BUGA Community

General Category => The Sump => Topic started by: doofhard on February 08, 2010, 07:27:13 PM

Title: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: doofhard on February 08, 2010, 07:27:13 PM
I just got a message from Ben's phone from I am guessing his Mum Penny

It said Please pray for Ben.  He's had a serious accident and has been air lifted to Melbourne.  Please pray for him.  Thanks Penny

Ben your a top bloke and you better get fixed up real soon.  Bestest of wishes for a speedy recovery
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Kirk on February 08, 2010, 07:32:32 PM
I shall be saying a prayer for him:( I hope his ok.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Rubber Bedford on February 08, 2010, 07:41:24 PM
Any more news on this? What a terrible thing to happen. Our thoughts are with his family.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: grandad on February 08, 2010, 07:42:50 PM
best wishes from me too please keep us informed
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Jeff on February 08, 2010, 07:49:16 PM
That's a worry........Thanks Doof, and your right...he's a top bloke.
I'll keep him in mind; Healthy and happy.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Warren on February 08, 2010, 08:04:35 PM
My thought are with you Ben.

Doof keep us informed, let us know if there is any other way we can help.

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: beddymad on February 08, 2010, 08:18:20 PM
omg i spoke to him yesterday.hope hes ok.my wife and i wish him a speedy recovery.and our hope  and prayers are with him and his family
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 08, 2010, 08:45:57 PM
f**k i was on the phone to him after i picked the kids up today! he was seeing about the freight costs for my flare kit.

hang in there ben!

best wishes to our ben and his family!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: BlackBedford on February 08, 2010, 09:26:54 PM

I am like the rest of you, my heart goes out to him.
I am sending him my good vibes.

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: MaTTe on February 08, 2010, 09:34:07 PM
Shit, thats bad news, someone take him a laptop so he can get his vitamin Bedford back to normal levels, it should help with his recovery..

Best wishes to his family through this tough time sitting in waiting rooms
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 08, 2010, 09:45:12 PM
i was supposed to send ben the dosh for the kit tomorrow but he never got back to me to confirm if his old bsb and account were the same ones he still uses.

he might be needing the money to pay bills????

anyone do some trading with him recently that can confirm the banking details via private msg so i can still get him his cash tomorrow?

i think he was doing it a little hard lately and now he will be doing it harder.

send me a pm if you still have the bank details handy so i can compare to the last ones he gave me when i got my dash.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Dano on February 08, 2010, 11:59:55 PM
our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family  Ben, Danny and Simone....god bless buddy.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Marishka on February 09, 2010, 02:05:04 AM
Ben your in my thoughts and prayers , stay well and safe.
hanging 2 hear your ok and on the road 2 recovery,

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: doofhard on February 09, 2010, 04:50:28 AM
When I get more info i'll post it.  When I got the text I just texted back that there are many thoughts and prayers for him and to please keep me informed but at the moment thats still all I know.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: mezzmo on February 09, 2010, 06:15:48 AM
What happened??? i'm just reading this post for the first time. Does anyone have an update? I hope his o'k but an airlift doesn't really sound like it was a fiberglass splinter!

Whatever it is Benny Boy i hope all is o'k - if good wishes were cures mate you'll be up and around in no time.

Thoughts are with you mate - see you soon

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Worzel on February 09, 2010, 06:55:48 AM
My thoughts are with you Ben
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Allan on February 09, 2010, 08:08:21 AM
 My thoughts are with you Ben. Allan
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Mark B on February 09, 2010, 08:10:05 AM
Sad to hear this.
Thinking of ya mate!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Marky on February 09, 2010, 08:13:48 AM
Hey Benny Boy! 8) 8)

Heres to a speedy recovery...Hope it all works out ok..

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hotrod on February 09, 2010, 08:32:56 AM
all the best Ben
Everyone is thinking of you
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 09, 2010, 08:38:54 AM
no one been able to contact his family? his phone is off.....

just want to hear he is stable and talking!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on February 09, 2010, 08:46:33 AM
Hey Ben, mate sorry to hear you hurt, hope to get you back on deck soon, we all need your beddy input. Can someone tell us what happened. Get well soon.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 09, 2010, 08:55:22 AM
i got through to the royal Melbourne and im happy to report that our little beddy brother is (in the words of the ward nurse)

"resting comfortable and doing well"

good on you ben!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: John Abbott on February 09, 2010, 09:03:28 AM
Hey Ben....My thoughts and wishes are with you and your family  brother... ;D  Hospital aint no place to be, get out of there quick. cheers,,,,johnno ;) ;)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Allan on February 09, 2010, 09:42:32 AM
  Thanks able glad to hear hes doing well. Allan
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: pickmeup on February 09, 2010, 10:00:44 AM
Sorry to hear about your misfortune mate, be well soon!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Sweet Shock on February 09, 2010, 10:44:37 AM
We havn't met yet. But get well soon. Pete
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: THEBED on February 09, 2010, 01:57:13 PM
Hope you get better soon.
Reading the first few post sure made me worried.  :o :(
Thank goodness you are on the way to recovery. :-*

