BUGA Community
General Category => CF Bedford Chat => Topic started by: John Abbott on May 21, 2010, 03:18:53 PM
Snapped this pic yesterday of this little worker in Winthrop W.A.
its got a short ass :D
There are 2 beddies i see regularly.
1/ A house painted hippie van in Footscray area ive taken several pics...on my old camera phone:) lol
2/ A fairly nice semi-custom van called "Deja Voodu" (voodu maybe different spelling, always see it near the markets on Franklin street. Havnt taken any pics, cause usually someone is in it, or im driving past it.
3/ A goldy brown coloured van, very nice, and again semi-custom, again Franklin street in Melb. but only have seen it 2-5 times, over the years.
thats no way to talk to johnno shane ::)
thats no way to talk to johnno shane ::)
thank u folks thank u folks nice to see sum recognition for my marsupial mirthness ;D
coming home from york yesterday through mundairing I thought i saw one of my old beddys out the cnr of my eye and by the time id turned around it had gone so I went into another street to turn around again and bugger me I pulled into a drive way and there was a beddy in front of me !! ;D spooky
awesome, were you able to get a look inside, was it done up.
yes very tidy in the cab
I went to the Nostalgia Drags on the weekend and spotted a Beddie in the car park it had a home made tailgate, ZA fairlane? tail lights flares and talking to the guy he had never heard of BUGA untill now, at home he has a LWB Jumbo & both Beddies are V8's SWEEEEEET
Well done Clint.....Geez i wish i had known it was on i would of gone. :-\
Righto fella's from now on any auto events that I hear of I will post in the events section, that way we could of got sunburnt together John
Is there a pic of the tailgate.
Thanks Clint. Hey i heard something about the organisers and the motorplex having some sort of dissagreement that was gonna see the event held somewhere else? You heard :-\ anything about that?
Is there a pic of the tailgate.
;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D
nice beddy, i never see any, just kombis :'(
Craig you da man that's the one, do you know him?
Nice one guys. We used to have a lot of beddies in my area back in the 90s, i still see a few guys around. I remember in 98 i was working security one night at my local shopping centre, and i came round the corner of this shop, looked towards the driveway, and here is this beddy, i walked over to him, and he was under the front, he had broken a tierod . He asked me to guard his van while he zipped home to get a replacement, i spent a large part of my shift watching him do a benny in the carpark. Few hrs later he was done and away.
those tail lights are zc, za dont wrap a wround the corner and have a little rectangle in the centre as a blinker
Craig you da man that's the one, do you know him?
not in a real social way, Iv meet him quiet a few times over the years we tend to run in to each other a bit ,he turned up one day at a house where I was wrecking a beddy it was a good day he, the ox (trev) and a light blue custom all turned up within 10 minutes of each other.
nice guy though always polite very nice to chat with hope he joins the site Hes had that SWB as long as I can remember
Spotted "Dr Hoon" today when doing some errands in Box Hill. Parked behind it hoping the owner would come back to it and see, but I was outta there before that happened.
its always cool to park next to another beddy :) did you leave a flyer?
Didn't leave a flyer, cause i rekon I have seen pics of this beddy on BUGA before..
yeah i parked next to dr hoon the other day at knox city. I was in a corolla though...lol
spotto,d in thornleigh area few months ago when down in melb,...
on the way home Thursday and Friday from Merlins
and then this one
that LWB has been in my head for awhile now, what 4x4 running gear does it use? and I hope he comes back ;) ;)
Hey Craig.....did the gold one have a for sale sign on it?????
no but it was advertised about a year ago
Hey Craig.....did the gold one have a for sale sign on it?????
you gettin itchy again mate?
for some reason ... i'm gettin the feelin he miss' his 400 lwb, would one be right Kimbo?
love that lwb 4x4, did you bugarise it? oh that doesn't sound rite :-[ ;D
i mean put a flyer on it....
nah,the 400 cost him too many fines.
He wants the red one back.
I hear something what's that noise..........Kimmeee.......Kimmmeee......Kimmeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have 3 racing go karts now and trailer is too small!!!!! A LWB would be great....i almost went to the dark side a couple of weeks ago and nearly bought a 2003 transit....with 6 speed & high roof.......really tidy for $6500 and loads of room....but decided no too....
my LWB is waiting for a home like yours.......
Kimeeee kimeeee kimmeeee....
look at moi....look at moi
spotto,d lonsdale area ....different... ::).
look at moi....look at moi
whoaho black beddy bamba,lam ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
that gold one could use some gaffa tape:)
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)javascript:void(0); ::)
:P :P :P :P :P
Hey Dano....How does he go with the new gearbox in buddy???? :D :D
spotto cream colored beddy between the lakes and york today going in the opposite direction SWB bumper spotty bar and galaxy tail lights very tidy unit.
yeah johnno pretty good, love it, certianly notice the differance between the 350 and 327....and to have a trans that quick shifts and a shifter that works too...good fun .......
Last week on sunday morn i did a cruise out to scarborough and back via , marmion ave,reid hwy and as we came accross the top of the f/way there was a very nice dk blue swb coming off the f/way it had flares,fatties etc.......didn't get to stop and missed any chance of contact but it was good to see and I think Borrie also took him by surprise....
Dano, you shoulda come past for a cruise in convoy(seeing as i missed the Panthers cruise.. haha)
that rear bumper doesnt go....
