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Classifieds => For Sale => Found for sale => Topic started by: Daza on August 22, 2009, 10:44:09 PM
She is very rough and over priced (well thats what i rekon) but might be what some one is looking for.
http://melbourne.gumtree.com.au/c-Cars-Vehicles-Motorbikes-Parts-caravan-campervan-motor-home-Bedford-75-Camper-Van-Dual-Fuel-Registered-Till-November-09-W0QQAdIdZ117146398 (http://melbourne.gumtree.com.au/c-Cars-Vehicles-Motorbikes-Parts-caravan-campervan-motor-home-Bedford-75-Camper-Van-Dual-Fuel-Registered-Till-November-09-W0QQAdIdZ117146398)
i dont think its too bad over price wise..
I must be getting to fussy when i am looking.
Maybe that would be a good starting price to look at for a project.
as soon as you talk camping gear the price escelates. in my opinion. for just he van yes well over priced but all the camping gear as well. not too bad:)
looks like the bull bar has been pushed back onto the bonnett at some stage, hmmm has it been in a front end collision? yep spot on with the rough description but I agree with Ben, camper vans can get real pricey, too much for me to pay but the cost of the fridge & hot plates will set you back a coupla quid, also easier when the van is wired for those items, typical beddie full of rust and dents. if you can get it for a better price (as close to $1000 as you can get) I'd say do it but again depends wether you want a beddie character van or a camper. When I had the camper I thought (and still do) it was the best beddie I have owned, due to the fact that I could get away on the weekends, mind you my camper was far better than this one.
i am after a bedford not a camper so will miss this one i think way over priced for me for what it is have seen better on ebay but never in SA thats what i am waiting for unless a real bargin comes up.