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Technical => Maintenance => Topic started by: Jock on September 02, 2008, 11:18:40 AM

Title: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Jock on September 02, 2008, 11:18:40 AM
When Marty and I were replacing the starter motor on 'Barry' the other night we accidently broke a T-Piece connection that joins the carb return line to the hose that runs into the top of the head and the hose that runs into the smog box as i like to call it.

The T-Piece had a non return valve on one end - the end that ran into the bottom of the carby.

I went to Repco yesterday and they didn't have anything like it. Does anyone know where I could get one or does anyone have a spare on that I could give you a few bob for?

I know this sounds weird but it's affecting my gear changing? and if it's not that then Marty and I have done soemthing that is affecting the gear changes.
The poor old tri-matic is holding gears for longer than  usual...

HELP  ???
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Joel Oswald on September 02, 2008, 11:52:08 AM
That's your vacuum modulator I'm fairly sure... I had trouble shifting gears when I didn't have it hooked to my trans... Most car part places should carry an assortment of different sizes I would think... I got mine from a place simialr to Repco.
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: ben on September 02, 2008, 12:24:21 PM
yeh i have one jock.. give us a call fella.

i had the same troulbe when first intalling the auto without it hooked up too.

Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: hammers_spanners on September 02, 2008, 12:26:33 PM
JD any holden wrecker will have tons of them. Its a vacuam tree for a Trimatic, if not you can adapt one from a VB - VK 6 cylinder. These are plastic and you just cut off the end for the ports you need.
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Bren on September 02, 2008, 04:45:02 PM
if this is the T piece that comes out of the manifold, you can also get aftermarket metal ones from
the same place that makes all the replacement thermostat housings. they're called "kilkenny castings" or something. they have them listed in their yellow book, and national parts, repco, coventrys all stock their parts.
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Marishka on September 02, 2008, 04:59:33 PM
g/day jock, have u tried other car parts outlets? someone should sell them,

when it broke i just blocked the one that goes into the inlet manifold under the carby with a bolt, this should have no affect on gearchanging.

what u could check for this is the thin pipe that was bolted to the rear manifold bolt(the ones we had to remove to get the extractors off),from back of inlet manifold (was this pipe put back in the rubber tube in top rear of inlet manifold?)  to module, where this thin pipe goes , it should be incerted into the module on the gearbox,there,s a inch piece of rubber tube to join the two,  (right side of automatic box), might have popped out. thats the only thing i can think it would be.
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Marishka on September 02, 2008, 07:29:53 PM
have u checked the tube yet jock?, lol
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Jock on September 02, 2008, 07:32:03 PM
Nah it was dark when I got home and Barry was a fair way down the street, I did drive past him to say hello though - he looked a bit lonely lol  :)
I will check it in the morning. I reckon we bumped it when we were undoing that top bolt on that evil little monster of a starter motor!

Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Marishka on September 03, 2008, 09:51:03 PM
jock, i drove my beddy today for the first time since comming into help u, halfway home from a 1km ride the clutch mechanism pivot assembly split in half, ouch, limped home, took 10 mins to get the part off n clean it, 10 mins to put the mig together, 2 mins to weld it stronger now with extra welds, 10 mins to fit back on, better than ever,

i cant believe it didnt happen before on longer trips, man the goddesses n gods were lookin after me, woulda been a towtruck job.

i love that new mig welder, few more welding jobs and it will have paid for itself.

im going to go buy some steel and make a new trailer for my hippyboat tomorow. and might nock up 1 of those bedford front trolleys
Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Jock on September 03, 2008, 10:00:13 PM
Pure luck my friend and yes - the gods were on your side! Haven't used a MIG yet only TIG stick welding...
I'm going to get a vacuum tree for the beddy tomorrow : )

How you been?

Title: Re: T-Piece NEEDED ASAP
Post by: Jock on September 03, 2008, 10:09:02 PM
Hey Marty - lucky you weren't in reverse! hahahaha
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