Jan & Sway
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: doofhard on February 09, 2010, 03:10:53 PM
Well I sent a message to his phone today asking how he was doing and the reply was

Yes alive moving his fingers now.  Janice

I have no idea of what exactly happened.  Don't really think it's a good time to be ringing and wasting the family's time.  I sent a message back saying that all of the BUGA crew and sending our love and a speady recovery.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: grandad on February 09, 2010, 03:37:30 PM
Well I sent a message to his phone today asking how he was doing and the reply was

Yes alive moving his fingers now.  Janice

I have no idea of what exactly happened.  Don't really think it's a good time to be ringing and wasting the family's time.  I sent a message back saying that all of the BUGA crew and sending our love and a speady recovery.
thanks for the update hang in there ben hope you will be back on here soon BUGA not the same without your input  ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: rubman on February 09, 2010, 03:44:47 PM
hey ben its stuey hope your doing ok details a bit sketchy sounds goods check in with the site later our thoughts and love deb stu matt jason and lilly hope those nurses keep u happy!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: doofhard on February 09, 2010, 04:01:45 PM
I'm just going to send a daily message asking how he is late morning and report when I get home from work.  I'll give it a little more time before I ask for details and if it's ok to visit.  The world needs more Ben's.  Especially one's like ours.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: kimbosound on February 09, 2010, 05:47:14 PM
Here's to a speedy recovery young fulla.......thoughts are with you and your family....


Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: rubman on February 09, 2010, 07:48:08 PM
just a text from the little hobbet,says (hey man im good,my arm not so good.will call later cheers) sounds promising  :)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hammers_spanners on February 09, 2010, 10:11:13 PM
Hi guys/gals had a text from the boy. Hi said he is ok. An accident with an angle grinder to the arm.
Still not clear on how he did that but we know Ben.

Get well Ben, the world needs you mate!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 09, 2010, 10:29:23 PM
good to hear he is up and talking!  from the scant information i was presuming it was a car accident.....

i have come close a few times with the angle grinder myself as i suspect most of us have...

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: John Abbott on February 09, 2010, 10:33:22 PM
OOOOOhhh :o Angle grinders command the upmost respect, those buggers can turn on you very quickly. They bite! >:( :'(
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: mezzmo on February 09, 2010, 11:10:51 PM
O'k Benny Boy, i know whats going on - you were feeling unloved and rejected and just wanted to see how many people cared eh!!! Hope you realize now???
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: rossie on February 10, 2010, 07:28:01 AM
good to hear that the fingers are moving, and hope your up and moving soon
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: SkippyThBushKangeroo on February 10, 2010, 08:09:43 AM
wow just logged on an seen this.. as been laid up for few days wiv redback chomp to leg..which thankfully pales into insignifigance at this news...good to hear  the old saying stands ..cant keep a good man down ben .. need u around to help me wiv me sp lling grin grin..a pouchfull of positive bein vibed to you right now mate luv skippy & mrs skippy.....an may all your nurses not be male ;)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 10, 2010, 04:17:29 PM
anymore news today about his recovery?

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: BusyKiwi on February 10, 2010, 05:39:29 PM
best wishes for a speedy recovery
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: weasil on February 10, 2010, 06:13:45 PM
HI ben ,its weasil in qld i brought your yellow van remember.you sounded  like a cool dude when we talked on the fone + abedford GURU. Its nice to be so close to bedford enlightenment (my holyness).but then again its sort of funny what some people will do for bed rest and sponge baths by young ladies in medical uniforms( aahhh the fantasies )but to be realistic  ,Myself and family wish YOU and family all the best wishes + a swbbeddy 427 motor with all the shit  happy daze
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: owen on February 10, 2010, 06:24:21 PM
Bloody Hell, Ben, hope ur doin well mate....
I havent logged on 4 a few days, but I spent a few hrs at Ben's Sunday afternoon gettin a dash and bonnet and talkin 'Beddy's'.
All the best mate,
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hunterbynature on February 10, 2010, 06:49:26 PM
geez ben, i feel your pain mate, last wednesday i was installing a slide away draw bar for a cheese caravan for a customer, had just made up the slide mechanism and was cutting some tack welds with one of those 5 inch, mil thick cut off discs and the bloody thing bit in, spun out of my hands , run down the inside of my left leg and across my balls, jesus that hurt, i looked down and seen the cut in my overalls and thought myself, that hurt abit more than it should, so i wipped open the overalls and had abit of a look around down there then the pain started to set in, i had opened up the inside of my leg just slightly but had opened up my ball bag a hole lot more, 2pie had just come in and said what happened stevo, i said iv'e cut my ballbag open timmy, he just looked at me in disbelief so i showed him, the look on his face was classic, jesus christ he said, there gonna need stiches [as he was turing green], so off to hospital, 3 hours on the table digging out particals of metal grindings and  particals of overalls, shorts and undies melted into my nuts, all the nurses down the hospital thought it was pretty funny , but i reckon child birth must be a  breeze after what iv'e been thru so i feel the pain for ya benny, take it easy brother and i hope your on the mend mate regards stevo ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bas NZ on February 10, 2010, 07:06:53 PM
Gees Steve, but I guess at your age you don't need them any more. ;D
Hope all goes well for Ben, haven't meet the guy but have done Bus with him and the odd talk on the phone, and came across as a good bloke.
All the best mate.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on February 10, 2010, 09:56:21 PM
Hey hunter, at lest you can say you have some lead in your pencil now. LOL LOL. sorry mate just could not resist. Hope your nuts are doing well. LOL ;D :D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hunterbynature on February 11, 2010, 04:20:15 AM
thanks guys, the doc said no more kids for me but thats ok, already got three kids so im happy about that, yea baz,  ben is a bloody top bloke, so i hope he's gonna be ok, thats ok george, everbodys been having a great laugh at my expense, just glad i can make everbody have a good laugh, i no i would, get better benny boy we mis ya, cheers stevo
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: atk1 on February 11, 2010, 04:35:36 AM
All the best Ben
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Jeff on February 11, 2010, 06:13:07 AM
Very relieved to read you're alive Ben. Hope the arm heals well and quickly.

