BUGA Community
Classifieds => For Sale => Found for sale => Topic started by: jimsvan on March 30, 2010, 06:44:07 PM
this is a nice van on ebay guys http://cgi.ebay.com.au/CF-BEDFORD-1980-LWB-VAN_W0QQitemZ220581071314QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cars?hash=item335ba809d2 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/CF-BEDFORD-1980-LWB-VAN_W0QQitemZ220581071314QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cars?hash=item335ba809d2)
$9500?? Tell him he's DREAMING!! :D
a ha ha ha ha hoo hee hee haa haa haa 9500 ha a ha whoo haahahahaha
read the bottom bit guys he has already sold it
Guess he's laughing now!
Hi everyone, sad but true; our Beddie is now up for grabs on ebay!!! Comon you guys ""Kick me"
Cause I know I'm gonna regret this!!!! ;D Cheers Brian O
just saw your van sandb, it realy sounds like your going to regret it if you sell her, and those tail lights are zb fairlane, :'( :'( ::)
Look Like Strez is selling his beddy
Strezs ? (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Bedford-1971-swb-cf-van_W0QQitemZ270558721018QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cars?hash=item3efe8e73fa)
yep sad to say got too many cars and the rusty beddy drew the short straw
gee i wish you lived a bit closer!!!!!
fly to cairns and i`ll leave the plates on and you can drive it home ;D ;D
on gas?
another one on ebay
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Bedford-CFS-1977_W0QQitemZ250610478101QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cars?hash=item3a598c6c15 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Bedford-CFS-1977_W0QQitemZ250610478101QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cars?hash=item3a598c6c15)
the white cfs above is going to be mine, if anyone has any good ideas on getting it from qld to canberra or can store it for me for a few weeks pls let me know
well i just bought strezs van.. tickets booked. anyone need anything transported from qld to nsw or vic.. give me a pm..
got 3 mates coming too.
we are picking up a few van for people too!!! another crazy adventure..
WHHHAAATTTTT !!!!!!! I thought you was getting rid of your beddies or at the very least lessening the impact your beddie collection has on your poor folks garden! by the way a very good friend of mine has scored the officer in charge job at the Yarram Constabluary, his names Steve, good bloke known him for years, when you get pulled over little beddie bro mention my name, hopefully he'll go easy on you .... hmmm then again he may not ;)
Hey Ben if ya comming back via Pacific Hway call in to Teley Point & say hi Cheers Reid
nagh chuck him in jail steve for his own safty, lol. :D ;D
I'd like to meet you's to if you are coming back Pacific Hway? ???
sounds good reid and allan.. pm us your contacts please:)
seriously excited to get my van...cheers to ben for being such a rad help....big things to come with it...
Hey Ben & Crew, pull up in Mackay on your way home. It'd be great to meet up.
no worries:)
We need to get Ben massive BUGA magnet signs made up, to stick on the sides of vans that he is moving, so we can 'sponsor' him around Australia on Bedford missions...And then make a documenatry out of it LOL!
"How one man, single handedly (or single arm), brought back the Bedford..."
ya waka!!
sorry bro, couldn't resist ;D ;D
it's gonna make for a GREAT road trip tho..i'm kinda jealous
hahaha lmao
Melbourne to Cairns and back, now theres a trip down memory lane.
Do you realise how long its going to take Benny ???
With stops along the way (planned and Unplanned - for those roadside repairs :D) it will take you a week.
Take lots of piccies and keep us informed.
for sure ben i wanna see daily updates on how my van is going on the trip..maybe some photos of it in front of famous landmarks etc haha.