Spotto black Beddy camper (aluminium back) driving through Bangalow FNC NSW on Thursday. Anyone here own it?
I spoke to the Camper owner in byron a few weeks back....its a great looking camper...he wants to sell it
i gave him buga deets..hopefully he signs up
I spoke to the Camper owner in byron a few weeks back....its a great looking camper...he wants to sell it
i gave him buga deets..hopefully he signs up
Hi Marky,
only saw it on the road but it seemed to be OK looking along the sides. Did you see that a Beddy camper burnt down in Uki recently? It'd be good to have a few more locals and maybe we can have an AGM to discuss our projects and headaches face to face.
Bedford Camper at the 2011 Adelaide Bay to Birdwood Classic! We got a very enthusiastic reception on the day. Get your Beddie ready for the Classic run in 2013!(http://www.grouseguitars.com.au/dolph/birdwood%200911.jpg)
I dont know about the beddy, but i can see my dream monaro sitting on the end there. BUGA one day ::) ::) ::) ::) :o :o :o :o
I spotted a White bedford van up in stoneville , in the mundaring hills last night i will have to go back and try get a photo for yas :)
My In laws spotted thisRED beddie camper while on touring holiday in NZ somewhere in south Island on the west coast!
funny how the bedford bug is contagious :D got family on the look out now ;D
anyone on here own it or know the onwers?
SPOTTO,D in melb last year, thornbury area... veeeery tidy ;)
aaaaand SPOTTO,D in sa, lonsdale industrial area, loved its australiana lets go bush look ;D
I'm all for recycling but you put those fotos up in june last year
its ok skip loose of memory happens to the best of us:)
(http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/368/img2104.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/841/img2104.png/)
My mate snapped this up for me the other day driving between jobs in greensborough.
Ha I saw this woody van at the Vic hot rod show on Sunday, parked right out front, I took a few pics on my phone, was gonna post them up
I'm all for recycling but you put those fotos up in june last year
:-[ oops did i?? :-[ lol :D ah well did mention i took em last year at least...well spotto,d my respotto,d hotrod ;)
My In laws spotted thisRED beddie camper while on touring holiday in NZ somewhere in south Island on the west coast!
funny how the bedford bug is contagious :D got family on the look out now ;D
anyone on here own it or know the onwers?
Noice. Aren't the front bumpers on upside down?
My In laws spotted thisRED beddie camper while on touring holiday in NZ somewhere in south Island on the west coast!
funny how the bedford bug is contagious :D got family on the look out now ;D
anyone on here own it or know the onwers?
Noice. Aren't the front bumpers on upside down?
Well we are down under here, might be the answer why.................. :D
That red Beddie was on trademe a few weeks ago.
Spotted this Tray '76 Beddie today. Stopped to have a yarn with the owner.
Love those rear rims, they would look good all polished up
Thats what I want, nice long flat deck
You said deck right ;D
What a BEAST (check out the rego plate) ;) ;) ;D ;D :o
background beddie on ebay
background beddie on ebay
Good spott'n hotrod
I took these pics about one year ago. So l was quite suprised to see it today looking exactly like it did one year ago.
Spoke to guy in fish n ship next door when i took pics . Told me neighbour owns it and has been there for a few years. If any one wants
l can leave a note on van or knock on his door maybe he or she would be willing to sell. No pics of interior but it has one peace dash
like the ones Ben sells , engine is a red holden and the diff is a big one. Thats all l know . Hope u enjoy..Cheers Frank
I'll take first dibs........if you have the address i can chase it up. otherwise pm me and i'll give you my details.
Great work!
anyone would do good to get that as it is obviously a racing model, you can tell by the 'safety net' on the drivers window ;D ;D ;D
I wonder if it runs on chip oil :D ;D :D ;D :D
I drove past that Beddie some 12 months ago when I was in Melbourne for work, but was with the boss and unable to stop.
Good project.
It's been parked there for years, think I remember seeing it almost ten years ago, in the same spot in Coburg.
Looks ready for restoration!
Must have s shyte load of parking tickets that go with it
i recon its a good one and i would jump on it mezzmo! sorta looks like a 9 inch diff too? looks to big to be a banjo. anyone recognise the diff from behind?
Hey Guys, how come there is no reply button for bens fibreglass posts. How much are you selling the black bedford tilt fronts for benny.
Hey Guys, how come there is no reply button for bens fibreglass posts. How much are you selling the black bedford tilt fronts for benny.
Because the original post for the fibreglass bits went way off topic (like this one just did :-[ ) and there was more crap in it than fibreglass bits if you take my meaning. I think it was Warren who tidied it up bless his cotton socks. Now it's just for Ben to advertise his product and if you want a discussion you start another thread or PM him.
Yes Rouge trooper is right
there is a Q&A thread (http://www.buga.com.au/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=2&topic=4109.0) in the for sale section specifically for Bens bits
I was picking up some sheet metal I bought of evilBay an lo and behold John, the guy selling the sheet metal has this sweet little tray truck.
We had a good chat about it and John says he has owned it for over 20 years, and completely rebuilt it a few years ago.
202 with a four speed, running straight gas with two tanks (can't remeber the capacity but I think it would be over 120 litres) Standard (high ratio) diff, drums all around.
Very standard interior, nice and clean, very little use .
Hydrolic tailgate, More Pictures in my gallery.
John mentioned he might be interested in selling it if it was to go to a good home.
