BUGA Community

Technical => Campers => Topic started by: Clance on August 06, 2008, 09:39:11 AM

Title: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 06, 2008, 09:39:11 AM
Hi ya all you Beddy camper fans here are some pics I found ths morning, nice ones amongst them.

http://rides.webshots.com/album/36576341jWzzXB?start=0 (http://rides.webshots.com/album/36576341jWzzXB?start=0)

http://www.dormobile.org.uk/Bedford_CF_New.htm (http://www.dormobile.org.uk/Bedford_CF_New.htm)

This is Radical!! One for Ben & Nigzy

http://rides.webshots.com/photo/1052855042028822851AAZRAU (http://rides.webshots.com/photo/1052855042028822851AAZRAU)

another motorhome

http://www.classic-campers.co.uk/id38.html (http://www.classic-campers.co.uk/id38.html)

Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ShaneJ on August 06, 2008, 10:00:29 AM
Now thats cool :o
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: RAY on August 06, 2008, 08:02:22 PM
chopped & shortened  :o 8) 8)

i want one :P

the cf doormobiles the same as mine

nice find clance

cheers ray 8)

Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: eddy on August 06, 2008, 08:25:38 PM
Thanks Clance, nice work, hey Ray if you got the doormobile mate you got a classic, not many of them around, have you guys checked out the NZ Trade.me site, lots of campers and some good photos, wortha look 
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 06, 2008, 11:09:05 PM
Always heaps of space in em, thanks Clance, going to post pic of our old motorhome hopefull this weekend,
 you talk about dormobiles i pick up one and iam using for parts for our other mobilehome is that bad or what lol the top the canas  is rip and window busted otherwise the topsok i think

Cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 08, 2008, 12:37:13 AM
Hey Clance your 1st motorhome in you gallery was that on ebay awhile back?

Also what lenght is the new one looks pretty long you got a lasy axle in her

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 08, 2008, 07:12:44 AM
Hi Snow. It was on ebay about 18 months ago and it sold to a guy in Gorummbat near Benalla in Victoria. the latest one is 7.4m long and yes it does have a lazy axle. Makes it reallt stable on the road. Looking forward to seeing some pics of yours.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: RAY on August 08, 2008, 07:31:56 PM
hey Ray if you got the doormobile mate you got a classic, not many of them around, have you guys checked out the NZ Trade.me site, lots of campers and some good photos, wortha look 

hey eddy

yea its a 76 doormobile pop top - which pops up the same as the one in clances pics ;)

picked it up for a song and is in original condition - 70s style

very little rust, but needs some freshening up inside etc

will hopefully throw some pics up over the w/end

cheers ray 8)
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 08, 2008, 11:00:21 PM
hey Clance nice size van, you might get lost inside there lol. I think ours is about 5 mts will measure on the weekend, i've been looking tonite for our pics of our old van must be at mums last i remember was going to load on a disc so see her tomorrow.
I think it might of been you Clance that you said about camping at the beach for bout 3 weeks, we use to do those lenght of stays, we use to camp at a place call Inskip Point when the mines lease the land, no fees to pay, fished, swam ,camp fires drank abit and a bit more lol warm showers ohhh those were the days and of cause the veiw a millionare would kill for, now the council owns it close off alot still not a bad place as long as you don't go when the hoildays are on

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 09, 2008, 07:13:20 AM
Yeah Snow, It's a bit like a Tardis! Heaps of room. I'm currently rebuilding the interior and looking for secondhand bits like a hotwater system and a Thetford c2 or c400 Dunny. You haven't by chance come accross any Van/motorhome wreckers up your way?
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 10, 2008, 12:29:02 AM
nah Clance, there are people who fix older or even newer caravans but they want just about new prices you just gotta keep your eyes open for bits and pieces, demolitions places for sinks and old and ends aren't bad, i've sorta got what i need insiide now except the dunny. just got to get stuck into it ,have done the shower and toilet area. Started on the outside panels, all the running gear is finished except i need to get the springs reset, i just have to get it finished and go fishing, we're getting there slowly

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 10, 2008, 08:01:17 AM
No Worries Snow, that's what I thought! any chance of sending me some pics of your shower/toilet area? Actually any pics of the interior would be cool.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 10, 2008, 10:10:23 PM
For sure clance plus will measure the inside of where the shower and toilet are going give you a better idea as well, we didn't want the dunny right in the same spot as where you have a shower so there was enough room to extend and they will be separated with a shower curtain, I'll get on to it this week