Stevo, That's not really funny. *grin* . Hope you get better quickly too.

I'm going to be a bit more careful with angle grinders now.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: restoreid on February 11, 2010, 08:12:23 AM
Jesus Stevo WAY too much info I'm sittin here with my legs crossed nuts freeson Thank god all my angle grinding is done All the best for you & ben Hope you's get back at it soon Cheers Reid
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hunterbynature on February 11, 2010, 02:14:57 PM
hey guys, im ok, back at work now, but very cautious of what i do, those grinders are bloody dangerous with those slimline cut off dics on them, i have a new found respect for them now, any body heard how benny is? cheers stevo
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: beddymad on February 11, 2010, 02:30:07 PM
hey stevo i know how you feel,same thing happened to me but just missed the lollie bag by a few millimetres and it hurt like hell.so did your voice go up a couple of octaves?? lol ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hunterbynature on February 11, 2010, 02:39:13 PM
no,  voice is still the same but the lollie bag has a big hole in it now, just about enough room to stuff my wallet i reckon , get my stitches out next week, the missus is looking real forward to that, she's a real saddist, loves blood and guts  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: SandB on February 11, 2010, 04:06:24 PM
Hi Ben   Get well soon;  Bedford world just aint the same without your comments and knowledge!!!

Hope you're enjoying the attention from all the ""Girlie"" nurses  Cheers Brian & Carole
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 11, 2010, 06:43:29 PM
ben rang me today and i had a good 5 min talk with him.

the angle grinder bit hard into his arm pit. he severed some nerves and a artery and the docs think he lost about 6 liters of blood.

his mun and dad were not home at the time and the only thing he thought about was getting help before he passed out. he made it to the road and flagged down a passing motorist.

he remembers looking down and seeing he was covered in blood from head to toe.

the docs say he can go home tomorrow to rest up a bit.

good news.

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hunterbynature on February 11, 2010, 06:56:54 PM
jesus, that could of been a tradegy, the bedford gods must of been looking down on benny boy, well im glad he's gonna be ok, suppose he will have heaps of time to catch up on buga stuff now, take it easy ben, and rest up mate, plenty of time ahead to get beddy stuff done regards stevo ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: azman on February 11, 2010, 07:43:57 PM
man that sounds full on just loged on first time in a while was plannin to get   a flare kit an dash i best wait get well soon fella 
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Jonbongjovi on February 11, 2010, 08:05:51 PM
This is a horrible thing to happen to what seems like a very helpful and well respected person...best wishes from me.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: owen on February 11, 2010, 08:55:49 PM
Geez Able, Pretty bad place to hit there are a few big arteries in the armpit! 
Ben, lucky u live on the main road, the Chopper would have had a hard time parkin between all ur Beddy's though! ;)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 11, 2010, 09:14:09 PM
im surprised he didn't try to patch it with fiberglass...  well it is ben ;D

still in his hospital bed and ringing customers about shipping dates for ordered parts.... i told him to rest up and make sure his all healed but he's like "ow it just needs a little sanding and it will be ready to send".

the little bugga is a single minded indestructible credit to this forum.

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: obsession on February 11, 2010, 09:22:33 PM
glad we still got ya ben but what we all realy wanna know is were you wearing shoes mate ? Get well soon.
Craig & jill
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Dave on February 11, 2010, 09:39:02 PM
Like you guys I was really concerned also.    I thought he had crashed and damaged a beddy!  Lucky I was wrong and the Bedford is OK.