PM me for more info
love the ashtray :D
I was picking up some sheet metal I bought of evilBay an lo and behold John, the guy selling the sheet metal has this sweet little tray truck.
We had a good chat about it and John says he has owned it for over 20 years, and completely rebuilt it a few years ago.
202 with a four speed, running straight gas with two tanks (can't remeber the capacity but I think it would be over 120 litres) Standard (high ratio) diff, drums all around.
Very standard interior, nice and clean, very little use .
Hydrolic tailgate, More Pictures in my gallery.
John mentioned he might be interested in selling it if it was to go to a good home.
PM me for more info
the guy in the background!!!! image 3...is he from the ministry of silly walks ??? ;D ;D ;)
the guy in the background!!!! image 3...is he from the ministry of silly walks ??? ;D ;D ;)
Well spotted Skip, I think he was off to buy a Parrot :)
But what was the guy in the refection doing ???
??? at an educated guess warren,... tipping an imaginary stubbie of beer over his forehead ??? ??? ??? ( cos he doesnt agree with the other guy spending good beer money on a parrott?) ::) ::)
Saw a green SWB (w/flares) last night in Perth with the rego 'grnmachine'. Anyone here?
:o gasp!!! :o george!!!...could this be the legendary "missing green beddy" ;D ;D ;D ;)
MMMM that illusive green beddy, will it ever be solved. Maybe underbelly will do a show on it, my guess though, just a guess, i recon that a developer somewhere will empty a dam and bingo, one rusty beddy and 2 skeletons. Its jimmy hoffa, dale flannery, mr renta kill all over again. ah mysteries.
Mr Dreamer Ice cream Van...spotted in San Remo nothern central coast/ north of Gosford NSW
Good old ice cream van. Yep gotta love those curves, nothing beats owning a beddy. ;D ;) :D :o ;D ;D ;D
Out and about round albert park today, spotted this matt black beast.
Seems to be in good nick, i.e. diddnt leave an oil slick behind when taking off!!
Doing the hard yards too, towing a trailer full of clippings and a ladder!
I'm eating a soft-serve cone as I'm writing this.
Our ice cream van is usually the old Transit, it's not often we see the Beddo out and about.
Another local bloke has a white LWB, so there's four of 'em in town now, that I'm aware of.
Erp!!! :D
Another ice cream van. ::)
This one recently featured in Episode 3 of the new ABC comedy - PROBLEMS. (see on iview)
Spotted this Beddy twice while in Melbourne last week....first on the great ocean road, then on the freeway from Geelong to Melbourne.......only got time to take the one photo....was a real tidy unit
Nice looking poptop there ;D
complete with 70,s chopper pushie ,backup...... thats class 8) 8) 8) 8)
chopper pushie...i had one like that n it was called a dragter ;D
opps ::) dragster ;)
In the U.K. they had the Raleigh Chopper. In Aus. we had the Malvern Star Dragstar.
The U.S. started the trend in the late 60s with their Schwinn Stingray.
I'm bustin' to post some pics of my bikes.
still got my wifes dragster in the shed, with a 3xy sticker on the back gaurd. 3 speed, t-bar Malvern Star
yep thats it i knew someone would remember Malvern star dragster :D
my olds wouldnt let me have a ralleigh chopper as a kiddie, :'( :'( :'( so as punishment when i was 17 i i bought a C15 bsa 250...... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Saw a gunmetal grey SWB cruising past my place earlier this evening, had ZB tail lights, and got on the horn as they went past my driveway as i reversed out..
Was that anyone from here? I was in the white LWB..
Spotted at the Drags last night
Good job sherlock Clint ;) :D :D :D
Sometimes there is a Beddie Mr Whippy there with Chrysler Wayfearer fins on the roof there was a ttttt transit there that night
spotted this poptop camper from WA in Cooranbong NSW today.
looks in really good condition
spotted this at aspley hypermarket today, anyone from here ???
had no side door and the front grill looks interesting
I one I spotted in Salzburg, Austria over Christmas
yay ! another purple beddy! ;D
Purple is GAY isn't it LOL ;D ;D ;D
its a very trendy colour nowadays! just ask ben ;D ;D ;D
not gay ::) ::)
whew ... i like purple lol ;D ;D
purple ... spiritually aware ..... 8)
on ya Skip ....I even have a purple budha on the dash!
Mmmmmmm.........purple. :-*
Hmmmmmm nice any more pic's of that one?
'Vanpire' has nice pinstriping and heavy flake in the paint.
The other van is the colour I almost painted mine in.
Ok Ok ok ..... i found another bedford today! :D
Today i was near Toronto, Lake Macquarie and I pulled into this driveway and low and behold there was another beddy!
And even more exciting the owner Theo was nearby. Theo had never heard of buga so im hoping we will have another member from NSW! YEAH!!!!
its a 1973 model pretty stock standard with a little rust starting to come thur in usual places, yet Theo has plans to pull her off the road and and give her a once over.
enjoy the pics 8)
its a 73 ??
has a newer style bonnet (no vents on top
heater control is the newer style
and the door card and handles are the later style ...
so if a 73 someone has put a bit of work into it at some point
or maybe the ozie bedfords are different ???
yeah dunno ...i asked what yr model n thats what he said...i may have heard wrong ???
very observant of u anyway ! ;D
yes and it has later than 73 door handles and a fuse box.
i did notice the fuse box as well ....
we should start a spot the difference lol .. maybe call it what year is it ;D ;D ;D
Those later style heater controls suggest it's one of the last Mk1 models. '79 - '80 is my guess.
spotted this beddie under my carport undergoing some major rebuilding & mods
handy place to spot a Beddy
Seen at the drags last week
Petrolhead (Clint)
The CF truck is mine.