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 21, 2008, 03:20:58 PM
HI ya all, just added some pics of the work in progress to my Gallery! It is huge!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 21, 2008, 11:08:45 PM
Hot damm clance, i thought we had our work cut out for us lol but looks like your doing well, have to agree when you said its a bit like the tardis plenty of room, gives us a boost to keep going on ours, when we look back you don't relize the amount of work you've done, did you also put the chev in as well looks nice neat fit, what size holley you got on there

cheers  snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 22, 2008, 08:16:08 AM
Hey Snow, No the Chev was in it when I bought it, one of the main reasons I did. My old one had a 202 and trimatic set up in it but I got sick of doing 40 kmh up big hills!! This one sits on 100 kmh whether up hill or down fully loaded or not!! It's great! when I bought it back from Bennalla down the Hume I sat on 100kmh all the way except when over taking trucks!! The looks I got passing them was bloody funny, and some of the coments on the two way I can't repeat on here!! hehehehe. The chev has been built for gas, which I'm putting in shortly, runs a Turbo 400 auto box with a 12 bolt Salsbury diff.
I forget about the amount of work I have done on this beast! the photos make it look like nothing has been done!!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on August 22, 2008, 02:34:17 PM
far out man your van isflippen huge!!! youll be abel to raise a family again!!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on August 22, 2008, 04:36:42 PM
Hi ya Ben, parts of what it is today comes from your help! upper & lower control arms, heater controls etc. Thanks you! I'm not really looking to raise a family again just going to pack up my house in Tassie, rent it out and go visiting Beddy Heads around Aus!! Might pick up a few backpackers on the way though!!! ;D
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on August 22, 2008, 06:46:31 PM
yeh come visit me man ill be in that.. stay over for a few days.. that would be rocken!!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: doofhard on August 22, 2008, 07:03:41 PM
Yep pick up some sexy backpackers and your welcome here!  lol
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on August 22, 2008, 10:41:51 PM
Thats whats great about this site not just the knowledge of others but its also the great sense of humor of some of the replies you see gotta laugh, clance would you know your diff ratio at all?

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 12, 2008, 01:47:56 PM
Hi Guys & Gals,
Well it's about time I updated the goings on with my camper! I'm leaving Tassie Monday 20th of Oct for Mackay so it's been a hectic time! Selling furniture, cars and all sorts of other stuff! Busy Busy I can say. I have also spent another 55 hours on the Motorhome & another $1500.00 odd dollars and it's really come together well. Enough of my babble, here are some pics of the near completed( 95% ) interior.



Pics are also in my gallery
Cheers, Clance






Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on October 13, 2008, 10:46:20 AM
far out man.. no mucken around!!

looken fabulous!!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 14, 2008, 05:39:25 AM
Thanks Ben, just about to fit the bullbar, grill and headlight surrounds, leaving Tassie today week on the ferry will be in Melb Wednesday mornin and heading straight to a mates place in Bennalla are you able to catch up somewhere on that route? going up the hume.
Title: Hooray Hooray It's Done!!!!
Post by: Clance on October 18, 2008, 05:52:50 AM
 ;D  ;D Ok Guys & Gals here she is!! All done, first test run this morning just lovely!! :D









I've done all this work myself without a SHED!!
Thanks to Ben for invalubale parts and support, Thanks to all forum members for a great site with loads of information, tips, advice and camaraderie!   THANKS HEAPS!!

I'm leaving Tassie for Mackay QLD on Tuesday nights ferry.
Violet Town is my first stop for the night at a mates pub " The Ellen Francis Hotel" anyone feel like a sticky beak thats where I'll be Wed 22/10/08 night.

P.S. Pics also in my gallery.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: John Abbott on October 18, 2008, 12:46:42 PM
Congradulations Clance......That looks like it was an awsome undertaking! But full credit to you mate at having a go yourself and succeeding! Now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour so they say. I spose your chief engineer only has to sign off the mods with a paw print eh? lol :D ;D

Well done mate ...cheers...John.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: doofhard on October 18, 2008, 01:35:42 PM
Thats HUGE I want it
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Tweaker on October 18, 2008, 03:39:56 PM
Clance that van .......I mean truck!....... Is totally awesome! ;D

Put a trailer on that bugger and it'll be bigger than a B Double!.......

What's it weigh in at?
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Marishka on October 18, 2008, 07:44:10 PM
wow clance thats 1 awsome truck.
biggest one ive eva seen,
thats a motor home with the true sence of the word.
i like it.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: eddy on October 18, 2008, 07:45:03 PM
Wow Clance that is fantatstic bro, all the best in your travels and please do the westy and keep us informed of your adventures from time to time .... adios amigo, head for the horizon ......  ;D
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 19, 2008, 05:38:00 AM
Thanks Guys! I'm really looking forward to the drive to Mackay  :o.
Tweaker she weighs in at about 3.2 tonne! 350 chev still drags it along at 100 klm though!!
I have'nt had time to put it on gas so it'll be one hell of a fuel bill!!!!! :o
I'll keep in touch and put up a few pics when I can.
Ciao for now.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Tweaker on October 20, 2008, 10:48:47 PM
I look forward to the pics! ;D

