BUGA Community
General Category => CF Bedford Chat => Topic started by: eddy on February 05, 2011, 06:30:58 PM
Hey boyz and girlz only putting this out there as a matter of interest, I have a nearly completed swb windowless van, engineered 253 4 speed, dual fuel, 9" diff. disc brake front, needs work to complete but have lately been considering a cf swb cab tray back as a preferred work truck for the move back to the tools, luv the van but gotta be practical, if no good I'll turn the custom van into a work van but I reckon that will wreck it, check out my gallery pg 6 ......... :o
frik ... what I meant to say was ... anyone one gotta swb tray they wanna swap for a custom van?
yep ;D
no truck to swap but how much would you be chasing for the van? theres a bedford tray back on ebay atm think its in melb, 3500$
opps more like SA
buy a trailer eddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey Eddy, I have a LWB tray that needs a bit of work, good body, 202 four speed, but would rather swap my 2.5 tonne Dyna tipper, just had RWC and plenty of reg.....not what you are asking I know, but also just putting it out there....I'm in central vic
.....oh look it already says central vic on the left there......doh!
hey someone asked me if i know anyone with a tipper the other day.. ill tell him if i can remember who it was:)
hey photol, where in central Vic ? A coupla good blokes from the west side Perth have a couple of trays (I know the trays will be worthwhile for their reputations precede them) but such a long way to travel to and back from, getting the van ready to make the trip will be a journey in itself then returning and preparing a tray as a tradie truck will be even more strenuos. I'm wanting to move in about 6 weeks and only have weekends to get anything done. Don't want a straight sale of the van prefer a swap for a tidy unit or one with potential as I want to maintain my beddie addiction (that means I can at least have a custom beddie cabin), still open to offers ...... ;)
hey someone asked me if i know anyone with a tipper the other day.. ill tell him if i can remember who it was:)
User;Heavy Judy is a tipper
hey Craig had a look at Kimbos trays, which one did you get? if its the 253 is it engineered? stud pattern? dual fuel? just making some polite enquiries :-X
...ben, only selling/swapping tipper for a bedford or get the tray happening...Eddy I'm in Daylesford, will gather some info and pics, then post em....
....anyway to cut a long story short....did own this ivory queen one day..
....and, like you Eddy, what I needed was a tray.
so then drove home in this....
...... I was convinced that the tray was close to roadworthy, alas it was as close to roadworthy as Dubbo is to Dubai....
...having said that, it is still a worthy beddy with many good attributes, I have been collecting some bits and pieces for it and hope to have it regoed this year.....doesn't feel right not to have A bedford in the yard, (in any condition) now does it?
Hi Eddy....Craig bought both....the white one is all standard beddy - 202 - trimatic, standard diff and drum brakes.....the grey one had 253, 9 inch with discs all round, ford stud pattern...no tray, Craig drove it from Albany to Perth [400klms] and it sat on 110kph at 2250rpm and didn't miss a beat......I AM SOOOOOOOO PISSED!!!!! Still i know Craig will look after it....WONT YOU CRAIG!!!!
;D yep kimme ill be a good boy unless of course eddy wants to swap it for his no window swb?
8) 8) ;)
tempting Craig!!!!!! i so wished i hadda bought the grey one first....it would be the best cf swb truck in the country by now
holy cow !!!! I would swap my three thousandith and twentyeth best cf in the country in an instance for the best cf swb truck in the country ... yeehaaa !!!! :o
nuthing concrete on the swap for a swb tray front has eventuated ...... thanks photol for the offer mate but am after a swb with single axle (highway) and minimum work required to get it on the road .... so now I'm looking for a missybitchy Pajero prefer 3.5 petrol model, reckon I could take all the rear seats and build tool boxes in the rear, advantage being air con luxuries and 4 x 4 weekends, eerr speaking weekends I spent the last two weekends filling and filling and undercoating and sanding and sanding and sanding and sanding and sanding, and then more sanding nearly ready to paint the rear of the van back and down the sides where I done some rust repairs. trouble is I'm going to end doing a complete respray at the rate I'm going ::) anyone got a mate of a mate who wants to swap or sell a reliable Pajero? I reckon about 2.5 months before we head north ;D
...that's fine Eddy, there is a fair bit of work to do on this tray, plenty of sanding too ;D, good luck with your plans....