Next time you are at the drags come and say hello as it would be great to meet ya.
Come and have a feed and a drink as we stay over and go home in the morning.
Next race for us is Western Nationals March 2 & 3
Rhett you might of spotted me I'm the guy in the electric wheelchair, if I've got the finances I'll be there 6PAK? you havn't got a Charger with the same rego plates? and by the way where is Iluka?
No sorry no charger in my stable
only an EK Wagon(as old as me), a HK sedan (my first car, brought it off my mum we have had it since new)
6pac is my Altered (fastest Naturally Aspirated 6cyl in Aust)
Who needs 8 cylinders when you can do it with 6! LOL
I will be in touch before march and will arrange you a ticket.
ILUKA is on the North Coast west of marmion ave between Ocean Reef and Burns Beach.
EK wagon Hmmmm I can smell a Nomad converson that's what I would of done if I could of found a decent one, I'll take you up on that ticket for sure
Ray spotted this jumbo in jan this yr drivin thru Wagga Wagga
Dibs!! Spotted that back in August last year!
It had a very faint "For Sale" written on the screen then, guess no-ones taken Peter up on it!!
Course, if any newbies are interested, the details are in the "Found For Sale" board
Found this one at Armidale.
http://www.buga.com.au/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=8&g2_itemId=44928 (http://www.buga.com.au/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=8&g2_itemId=44928)
Running a Mazda diesel engine.
kool maicoletta ! :D
I also spooted a light blue SWB on the F3 freeway just about in warrogah syd early this morn about 6.30..i was heading north didnt get a chance to take a pic..is that anyone on here?
Seen this a coupla times in SE burbs near my work, first time I've been able to get a coupla photos off!
Anyone here? Reasonable nick, less rust than mine :D :D
Interesting system for slowing it down, got a ford badge on the front!! :D :D
Even seems to be carrying around a spare front end, just in case....
Heres one...saw this big beautiful beast up here at Mermaid beach...gotta love it!
Spotted this camper at the local Woolies today. It is a converted ex-ambulance with QLD plates.
Pretty rare to see a 1980 'Facelift' here in Aus., a first for me anyhow.
The lady owner said it had been brought over from NZ, and she had just traveled here from SA.
She wasn't aware of BUGA 'til now either. It was good chance to see that parcel shelf / dash
setup for myself.
(http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w156/vintageholden/6256ah6_20_zps3c253d6c.jpg) (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/vintageholden/media/6256ah6_20_zps3c253d6c.jpg.html)
spotted this last week in belmont w.a....
at cash converters carpark..
not this photo never had my phone.....
hung around for a while hopping to meet you but had to go.....
Heres one...saw this big beautiful beast up here at Mermaid beach...gotta love it!
thats my big beaut beast...travelling around aus atm..thanks for spotto!
Heres one...saw this big beautiful beast up here at Mermaid beach...gotta love it!
thats my big beaut beast...travelling around aus atm..thanks for spotto!
It looks chunky! Safe travels! :P
spotted this ol' girl at the local shopping centre in mermaid waters, old telecom? van, dual sliders & all! :)
White and grey jumbo spotted in ballarat this morning....wendouree area. Mainly white, bit of grey, large single door on rear. I tried to get 3 pics but all were blurry, due to driving and crappy conditions.
Was this your Machine Rossi...Airport west area then going past mars on ring rd
sorry for lack of pics
here some spottos i have forgot to put up from the last few months.
last one was in bendigo. this one was in brunswick, now its been resprayed black.
and this one was in northcote
snapped a couple a pics of this old girl up in Arundel on the gold coast
Today on Stirling Highway tucked down the side of a house a army green Beddie camper, no pic's sorry didn't have the camera and don't have a phone with a camera if somebody could go down there and take a pic i'd appreciate it
Close to Tydenham intersection if that helps
This Beddo Spotto on Rage last night, in a new video by Tom Lark.
On the roof of a building, of all places.
uncanny, I was just reading about this van you saw on rage! weird....... :o
http://oldschool.co.nz/2011/forum/index.php?/topic/39698-1979-cf-bedford-bey-thats-mean-as-van/page-2 (http://oldschool.co.nz/2011/forum/index.php?/topic/39698-1979-cf-bedford-bey-thats-mean-as-van/page-2)
Wow, that's the one. Coincidence eh? Good stuff Rotti. :)
The producers of the upcoming INXS documentary 'Never Tear Us Apart'
found an appropriate Beddy for filming. Anyone on here own this?
Ok most of this clip is off an amazing little race car track :o ...but if ur watching there is a bedford to spot :D
click on the link or copy and paste into ur browser
http://youtu.be/M9a7ijMh338 (http://youtu.be/M9a7ijMh338)
enjoy be amazed
Channel 7's 'Sunrise' TV program is using this '79 Beddy ice cream van for promotional
and charity work this summer. It can be seen when they cross to the weather report.
The refrigeration motor broke down and needed repairs from day one. :-[
found on facebook located on the Sunshine Coast
found on facebook located on the Sunshine Coast
OK my bad not the Sunshine Coast but Melbourne sunshine
Got half it right. ;D
Spotted a few Bedfords during out trip down to attend the 2014 NZ Van Nats. Thought you might like to see them.