On a more serious note, it is good to hear Ben is OK, looking forward to the banter returning

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Dano on February 11, 2010, 10:24:28 PM
good on ya Benny.... glad to hear your ok mate , rest up fella, get well first mate , we'lll wait ....but do let us know when your glsassing again or now is the time for business management...... ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: grandad on February 12, 2010, 07:03:29 AM
good to hear you are on the mend looking forward to seeing back on here  ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on February 12, 2010, 08:31:50 AM
Hey Benny, good to hear your on the mend, to get hit in the arm pit I assume you were working overhead. I work out of a wheelchair these days, and use my grinders alot, what I do now is throw on a good thick leather apron, goes neck to knees, in my case knee. one of those leather welding jackets may of saved a lot of pain, sounds over kill, but as we all know now, it takes a split second.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Sundownernz on February 12, 2010, 09:48:59 AM
Jesus guy's. I go away for a few days, which I know you're cut up about but you're taking things a bit too far.
Ben, I hope all goes well for you're recovery mate. Chill out and take your time. Customers will understand if parts are delayed and if you push it too early you'll only prolong the recovery, or worse, do some more damage.
Stevo, what can I say. Ouch. Hope all goes well with you're recovery also. I feel for your predicament in hospital. I was in there a few years back and they bought in a guy who had litterally broken his dick while having fun with his missus. Only problem was he was a maintenance engineer at the same hospital so he felt really great with all the nurses he knew coming around and giving him a ribbing. Poor bugger.
Anyway best wishes to both of you and please don't do it again.

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Mark B on February 12, 2010, 09:52:11 AM
Glad to hear your on the mend my friend! When you've caught up on all things (including BUGA) please let us know if you need anything. More than happy to help out in any way i can mate! cheers
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: doofhard on February 12, 2010, 06:58:11 PM
Spoke to Ben today looks like he'll be home tomorrow.  He's in very good spirits and of course half the conversation still was about bedfords.  He's trying to work out what he can do with one arm for a while.  Talking about making a velcro glove to help him. 

We were right though he's loving the nurses.

Glad your ok Bud
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: grandad on February 12, 2010, 07:49:27 PM
thats good to hear and yes you got to love the nurses
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 12, 2010, 08:43:23 PM
i remember during the year i looked after my daughter while she went through chemo in the royal Melbourne we had to change rooms...

their was a older nurse at the head of the bed and a younger one at the foot... my daughter was on the bed and i was following with the suitcases.

as they tried to get into the room they hit a snag and had to back out, i was unprepared and the young nurse while bending over backed into me as i was up against the wall.

the older nurse said "watch out you backed right into dad".

i replied "that's ok i like that quality in a women"

the old duck craked up and the young one went beetroot colored for some unexplained reason.

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Clance on February 13, 2010, 09:19:17 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you Ben, Hope you get well soon. Best wishes also for Mum & Dad.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 13, 2010, 03:31:19 PM
no one's heard from ben today?

i suppose he will have to be driven home from Melbourne if he is still scheduled to be home today?

i keep popping in hopeful he would have left a msg so we all know hes home and doing well.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: doofhard on February 13, 2010, 05:16:00 PM
haven't spoken to him today but yeah when he comes home he'll be driven.  His left hand has basically no strength and will have a sling on for weeks before he has rehab to make it all work properly again.  Bens hoping to be back to normal in 6 months.  And also said from now on he's Mr Safety
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: beddiediesel on February 13, 2010, 05:57:34 PM
ben rang me today and i had a good 5 min talk with him.

the angle grinder bit hard into his arm pit. he severed some nerves and a artery and the docs think he lost about 6 liters of blood.

his mun and dad were not home at the time and the only thing he thought about was getting help before he passed out. he made it to the road and flagged down a passing motorist.

he remembers looking down and seeing he was covered in blood from head to toe.

the docs say he can go home tomorrow to rest up a bit.

good news.

Holy hell, bet that was painfull, sounds like hes lucky someone was on the road at the time, however, you gota watch those angle grinders these days-they can kill ya...anyway get well fast Ben, the beddie boys are missing ya mate
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: GusB on February 13, 2010, 09:23:36 PM
goodluck with your road to recovery sir ben. 
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: ben on February 13, 2010, 09:45:52 PM
hey folks, man 8 pages!! that took ages to read! im so sorry for giving you all a scare. im home now thank god:|)

i have not been in any pain at all.. (except getting the cathada taken out by my lovely nurse steph poor girl)

thankyou all so so much for your wishes and prayers.. and my wishes and prayers are with you stevey, sounds worse than my accident. at least i almost went to a better place lol

ill post up my story tommorow cause im wrecked now. its really embarresing. but you all ashould know cause i feel like i know all of you so well.

stay safe talk soon.