Safe trip Clance! ;)
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 21, 2008, 05:25:19 AM
thanks tweaker, Rego number A 90 JO. Will be in violet town all day wednesday and for the night then pretty much straight through to Brisvegas night there then Mackay!! unfortunately I'm rushed for time as I have to start work on the 27th or I'd stay in Brissy for the get toghether.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: restoreid on October 21, 2008, 07:14:33 AM
Hey Clance if you'r coming up the Pacific Hway call in to the Telegraph Point pub great food I just live 4 doors up we could meet up Cheers Reid
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on October 21, 2008, 10:39:30 PM
Sorry I got to miss you Clance have been away for 2 weeks, full credit to you mate on your van sweet as they come, hope you have a good run through to Mackay and good luck with the job, tc ;D

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 22, 2008, 10:13:58 AM
Hi Resto, I've stopped there before on my first road trip down the coast! I'll probably pull up there for a feed this time too. pm me your number i'll give you a call when I'm close if your nearby.

Cheers Snow, I'll post pics when I can of my travels.

Have a nice day,
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: restoreid on October 22, 2008, 03:59:02 PM
Hi Clance that would be great Home no 0265850288 Mo 0428846861 What day do you think you'l be through Cheers Reid
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 25, 2008, 09:20:00 PM
Hey Reid, sorry but it was all a bit of a fly by night trip!! didn't even catch up with my family anywhere on the coast from sydney up!!!  poor old Beddy!! 100k's/hr nearly all the way!! 3306 klm covered in 3 days, $1100.00 odd of fuel, 4 near, what we thought where, fatal breakdowns! 15 k's from home found out the timing was 180 degrees out!! we were tring to making time for the boat! near lost a rocker nut into the covers, tranny bolts are somewhere ( quickly replaced ), fuel blockage from some stray silicone, ran out of fuel in peak hour sydney traffic at hornsby!! over heating probs!! other than that it was a pleasant drive!!
Full story later!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 26, 2008, 08:12:03 AM
Three new pics in my gallery! Didn't take many of the trip 'cause we were travelling a lot at night! easier drive without the tourists on the road!!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on October 26, 2008, 12:52:16 PM
i saw a beddy camper in yarram (my home town) today.

left em a note to come visit. see what happens.

Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: snow on October 26, 2008, 11:15:22 PM
What nic was the camper in ben ?

We like travelling at nite specially in the warmer months better for the motor i reckon

cheers snow
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: restoreid on October 27, 2008, 06:16:20 AM
Hey Clance did you drive through Tele Point early friday morning about 7 my wife thought she saw one like your's go past Cheers Reid
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 27, 2008, 06:23:48 AM
Yes Reid, we pulled up there for a couple of hours rest from about 3.30am till about 7am. I was trying to get there the evening before to catch up but we were running very behind sched!!
Sorry to of missed the chance.
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on October 27, 2008, 09:07:53 AM
camper seemed to be in good nice clance!!

Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 27, 2008, 07:30:46 PM
Thanks Ben.
Oh bye the way I didn't see one other Bedford from my place, Lewisham Tas, to Mackay QLD!!!! 3128klm
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: photol on October 27, 2008, 09:32:22 PM
..what time of the year did you go Clance? ......as an endangered species, I think the more frail  Bedfords hibernate in winter.....
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on October 28, 2008, 06:15:18 AM
Left Tassie 21/10/08 arrived Mackay 25/10/08
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on October 28, 2008, 08:39:30 AM
wow your travelling quick.. maybe thats why you cant spot any beddies cause your going at the speed of sound!!!!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Tweaker on October 28, 2008, 11:36:37 AM
That's what ya get when you put a Chevy in yer Beddy! ;D
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on October 28, 2008, 03:50:13 PM
Yeh true that ay:-) just got net back on my phone. Flippen ripper. Ben
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Tweaker on October 28, 2008, 07:55:03 PM
Yeh true that ay:-) just got net back on my phone. Flippen ripper. Ben

Yeah I did that. Love it! Gotta watch it though, they can be nasty with the prices! :P
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: ben on October 28, 2008, 08:41:37 PM
Oh nah this plan is as much as you want;) ripper:-
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Tweaker on October 29, 2008, 09:06:27 AM
Oh nah this plan is as much as you want;) ripper:-

Wow! If it's not cosha to put it up here can you pm me the details so I can look into?....

Sorry Clance, kinda hijacked your thread here for a bit!
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: restoreid on October 31, 2008, 02:54:50 PM
hey Clance sorry I missed you man that was a big drive hope the new job goes well are you going back to Tassie I'm going back for another visit when my camper is done hope next Oct Cheers Reid
Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Clance on November 04, 2008, 05:33:27 AM
Eimeo Beach, Mackay QLD


Title: Re: Camper Pics
Post by: Tweaker on November 04, 2008, 09:17:30 AM
I'm so in love with your truck Clance and I really think you should sell it to me! ;D
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