Hunterville main street trader had a Bedford hidden behind a few old English vehicles in his yard.
Spotted in the Golden Bay area.
A sad looking camper for sale just outside Wellington.
Parked up behind the Owen River Tavern just outside Murchison.
Hey I spottoed a mr whippy van in the Bogan Hunters show :o :o :o :o amd it was purple too !! ;) ;) ;)
....i tried n tried to get a pic ??? ???
maybe the techies on this site maybe alble to get a pic amd post it here
its 4.04 mins into the show..
enjoy !
go the bogans !! ;D ;D ;D
here you go Wendy...
I did this by pausing video, press print screen button on keyboard, load MSPAINT and paste into it, then crop and save as required.
Well spotted Wendy ;)
Nice work Sammy
AHHHH your a champion Sammy :D
Thanx! ;)
How could i NOT spot a purple beddy John :o ::) ;D ;D ;D
Spotto a beddy in a video posted by australian car events page on face book
it was in a night time car club run called the Yarra Valley Chrome Bumpers
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152233540962054&set=vb.730797053&type=2&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152233540962054&set=vb.730797053&type=2&theater)
Ok OK ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
i will fess up...it was my beddy ;D ;D ;D ;D but i was surprised as we didnt know it was being videoed !
Ray bided on some cheap rims that we were looking at for the beddy ...no one else bided so we won ...
so we had popped down there on the weekend ...we also wanted to give the new modified EFI manifold and new variable venturi a good run...she went fantastic ! fuel consumption on LPG went down from 23 litres per 100km to 17.5 litres...and heaps more responsive at the accelerator pedal...Couldn't be happier with the old girl! :D :D :D :D
soooo tonight surfing face book and i found this video of the cruise...these guys meet on a friday night round 7-8 pm... easy 200 cars in a bunnings car park...the rural fire brigade is there with a sausage sizzle.. .. then around 9 pm they draw a raffle and then hit the road for a 30 min cruise to a huge BP servo that has a macas with a big car park...we thought it was a fantastic way to spend an evening in your favorite car with other car enthusiast
enjoy the roll up of chrome bumpers
Found spotto...thought it was a van...but from behind ..... a v8 :o
Burnout beast i betcha ;D ;D
Musical band "Vaudeville Smash" used this Beddie in their latest video.
Hey Guys, I was coming home the other day when i spotted this LWB working beddy, dually.
http://youtu.be/nrOLGifnMJk (http://youtu.be/nrOLGifnMJk)
ToP spotto Hobbit :D
dont know what it was about?..they sure had some talent and some fun thou
Definitly a nice van too! ;)
ToP spotto Hobbit :D
dont know what it was about?..they sure had some talent and some fun thou
Definitly a nice van too! ;)
have to agree there, a nice looking not over the top van, great rear mags
What a day today was, shit weather but saw two beddies today, I'll have to learn how to post the pics
One was a jumbo, it's a part of grey army, pulled up next to him, I didn't manage a full side on pic as I was driving... And he was looking at me, I didn't want to appear a weirdo
Other was a white swb cf parked out front of a motor mechanic, outside looked fairly stock
I'll post pics ASAP
Hey good work gunning...to ad pics is easy.
when you click on reply ...theres the white box for typing in....under the white box off to the left a bit is a little white arrow additional options.
click on that ...then three lines come up ..under that it says Attach: choose File ( in box) then no file chosen
click on choose file and it takes you to your documents and pictures on your computer....
for more pics you can click on more attachments in blue up to 5 times. then click pots or preview.
then your done ...easy !
hope that helps as its always good to see spotto pics :D
hey it took me a while to get my head around adding pics here...even longer to put pics in albums in the gallery :o
the techies have to dumb things down heaps i reckon so us laypeople can do things easier in their world.
like add pic here button is the go i reckon...please no offence to the guys who run this site my admiraton and praises go out to them TOTALLY ;) but to us no techies its another new language to understand and get our heads around.
Cool thanks Wendy, I'll try that when I get home
(http://)White swb in ballarat
Sorry about that...tried that from phone, I'll fix up later tonight
Na, that's fine... we are in the land "down under" after all.....
Sorry, someone had to say it. ;D
i deleted the two upside down pics but will correct after 10 pm tonight and add one or more of the jumbo..the pics of jumbo are crap, not a full side pic at all, mainly from behind
here we go first one is a white swb in brown hill, ballarat,
at moment i cant post others as file is too large, my computer is slow as shit lately and cant find things on it, i saw your advice rumax on resizing but i cant find that program
the jumbo from the rear, approaching the side
ill have to keep eye out for this one and get better pics, seen roughly where this ones hides
well done Gunning loading the pics!
and spotting two beddies two...
ive spotted some vans but never had the time to get phone out and take pics as there gone in a few secs
now your next attempt is to load pics in your album in the gallery ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D...now thats a whole new challenge! :o :o :o
thanks Wendy, i ll have to find my camera, my phone doesnt have a flash....maybe tidy up shed a bit as well
Spotted outside Ray's place. Its Busy's old standard van with its new dark purple paint job. Eric is starting to add his own personal touches and she is looking good.
Took the van for a sunday cruise today....spotted this icream van along Newcastle foreshore.
Then we saw the most magificent double rainbow at Catherine Hill Bay beach...it was so close with bright strong colours..pic doesnt do it justice.