craig i didnt have shoes on lol i dont even know where my thongs got to?? and there pink!!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: MaTTe on February 14, 2010, 01:15:16 AM
i knew you were milking it ben.. you've just been too drunk to get parts sent out so you've made up some elaborate story about playing chicken with a grinder.. im onto you...  ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: John Abbott on February 14, 2010, 01:20:20 AM
Yay....The Ben mister is BACK!!! ;D :D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: grandad on February 14, 2010, 05:45:25 AM
wellcome back ben looking forward to hearing to story haha
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Gordon on February 14, 2010, 07:36:37 AM
Hey Ben. Have just logged on for the first time this week and read about your mishap. Glad you are back home and in good spirits. I wish you everything of the best over the next few months. Take it easy buddy. Cheers Gordon
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Allan on February 14, 2010, 08:47:16 AM
   Hey Ben slow down you will wear out your fingers you should be resting. Allan
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: ben on February 14, 2010, 10:40:50 PM
i must say this is the most stupidest thing by a long way i have ever done in my life! you know how you hear of blokes being blown up by welding petrol tanks that have not had petrol in them for 20 years and stupid things like that. well this is one of those stories only someone was looking after me upstairs cause i have lived to tell the tail. i promise you its not something i will ever come even close to doing again and hey this experience may save my life one day, or even your life just as important!!

ok so im at home about to glass up a jukebox monday afternoon 4.30 and its still fairly hot, i decide it would be good idea to cut the sleves off my shirt so i took off my shirt grabbed the closest thing (angle grinder) put the shirt back on and decided i would take it one step furthur and cut down the sides of my shirt to allow more air flow cause i was still hot,  but this time i didt take the shirt off for some stupid reason. i even remember thinking hmm that blade is getting awefuly close to my skin as i cut the right side. went to cut the left side and the material was caught in the blade and shot the 1mm blade straight into my armpit running the blade 180degrees around my arm, fully cutting arteries, mussels and nerves leaving a jagged mess. now the angle grinder was locked on cause i was using it with only 1 hand and this is where it really felt like a horror movie, the angle grinder had cut half my arm off and was still going for more, it had material stuck in it so it was making that horrible burning sound, i ripped it off my shirt and instantly a pumping flow of blood was gushing out everywhere, drenching me and my work area, i instantly ran to our house yelling and screaming for my sister very quickly i thought she was not home so i ran up our driveway which is about 50metres longto look for help, now i was holding the cut to try to restict the blood flow but the cut was over half my arm it was still pouring our everywhere. got to the edge of the road where i was yelling help me someone hellp me and i distinctivly rember the sound of my own voice was terrifying. first car to drive past his face was so scared he kept driving. rememver i was drenched in blood from my head to my toe. then a few people nearby herd my cry and rushed over i walked back toward the grass
and apparently collapsed

(from here on im going what other people have said cause i cant remember much althou was concious whole time)

apparently a few of the people that came over were nurses thank god, they knew what to do, apparently it seemed to take ages for the ambulace to come but i stayed very calm, i just wanted to go to sleep, one of my neibors kept me awake saying common ben stay with us dont go to sleep, so i did. i do remember people saying i cant look at this this is way too much and walking away.

ambulance came by that stage apparently i was changing color from white to grey to dark grey, people say it was the scariest thing like it was all over, loosing too much blood, i was also struggling to breate. but once the ambulace came they wrapped 2 first aid kits worth of bandage around the wound, still bleeding i remember being on oxegen and it feeling a bit better. my sisters arrived on the scene one sister was frantic and was unable to be calmed down the other one was crying. as i was being loaded into the ambulance i lip synced to my crying sister that i would be ok and i think that was good for her. sorry the story is taken ages ill quicken it up.

got taken to hospital turns out i lost 6 litres of blood, which im told is about half, they pumped heaps of blood into me. got air lifted to melb they did surgery on my arm for 6 and a half hours till 2.30 in the morning. cutting a section of artery out of my groin to go in my arm. since then ive been recoverying. thinking of the many ways i can get around only having use of 1 arm at the moment. with therepy i should have my hand gripping stuff in 6 months and should have full use of it in 2 years.

i wasnt sure how close i came to death but from talking to people id say pretty damn close, since herd of people dying loosing 5 litres of blood. thinking about the fact that i cant stand the sight of blood and dont know how didt fain with the initial accident, not sure how i managed to run around like a headless chock for so far (apparently the blood trail was all over the place not a straight line at one point it looked like i had done circles) then the fact that there were nurses nearby that knew what to do. any of theses stages didnt happen i would be in the clouds right now

i have to say im a beliver in god and i believe in him even more now with over 2,000 people prayed for me that night others having felt to pray for me the morning before the accident and others during the day im still here to testify thank god!! at one point i prayed god if this is it take me otherwise please give me another chance. i guess he choose the later option wahoo!!!!

thanks so much for those wishes and prayers that were sent up for me sorry for such a scare and please be safe, material should be anywhere near any spinning machinery which i already knew?? oh thanks for eddy and rob for visiting me in hospital also. i had heaps of visitors but the rest of them dont know what a awesome classic van feels like to drive.. the beddy culture!!!!

sorry it was so long.


Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: able on February 14, 2010, 11:11:31 PM
i have to admit Benny boy that i put my face in my palm as you started described cutting the shirt with the angle grinder thinking... you didn't did you. yep you did.

as many in this thread have said the angle grinder commands the up most respect. the good news besides the fact that you are still with us is that you have not only taught yourself a valuable lesson but have taught some or most of us the danger of becoming to casual with some of the more dangerous tools we have become accustom to using.

i cant imagine the horror of what you went through and some other stories in this thread but i fully understand how easy it can be done.

your here and you will recover... cant get a better ending then that.

ps. how long did it take you to type that out with one finger?  :D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: MaTTe on February 15, 2010, 01:16:53 AM
mate you must have done something right in a past life.. to survive that is a miracle!

