regarding fiberglass bodys n pannels,
he is currently waiting for the dust to settle before he finnishes or even tries engineering a few of his current chevs etc.
wouldnt like to see anyone butcher their vans and then not be roadworthy/safe.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: petrolhead on December 16, 2011, 10:44:52 PM
Hey brn I told you the"Van Craft" nose was making a comeback
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: rizzo on December 17, 2011, 03:45:24 PM
Hi Mty when reading what you have said about fiberglass panels if thats the case all tilt mack trucks and other fiberglass tilts are in trouble then there is people with TVR ,s and Bowells and austin healey seabring what about camper vans with pop up tops the list can go on and on i dont think thay can police it unless thay make it that all new projects after a certain date must follow a set std any how thats   rizzo out
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on December 17, 2011, 08:32:03 PM
just relaying what i heard,
 merlin would be the guy to ask .
 maybe there is nothing to worry about but id check it out before hand anyway
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: rossie on December 18, 2011, 10:01:45 AM
The RTA are in a world of their own, and like nothing more than to wreck peoples lives. A mate is having trouble getting rego cause he hasn't got enough photos during the build. Build started 4 years ago and the engineer was involved most of the way. SO CHECK WITH ENGINEER AND RTA, then paint both sides and don't tell them ;)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: rizzo on December 18, 2011, 01:18:53 PM
Hi Rossie you are 100% correct when i built a lotus clubman kit car i had to have the engineers reports every step of the way and stick to build specs but in saying that it only apply s to  new unregistered  projects and engine and body changes to a unregistered  V  hickle    not to replacement panels on a registered V  hickle  rizzo out
Title: Re: bens custom fibreglass
Post by: taggraphx on November 20, 2012, 09:15:38 AM
Hi Ben, hows the VK front going?
Title: Re: bens custom fibreglass
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on November 20, 2012, 09:23:42 AM
awesome  ben, just in the wrong state. buga what do you charge to pick up my beddy.  ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on November 21, 2012, 07:12:09 AM
hey taggraphx

havnt done anything on it for ages. you still keen?

hey george,

obviously cant do painting and rust work but i have plenty of beddies if you want something fabricated to suit a beddy we could still do it.

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: taggraphx on November 21, 2012, 07:34:21 AM
Hi Ben, yes for the front, allready got lights and indicators for it

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: ben on November 22, 2012, 06:15:47 AM
ok thatll be a job for the panel guy when he starts on wed next week:)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: azzahq on November 03, 2013, 06:32:44 PM
Ben I am chasing a rear wing for my bedford do you have these?

Thanks Aaron
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: chevy 40 on November 19, 2013, 04:35:18 PM
Suterman, go to the UK van site at http://www.ukcustoms.cjb.net/ (http://www.ukcustoms.cjb.net/) click on custom vans, there is a site that only deals in vans but can't find the link at the moment, they have a lot of MK2 Beddies with kits on and they are the same, so someone is making them over there. The pictures below are all UK Vans.  Bas

My mk2 has mk1
 flares and front on Bas.
check my gallery photos.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: chevy 40 on November 19, 2013, 04:39:45 PM
Well I have contacted a few places and the trail ended at a place called fibresport where the bloke told me their CF moulds were lost in a fire :(  so if any one can supply me I'd be grateful.
Check out my gallery photos.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: chevy 40 on November 19, 2013, 04:49:09 PM
sorry bud we never got the cf2 so dont do anything for it. custom dash put whatever guages in it you like or use the standard dash panel. up to you.

Hi Ben, we have mk2 and mk1 Kits . check my gallery photos.
Cheers Ray
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: chevy 40 on November 19, 2013, 05:16:07 PM
Hey Ben, dont s'pose you do a sun visor for the MK1 ? If you do then i'd be interested !
we do a one peice rear door. check out my gallery photos.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: niftynic on February 26, 2015, 05:46:30 PM
Hiya Ben,

I've just purchased a LWB Bedford Ex-Ice Cream Van, I'm not a fan of the high roof so are you are able to adapt one of your SWB fibreglass roof to suit?  Would it be possible to cut down the existing hi-top roof?

I'm also after the simple blade type front spoiler, I'll look for a photo on the net as an example.



Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Bean on February 26, 2015, 06:46:28 PM
All you need is an angle grinder ,some PU foam ,epoxy resin and glass  and your imagination is the only limiting factor,.
It not difficult to achieve exactly what you want - Give it a go - its really rewarding once  you've  finish the job
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dano on February 27, 2015, 08:45:44 PM
Benny, did you get my message about the one piece rear door to WA? 6061
Has anyone tried one of those? Does it have an internal frame?
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Truck on February 28, 2015, 01:08:44 AM
Hey Dano there is one on WA Gumtree under Bedford Van


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dano on March 02, 2015, 05:36:36 AM
Cheers truck ...typical. ..stuck in sa for another week. ..buga
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on March 02, 2015, 10:06:55 PM
The rear doors , They can be built with an internal steel frame or just heavier fibreglass layers and plates with nuts welded on glassed in for  mounting hardware.
The guy that built them in the 70,s and 80,s told me he used holden HQ panel van top hinges.
I spoke to him about it when i bought his original moulds late last year.
Cheers marty

Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Dano on March 03, 2015, 05:40:09 AM
Cheers Marty. .. but the holden hinge is too short and not the right bend it leaves the door to o low when open. ...might be able to re fab the hinge but the mounting box is quite deep and large, I tried them when fabricating  the steel tailgate on the shorty....
When ben waz thinking about making the rear door  he mentioned he was going to make inner and outter skins with nuts glassed in ....just wondered if he did it in the end... and are they square....the one ive got is twisted
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on March 03, 2015, 11:21:47 AM
I just got off the phone from my fiberglassing mate.

He recons the hinges are remod to open higher.

The mounting nuts need to be welded to a plate and glassed in
Not just glassed in seperate, or on a flimsy piece of tin, or they could come adrift and loose, making removal and refitting a nightmare and rectifying the problem a major dilema.

Im not sure what Bens up to.
Havnt heard from him in years,
his glassing buisness has really taken off so i hear.
And judging by his ebay shop he,s doing great.
Yeah there would be nothing worse than a twisted door.
They need to be fitted together on a flat bench to be sure they are square and measured to ensure they are true in every way.

I leave a completed job in every mould i have to keep it clean and stop warpage,
Also helps if the moulds are stored flat and not twisted

Also i recon the job should be left in the mould for a few days to a week so its really cured,
Pulling a job too soon can warp it as the glass is still green ( not fully cured).

I hate buying shit products, so when i make them i make them as if they are for myself,
Im just fussy i guess, :)
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: Marishka on March 03, 2015, 11:56:50 AM
Hey Dano,
Here,s probably  the best way of contacting ben



He,s got good feedback and heaps of sales to his credit
Check his feedback.


Cheers marty
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: jazz657 on January 10, 2017, 06:48:08 PM
Hi, I am looking for information and a price for both front guards and a bonnet for my 1975 Bedford, regards Graham gnghawes@gmail.com.au
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wendyh on January 13, 2017, 07:36:40 PM
Hey Jaz
Bens usually quite busy now and dosent get on here much, he has an ebay store selling heaps of fibreglass bedford bits.
Or his mobile 0430053679
Tell him Wendy & Ray  refered you! 😊😊
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: vanpyre on January 13, 2017, 09:34:04 PM
graham ive tried emailing you a few times it keeps bouncing back at me mate could you send me another email or  find me on facebook mate ive got a couple of ideas or leads for you
Im in tassie to
Cheers ian Bruce Campbell
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: baz on March 11, 2018, 02:02:24 PM
Hi Ben,
I'm keen on the glass tilt front for the Bedford. A couple of Q's:

Is a tilt front available with a smooth bonnett, and
Is the tilt hardware available?


Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wendyh on March 12, 2018, 07:18:23 AM
Hey Baz
Ben doesn't come on here often now ..busy with work
Best give him a call
The fibreglass factory.  0430053679
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: baz on March 16, 2018, 12:39:55 PM
Hi Wendy & Ray,

Thanks for your reply. I'm keen on ordering some of Ben's fabs, not only but including also the tilt front. I contacted Ben via his Ebay listing & received a prompt answer.
Title: Re: Ben's fiberglass bedford bits - Q & A in here please
Post by: wendyh on March 16, 2018, 04:49:16 PM
Great news !😄😄

Please post some pictures of your progress
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