The green machine has finally returned from being 6 months in intensive care.New diff, New discs New everything from the gearbox backwards - Just the red tape to get done with the modifications and approval from the traffic authorities - that's when the pretty stuff can begin.
Awsome colour, and nice wheels
Awesome looking van Bean. Nice clean lines.
Suits that green Bean awesome job.
Gordon, well done with photo outside with our mkj1 and Eric is certainly doing a good job. Was so good catching up. Hope Stu can use those drums.
Hey Ray, I was gutted that it was raining and we couldn't get some pics of your custom van. Its coming together amazingly and is going to be absolutely awesome when it is finished. Saw Bas yesterday and his van is coming together nicely too. Keep up the good work.
Meant to tell you that we spotted Grunta's custom van last Sunday. It was on a trailer heading south out of Auckland. The back of the van is so wide that they had fitted standard rims to get it to fit on the trailer. Didn't have enough time to grab a photo as we were heading in the opposite direction.
Oh well such a buga. There will be plenty more times. Im not sure who brought Gruntas or where it was off two,bloody awesome van.
great looking van Bean, good choice with colour and rims
I was watching a bit of youtube the other day, watching "open all hours", saw in first season, ep 3, the shop assistant riding a bike plows into the back of a beddie, uk version of mr whippy
We went racing at Sydney Motorsport Park (previously called Eastern Creek Raceway) last weekend and found this one
nice and clear pic Wendy, looks in pretty good condition to
Im still watching "open all hours" old 70's -80's british comedy....lots of transits and beddies spotted in backgrounds
i saw a nice orange one just couldnt get the frame for a good pic
heres a good shot of a white one
great spootos then !
and thats a sliding door model too ! :D
tonight spotted a pink beddy mr whippy on a TV commercial for streets blur ribbon icecream ,,,channel 7
tried to find it on youtube..no luck
also the below is a bit of beddy trivia
Was just overtaken by this red v8 raymond terrace nsw
Met up with the owner of this "work in progress" Jumbo earlier today. The bodywork is absolutely mint. Runs a 308 with a TH350 box. Spent about 3 hours chatting Bedfords. What a good bloke.
Spotted this earlier today outside my local Repco. I waited around and got to speak to the owner who just picked up the van from Taupo this weekend. She runs a 186 with an auto box.
Sold for $4.640
Wow, :o
Im bloody movin to NZ
You have better custom vans to chose from and better fishing
Nicer land,
And No dickheads runnin the country
:D ;D :D
Wow, :o
Im bloody movin to NZ
You have better custom vans to chose from and better fishing
Nicer land,
And No dickheads runnin the country
:D ;D :D
The first three comments may be right... But the part about Dickheads running the country, I am not to sure about that... ???
Took a cruise out to Gulf Harbor yesterday and spotted this cool old Bedford house truck parked up amongst the more modern self contained campers. Got chatting to the lady owner who told me that it is still all original Bedford running gear apart from a Holden carbie that was fitted a few years back.
Spotted in Auckland over the last 2 weeks, last one is not a Bedford, but a nice set up
Ahhh there are some awesome old bedford motor homes about!
this one below wasn't on the road...but it made us turn around and take a pic :o
the black beddy was spotted in south Grafton...another slider too!
We also passed a red/marone swb van and a Biddy trayback on the same road different days. road was between woodburn and lismore on the north coast of nsw.
ok i spotted a backside of a beddy in a documentry :)
"Australian Story" on the laylend brothers
its about 15.20 mins
probably most of us have grown up with the laylend bros and remember them well
so sit back and watch this 30 min step back in time...and keep your eyes peeled for the beddy.
Spotted this around the corner from work at Silverwater in Sydney this morning.
Hi guys and gals,
Has anybody noticed the Bedford in the start of the "Compare the market adds" with the meerkat abseiling down the building? Its a in the beginning of the add and a shot inside at the end.
Yep Ray spotted it a week ago !! kool huh ! ;D
I often drive the 1.5 hours from home to my parents place to sneak in some work on my van, this trip coming home I spotted a Bedford going the other way - woohoo, well 2 actually
I was driving home and saw all these hot rods coming the other way (they going to Auckland), thought hmm must be a hot rod cruise or something, then remembered the beach hop was on this weekend. Anyways, saw all these rods and classic and thought just need a CF to complete it, next corner what do I see, a nice light yellow Bedford - Gordon's van.
Then about 20 k's down the road saw a CF camper
Sorry no pictures
It's a shame Gordon can't find the time the come to the Nationals.
It's a shame Gordon can't find the time the come to the Nationals.
Gordon not going......? strange
What about you Garry, is your van going to be there.
Ok, so now that Garry has made me feel guilty about the Nats, I'll share a few pics from Beach Hop as penance :)
Eric's old brown CF is also a regular at The Hop so I didn't take any more pictures of it, but there was a really good looking ambo conversion as well as the green CF1 with the black stripes that was on TradeMe a while back. Also of interest was an old Morris van that I have seen around Auckland before, a neat looking yellow Thames panel van and a bagged Commer that unfortunately got green stickered on Friday night by the local constabulary.
Forgot to mention that Scott was there with his two Bedfords too. The metalic blue and gold one and the V8 powered white and black Jumbo.
Spent a week in Melbourne at the Australian Motoring Festival (Showgrounds)
Spotted this beddy on display at the Variety Club Display.