I've had a run in with rag and a grinder cleaning up a block, fortunately i wasn't wearing the rag, so i ditched the grinder for 6, but i know the sounds you're talking about only too vividly..

It sounds like something out of Saw.. "Saw IX, the grinder and the fashion designer.."

Anyway, good to hear you're all better and well on your way to an extended recovery, you'll value life much more intensely now!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: grandad on February 15, 2010, 07:30:34 AM
hell ben what a story you will have to tell your kids later on. well hope you recover quick i had the tendens in my right hand cut i a car accdent 18 mts ago took a bout a yeat to get it working well again (wish the leg was the same) but on the upside you get some resly cool toys to play with to get it working (squizzy things with springs and rubberbands) ok take car if they is any thing i can help you with let me know
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on February 15, 2010, 09:17:53 AM
Hey Ben, CHILLING, what else can you say. Can I suggest a pair of scissers in the workshop, they dont have a mind of their own.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: kimbosound on February 15, 2010, 01:11:57 PM
just don't run with the scissors in your mouth!!!!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hotrod on February 15, 2010, 01:18:10 PM
Well Ben and Steve(hunter by nature) you will both be pleases to know you are famous, I read both your stories to my grade 12 engineering classes, not only were they wincing but now have a new found respect for grinders.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Worzel on February 15, 2010, 02:32:29 PM
Glad to have you back Ben, older and wiser ;)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: hunterbynature on February 15, 2010, 02:36:46 PM
what can i say hotrod? hope your grade 12 learnt by our stupid mistakes, sometimes we think were infallible but tools can be very unforgiving, i no i will be wearing a few more protective items next time im grinding, like a stainless jock strap cheers ;D  oh yea good to see ya back on board benny,, dont get RSI in your wrist from the old one finger typing mate!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bedfordcrazy on February 15, 2010, 02:54:22 PM
I guess we have all taken short cuts at some stage, I know one thing I have lear'nt over the years, and bens situation confirms, There is a tool for every job and a job for every tool. Trying to be a seamstress with an angle grinder, i'm going to keep my grand daughter out of that dressmaking class ben. lol lol  ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: SkippyThBushKangeroo on February 15, 2010, 03:33:47 PM
tch..tch tch...tch...me pouch woz squirmin,me eyes were :'( at the unfolding saga of the impending & imminent :o course of yor OH&S discrepancy..to put it mildly mate. headin for the road woz the smartest part of the whole tale of woe,& thankfully it why your still about to help me wiv me spelling........ mate.. how lucky woz it that u didnt start with ya jeans first ;)  heres anuvver pouchfull of positive mate.... cause & effect blindness is a "bloke" thing i believe.. an we,ve all been there eh guys ::) maybe a thread on all our combined C&E blindness tales should be compiled as a WS pointer to help  avoid any loss or further unnecesary pain n suffering of any of our hallowed & unique community.. an as pertaining to our male members, . . .(being "very serious" icon inserted). . .we all at some time suffer from this very real & scary condition imposed upon our gender & all truly  feel the pain when these tales are regailed.. or at very least it could give a wry smile or two at the folly of our own actions... just really glad u pulled through ben... ok ok ill shut up now...cheers dears     
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: ben on February 15, 2010, 03:45:38 PM
yeh since exactly a week from today i have thought of a million different ways to cut down my shirt without using a dangerous spinning 3,000rpm 1mm cutting disc!  everyone that has been told has said they must say its the stupidest accident they have ever herd:(

1 finger typing is pretty boring.. scissors i already have in my workshop for cutting the matting!!!!

able it doesnt feel like horror i just feel really really damn stupid!! lol

t over the years, and bens situation confirms, There is a tool for every job and a job for every tool.
very wise george. i think ill stick this quote on the wall of my shed..

cheers ben
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: SkippyThBushKangeroo on February 15, 2010, 05:18:34 PM
no mate i hav seen more unbelievably dafter things done . none th less your is up there in the top 10.just really glad ur here to regail it... an im suuuuure  u wont do that again willya? dont feel to foolish..it is a now recognised condition that all males until attaining a certain age suffer from an inability to associate  their actions with  obvious consequence of outcomes  its not till men hit round there thirties that the foresight of cause & effect becomes apparent , due to the wiring format of our brains ..TRUE FACT!!. . ("being very serious".icon inserted )so lesson learned, be easy on yorself your not alone with your humility mate  ;) end of story glad u can tell it, dont forget to add it  to the BUGA almanac mate  ;D
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Jeff on February 16, 2010, 08:09:34 AM
I've been away for a few days and just catching up with things.
So relieved that you are back home with no permanent damage Ben. Nasty experience though.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: THEBED on February 16, 2010, 12:23:48 PM
Oooooouuucch !!!! :o :o
Glad you are back home again.
good luck with the recovery. ;D

Jan & Sway
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Kirk on February 16, 2010, 02:27:36 PM
Well Ben, i must admit, i was in tears, admittedly being a christian, and reading about the power of prayers in your story and having a sister also and only imagining what they must have gone thru seeing you like that, really effected me on a personal level.