Neat Sump guard on the auto.
One piece tailgate, Nice.
more photos
ok Newcastle hosted the Hot Rod Nats at easter.....
see if you can spot the bedford :o ::) ;D
Blue and white van alongside Armco railing 8)
Hey Gordon. Is Scott the upholsterer from Whangaparoa?
Yep, that's him Garry.
ok Newcastle hosted the Hot Rod Nats at easter.....
see if you can spot the bedford :o ::) ;D
was it an ice cream van
yep well done! top right had corner at the beginning and end of the short clip!
Was following a post on face book on a new friend i made at bathurst van nats and realize this guy was behind me taken a few pics... ;D ;D
this one i thought was a good spotto that only a beddy fan could spot, such a tall n curvy bum ::)
well said Dano ;D ;D ;D
and ive got two me n me van ;)
not a bad looking back door wendy
This one was at a NSW Cup Rugby League game between Newton and Manly at Henson Oval Marrackville.
kool spotto ...wheres the like button on here??? :)
The light globes are attractive :o ??? is that legal?
spotted the LWB 4x4 Beddie yesterday as I flew in, it was on Great Eastern Hwy heading east, good to see it back on the road, last time I saw it, it was in an Auto trans shop in Rockingham WA
Does anyone knows were he resides ....
OK These spoto's come and go.
Question - How many "living" Bedfords are there in Perth. ie over the pits, licensed and ready to go, does any one have some kind of register?
We've spoken about a run up to Yanchep for months now - I think its time we started to pencil in a date, maybe the first day of spring and there after no excuses.
Any takers?
Spotted earlier this year in Mokau near Taranaki
It's a small world, living in a pretty small country town I found another bedford user he,s got a 4x4 bedy and puting a v6 commodore engine into it, recons he loves bedys but hates puting snow chains on to get up the hill so yeah 4x4 bedy.
I wil take some pics next time we cach up.
That looks like Ray Chatfield's jumbo, was he towing a race car trailer ?
If it is his one it's really well done, the second diff is actually belt driven off the first and inside is decked out well.
Hey guys,
didnt get a pic, but.....i went past a very clean mystery van parked at a mechanics in southport qld the other day, looks almost ready for the road, no tailights etc...but very close! is it anyones on here? :D
Kool another beddy on the road!!
and maybe at the van nats.....
This beddie, next door to last night's house fire in Merrylands. (TV News)
This count as a spotto ?
Yes, if the van had been taken by a 3rd party without your knowledge :o were is it off too.
That photo was taken at the Bombays, van is now in Hamilton
Busy did you sell your van?
Cool, close to Home, don't forget about us us up here... ;)
Gunning, no didn't sell my van, just had to get it out of my mums place
You can store it at my place if you want Busy, :D
Cheers marty
This was spotted in Mission Bay, Auckland yesterday. Awesome looking van with plenty of mods both inside and out by the look of it. Totally unknown in the local vanning scene so if any of you NZ Bugga's can shed any light on it or the owner let me know.
(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/sundownernz/vans/NZ%20Vans/Nice%2001_zpsrkyomu7y.jpg) (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sundownernz/media/vans/NZ%20Vans/Nice%2001_zpsrkyomu7y.jpg.html)
(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/sundownernz/vans/NZ%20Vans/Nice%2002_zpsrgjiil6j.jpg) (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sundownernz/media/vans/NZ%20Vans/Nice%2002_zpsrgjiil6j.jpg.html)
Where are the front indicators?
Maybe they're in the headlights, seen a type that has bottom section Amber for the indicators
What are the tail lights out of, any pics when fitting them
Hi Garry,
I pass the house where that silver van lives every day on my way to work. Its the same house where your pictures were taken so I guess he lives there. I've also seen it cruising around my suburb which is close by.
Ok Gordon, we will leave it up to you to obtain full details ;)
Geez no gutters either!!! :o
ummm. No.
A CF Beddie ice-cream van features in the new Fraser A. Gorman music video clip.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXzflowJlLI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXzflowJlLI)
Nice find Hobbit, cool looking beddie, song wasn't bad but the bed demanded my attention
Saw this cool looking beddie truck (small) at Bunnings in Ballarat today
Looks cool, had 5 spoke mags old school type, not sure of name. Something like drag ways or sprint masters, looked like abit of a rake to it
no hiding those air horns
Tis chunky lookin'.... 8)
(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/sundownernz/vans/NZ%20Vans/Nice%2001_zpsrkyomu7y.jpg) (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sundownernz/media/vans/NZ%20Vans/Nice%2001_zpsrkyomu7y.jpg.html)
Also looks like this one has had the front of the roof lowered and wind screen shortened a few inches ?
spotted this crazy beast up here in molendinar gold coast....
Me ol mate shaun had his dirty hands on this beast last week.....northern gold coast somewhere....
spotted this crazy beast up here in molendinar gold coast....
Thats my old LWB from 2001.
253 , auto
Ive still got pictures of it with no stickers, i will dig them out n post em up.
I always regretted selling that van. :(
I bought it off a guy from Darwin, sold it to a guy in green vally,
He sold it on ebay.
I was wondering where it ended up, :)
Glad to see its still alive.
Hi fellow Bedford lovers :)
This is what has taken most my time, money and sanity this year, but finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after lots of blood, sweat & beers!
Been a massive learning experience with me never having done something like this before. Thank god ive had a solid mate having a crack at it with me and keeping me in line when ive been ready to chuck it in a few times
Shes looking even better atm & ready to roll with the ineterior slowly taking shape. If you get he chance check it out & tell me what you think, any feedback/advice would be appreciated, cheers
Sounds good Nate,
Good friends are hard to find, sounds like you have done well.
Tried to check it out a few times.
Just kept getting this
Cheers marty
Gday Nate, I tried to view it as well and got the same message as Marty
Hi Nate, welcome. The video played okay on my PC.
Congratulations, all your hard effort has paid off. That's a nice glossy new finish, mate. Good work. 8)
Played ok here...
You have to change the YouTube page to desktop view on a mobile phone. It's in the YouTube settings on the right hand side. Cool vid
yeah well done make over on your beddie camper!
very challenging i see yet very rewarding as well...enjoy !
video link worked ok with me!
Thanks for the comments! :)
Its great to hear any kind of feedback!
And yeah cheers Bullstik, i think its just a setting change on your phone.
Im going to finish it off with some pinstripes or a decent decal, the white is good and ended up looking a lot better than i thought with the tinted windows, but theres something missing.
Currently having a go at the interior as well . Did have sink/stove/cupboards etc but completely gutted her. Now have a lot of extra space to work with and with having the bed "up stairs" im hoping to really get some life back into her!
well keep us posted with plenty of pics of the fit out,
may i suggest starting a new topic heading "camper fit out" so it can be searched and found for later bugas to find? happy to help if you need it working out where to put the post :)
Spent last night in our Bedford out at Gulf Harbour and woke up this morning to find that another Bedford had pulled in and parked up during the night.
Just saw a beddie in a Mcdonald's add!
they have painted a mr whippy van red ...hahah
on NBN channel nine while the cricket is on
can anyone find it on youtube..ive tried n cant find it
Ian BC found on face book
Another one......
New Allianz TV ad, where a Mr. Whippy Beddie ploughs into the back of a parked car in: 'The hose that got away'.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTvggwX5_-M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTvggwX5_-M)
we were watching something on tv last night wen the mac van came on, havent seen the allianz one yet. Just goes to show, the beddy has not lost its shine, they are turning up in a lot of commercials these days.
Spotto a mr whippy swb on Australia got talent sunday night! :)
Spotto below on the gold coast hwy yesterday at south port! ;D
Found on bedford vans australia face book page. ..
Mr Whippy Grand Prix....😂
Couldn't resist passing on thus potto from Facebook ::)
Posted by Greg Jo Norish Perth WA
Rocking, rattling n rollin Jumbo Cf van
Errrr well mine certinly rattles down the road sometimes....makes a few others noises too 😃
The van scene is definietly catching on i think ;D
Had to share another spotto in a shopping centre and the other on an English tv program
spotted in dalkeith today for front view
hahah well done :)
Someone from the majestic vanners, posted this on face book , in melbourne spottoed this beddy " in Kinglake on Sunday. Had an 8 in it. Sounded really nice."
Anyone on here?
Never seen that beddy round Melbourne town. Looks great, tho.
#1 -Yellow beddy in mullumbimby
#2 - CFL on da hwy brisb
anyone on here?
i think that yellow beddy was in cooranbong a few yrs ago.....good spottos :)
cool number plate on the lwb "202 bed"
Local van spotted while walking dog - owned by an old Italian bloke. He's had it 40 years! 253 v8 / auto. It's actually pretty straight apart from the rust. Not for sale -'gunna fix her up one day'.
(http://i1197.photobucket.com/albums/aa424/MickTroeth/20160915_100338-1_zpsyu03k6zu.jpg) (http://s1197.photobucket.com/user/MickTroeth/media/20160915_100338-1_zpsyu03k6zu.jpg.html)
(http://i1197.photobucket.com/albums/aa424/MickTroeth/20160915_100347-2_zpsyxhhltqv.jpg) (http://s1197.photobucket.com/user/MickTroeth/media/20160915_100347-2_zpsyxhhltqv.jpg.html)
(http://i1197.photobucket.com/albums/aa424/MickTroeth/20160915_100356-3_zps9vermfi0.jpg) (http://s1197.photobucket.com/user/MickTroeth/media/20160915_100356-3_zps9vermfi0.jpg.html)
good spotto !
hopefully he will before the rust takes over :(
Leo N posted this spotto on facebook. ...
Bedford spotto - yesterday about 6pm on the Western Ring Road heading north on a Ceva car carrier. Please excuse the bugs on my windscreen!
Spotted by Stuart who posted this on facebook
Anyone on here?
Looks like vic plates
Paul G posted a tv spotto on facebook
Good find Zeeman . I saw that van the other day for the first time in a couple years .
Never seen it moved . Hard to find in those backstreets of light industry factories with
only a few houses in-between scattered them .
Thanks Frank
I'm in nz at mo.. On tour w my band
We saw " the bedford bar" in Nelson todà y... Will take pics tomoz :))
Spotto in Goulburn
That's my Kiwi mate's camper van. You should have let me know you were traveling through. :)
ahhh ok were out at the race track for sunday, driving home monday!
didnt think untill we got here and spotted the beddy!
Spotted today in Brunswick:
Funally the waot is over .....
We have been teased with a few small body pics with showing off some colour over the months....
Very kool van 😎👍👌💜💙🤩
Look forward to seeing it sometime soon
Found photos on Facebook
And also a link to Instagram