Was it silly to do what you did? without doubt, and there is no use dwelling on that. But is it any different than the continuous silly risks that people take every day, such as 2-3 beers then drive home, or speeding, not using an indicator when turning, or talking on a phone while driving, or just not listening to our gutt..... Its easy for us to say how obviously it was dangerous, but if i think about the risks ive taken in just the last week, my life too could be a tragic tale, as too for any one of us.

I had NO idea it would be that serious, i thought maybe there was some kind of bush cut accident, as you work around tools all the time, but for that too happen, its a miracle you survived. Ive only met you a couple of times, but im glad ill have the chance to meet you again:)

Im glad i kept my word and said my prayer that day:)

God Bless you and i wish you a speedy recovery, without complication:)
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Kirk on February 16, 2010, 02:36:38 PM
   first car to drive past his face was so scared he kept driving. rememver i was drenched in blood from my head to my toe. then a few people nearby herd my cry and rushed over i walked back toward the grass
and apparently collapsed

(from here on im going what other people have said cause i cant remember much althou was concious whole time)

apparently a few of the people that came over were nurses thank god, they knew what to do, apparently it seemed to take ages for the ambulace to come

For those that might not understand just how God can work in a mysterious way, this quote points out how differnt this story might have been, if the first person stopped, if he had taken ben in his delirous state, maybe not known where to go (might not be local) and just a couple of more litres of Blood are lost due to the time delay.....instead, a few nurses walk by.....thats the hand of God right there.....
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Clance on February 16, 2010, 06:33:33 PM
Ben Ben Ben!! WOW your one lucky man!! Glad to know that your Ok, and thank the lord for listening to everyones prayers.
Get well soon mate.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: arron on February 16, 2010, 06:42:11 PM
wow ben thats one heck of a story to tell for the rest of your life m8.. your a lucky guy glad to hear your on the mend..
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Warren on February 16, 2010, 08:39:13 PM
Ben :o Ben  ??? Ben  >:( Ben  ::)

I shudder at the thought of what happend, but I'm overjoyed at your recovery.

Maybe you should be limited to manual hand tools only for awhile  ;D

My thoughts and well wishes to you you big duffus ;)

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: lewy on February 17, 2010, 12:59:17 AM
A big hello to you Ben, and im glad your still here to tell that horrific story.
My thoughts are with you Ben and also too Steve with his incident, all the best for a speedy recovery to full health.

I had a near miss using a drill 2 weeks ago, instead of clamping a short peice of steel to drill a 12mm hole i had placed it on a peice of wood and stood on it ..... it grabbed and unbalanced me, one step sideways to gain my balance BUT there wasnt anything to stand on........ down the pit i went but got hooked up on a step ladder at the end of the pit leaving me upside down.

Please be carfull everyone and try not to take any short cuts, these to guys have suffered too much and this is a timely reminder as to how easy things can go wrong.
Take care Ben

Cheers Lewy

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: beddiediesel on February 17, 2010, 06:57:32 AM
Blimin hell Ben, thats sure was a close call to being dead, at least you'll be staying alive from now on....
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Bas NZ on February 17, 2010, 07:22:41 AM
Had a near miss a couple of years ago, was painting, well getting ready to paint a mates car, hooked everything up compressor on ready to go hooked the gun up pulled the trigger and no paint came out turned the gun towards me to check out what was going on, was looking at the front of the gun when some how my finger pulled the trigger and the paint sprayed right into my face, dropped everything and ran to the mirror scramming only to find my hole face was covered in paint except my eyes, quick reflects must have made me close my eyes in time, but could not remember that part, but now I disconnect the gun from the air line before I do anything like this again.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Merlin on February 17, 2010, 12:25:00 PM
Weeeelllllllllll heres my stupid moment! ;D i was workin under a car on my back tryin to undo a gearbox drain plug with a socket and ratchet it slipped off causing me to punch myself in the mouth reflexes caused me to pull back my head slammin it into the floor and if that wasnt enough i chucked a tanty cause it hurt a lot so i punched the floor of the car breakin two knuckles in my hand  >:( try explainin that to tha docs in the emergency dept  ;D ;D    Cheers Neil
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Morgz on February 17, 2010, 02:00:34 PM
Mate....maaaaaaaaate.  Holy moly!  That's very close to a Darwin Award right there buddy.  Glad to know you're on the mend.  I guess I can give you a little more time to do my bonnet then eh? he he he :P
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: mezzmo on February 17, 2010, 07:17:17 PM
Spoke to Benny today and i told him that if ever there was a candidate for the Darwin awards he's our man - except he survived!

Let me relate a 'Stupid' story of a mate of mine. Big Al as we know him asked if i could come and give him a hand to finish the decking on the side of his house - no problem i thought as he lives a couple of hours away it gives a chance at a weekend away and for the wives to catch up.

Friday afternoon - we arrive and after a couple of coldies Big Al introduces me to his new friend - an airless Pasload Nail Gun.... ARG ARG ARG - real tool for real blokes ARG ARG ARG. So we spend the rest of the night preparing for the following day, between copious amounts of alcohol (as you do)

Saturday Morning - huge country breakfast and we're rearing to go. At this point the women have thought it a good idea to leave the men to 'bond' while they go into town for some coffee and cake....good plan.

Enter the Pasload! - i'm laying out all the decking planks on the pre done joists ready for nailing when big Al advises there's just one more joist to nail into place - not by hand as before no no no - lets use the new pasload - go for it!!!

Bang goes the Virgin Pasload nail gun.... F**K says my mate big Al, who has turned a very nice shade of white (coincedently his last name is white) Up comes the hand and there.....for all to see was a perfectly placed nail right in the middle of his middle finger - and i mean middle - it was so well centered to his finger you would reckon is was "measured twice shot once" - the very first nail out of the gun EVER

Laugh!! i f**ken near wet myself, Janice he cried (his beloved's name) JANICE....(i should point out at this stage that the girls were in the car and heading down the driveway when this happened) WHAT she screamed back as the car came to a halt...he showed her his finger and without blinking an eye my mrs says - F**CK - now we have to take him to the hospital, gee thaks Al, so much for our coffee and cake.....to which his wife pipes in "great new tool you got there ... YOU TOOL"

By this time i'm near collapsing with laughing, so off they go to the hospital and on i go with getting as much done as i can....enter the neighbour "where's Al he says?" i couldn't lie and told him the story and i tell you, quicker that a bushfire spread on black Saturday everyone, and i mean everyone in town knew what he'd done - ah the bush telegraph.

Saturday night at the local pub was a night where you just had to be there - in he comes with his arm in a sling and the shit that man copped was truely a spectacle to behold - that was near 5 years ago and he has never and i mean never lived it down!!!

Moral...no matter how stupid you feel right now Benny Boy, you are part of a very exclusive club and you have given us all a story to add to our "pissed baroom tales"

Stand proud my friend - you are truely a goose of the highest order and in very good company!!

Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Warren on February 17, 2010, 09:40:25 PM
Being a young (left handed) apprentice fitter and turner in a rural engineering work you learn very quickly how dangerous shit is.

everything is ass backward, so your either crossing over arms or working bio mechanically wrong.

Two off the most dangerous things were the 12 inch angle grinder, and the 3/4 inch chucked 5 horse power drill, this and all the welders guillotines, presses 24 inch abrasive cutoff machines etc.

That drill was a beast, took two people to work half way safely, on your own if it grabbed you'd do at least a 360 before you could take your finger off the trigger. we used to use a 8 foot piece of pipe as a bracing handle :D

The most painfull things I did was try and straighten a drill in a drill press with my palm, drill bent a bit then shattered, slicing my palm, and chipping slag off a weld only to have it land inside my boot and burn through my sock onto my Achilles tendon - that was sore for weeks :(


Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: lewy on February 22, 2010, 12:22:30 AM
Hey Ben i've been wondering how are you going.....
Cheers Lewy
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: Rothu on February 22, 2010, 07:53:52 AM
Holy Crikey Ben! Geeezus!
I've just got back on after a few weeks and to hear your story had my jaw on the floor! I couldn't believe what you were doing as you were describing it, thinking "WHAT?? WTF?? Oh GOD no! Nonononono!" That's one f*cked up story bro!  Damn damn damn lucky. Thank Crikey you survived! If you need an extra "hand", let me know..

I've had my fair share of accidents, 14 broken bones and 394 stitches. The worst accident was running through a sliding plate glass door when I was 12. I got 282 stitches from that one and died on the operating table. If I hadn't been running the glass would've fallen on me, and I certainly wouldn't be here.

Anyways, take care buddy, rest and recovery take time, but your indefatigable spirit will see you through.
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: westy12 on February 25, 2010, 07:04:47 AM
holy moly my best beddy buddy benny!! im in canada snowboarding, sort of out of the beddy loop, decided to have a little looksy to see what ive missed and come up with this!!!
i get queasy seeing those medical shows on tv and my stomach was in my mouth imagining that story.
benny mate the gods were definitely looking out for you and im so glad ur ok, from the moment i met u i immediately liked ur no shoe style and the way u found those old blunnies in the back of the wreck and chucked em on without a second thought. smiled at me and said, 'i needed some new boots!'
ur a bloody legend mate, cant wait to catch u when i get back. so glad ur safe mate. take it easy. west

long live the beddy king!!
Title: Re: Ben Please Be OK!!
Post by: stumpy1972uk1 on February 26, 2010, 07:13:58 AM
best wishes and a speedy recovery to you ben from over here in pommie land. sad to hear of your accident but so glad your ok. ade
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