BUGA Community
General Category => Cruises and Events => Topic started by: ShaneJ on August 03, 2008, 06:58:44 PM
One of my mates is an engineer and owns his own workshop specialising in automotive modifications. I was thinking about asking him if he would mind opening up one Saturday so us Bedford owners could meet up there. People could use the opportunity to ask questions about modifications they want done.
Would anyone be interested?
Shane, Kath and I live in Deception Bay, and we see on the Dual Battery post that there are a number of other Brisbane beddie owners, so we put a reply on there as well. I know of another beddie owner up this way that would probably also be interested in a get together.
So probably catch up soon.
hi julian.. arron here i could get a few guys together it would be a great idea if we could get the numbers up there has to be alot more vans in brisbane come on people.......
Hey Arron, We are always up for a cruise and grog (oops) meet up ;D Thats the only time Julian gets to drive my van ;) as he doesnt do the drink bit :( We know another Beddie owner in Sunstate that would also be interested in coming along.
Sounds good. Hopefully a few more people reply here and I'll speak to my engineering mate.
i wouldnt mind meeting up with you all. My bedford isnt on the road yet, just some bits to be fixed first.
ShaneJ can your mate make body parts and do welding as i need all the area replaced above the windshield and gutters
Yes mate he can do metal fabrication and repairs. My van is currently at the workshop getting some body work done as we speak. I'll be heading over there tomorrow to do some sanding on it so I'll get some pictures of before and after.
Some picture would be great ShaneJ. We definately have some body mods that we want done, so meeting somebody in the know would be a great help. As well as meeting up with some other Beddies.
We'll be up for it, it's only a few hours away for us.
No worries mate. I did a bit of work on the old girl today removing a lot of bog so I'll get them busy soon shaping the metal again.
when is it a good time to get together, i'd like to meet your mate shaneJ, cause i've got some work needs doing soon :)
I'm busy next weekend, anytime after thats fine
He is off work at the moment with a broken back so when hes back I'll speak to him about it.
thats more like it i new there was more vans in BRISSIE hahaha
im up for a cruise im just waiting to get my beddie up here from down south.... should have it here in about 3 weeks
Gday Squizz welcome to the site! Where's your van coming from? Have you just bought it? Any pix yet?
Oh dont forget to go to your "Profile" and fill in where you are from.
hey Craig, good to be on here, just bought a 79 van from tamworth.... been looking for the right one for almost a year now and finnally found an old girl i wanted, cant wait to get her here and start on my new project.... have worked on lots of mates vans over the years and finnally just went and got one myself....stoked.
so if theres a getogether, count me in
talk to u all soon
haha chris ryan was spewen he missed out on your van..
you gunna get an original gril to go back in??
Hey squizz nice score!!!
I'd deffinately be gettin onto doing something about the butcher job on that grill. Chopped up for lettin more air in I suppose. I always fantasised about a sliddy door van as a kid, well done! Look forward to seeing pics of work in progress. Peace!
hey ive seen a lot worse hey.. it looks like a rolls roice a bit.. the grill that is. not the van lol
hey guys,
yeah as soon as i saw it i just hit the buy now button.... apparently he has the original grill for it.... or il just frabricate a new one for it. ill keep u all posted on the work that gets done to it..... sorry chris but ive been looking for ages and just knew as soon as i saw it i had to get her.
He is off work at the moment with a broken back so when hes back I'll speak to him about it.
oh that dont sound good, its going to take awile for that to heal. Is there anywhere else we can all meet up?
my beddy wont be ready till next month, but i;m still interested in gathering, anyone else
Hi Brissy people, Just a start, what about the weekend of 11 and 12th October, Pelican park at Clontarf, Hornybrook Esplanard. Pick a day, what suits most. There are BBQ facilities, fish and chip shop across the road. No guarantee of the weather at this stage. Open to suggestions.
Sounds good to me mate. I'm not busy that weekend which is a bonus ;D
Hi Shane, now that we have 2 people interested I had better mark that weekend on the calender ::) ;D. Wait for some more replies and work out a time, might work on the Sunday for lunch time, see what the responce is.
cool guys, i think i can make it :)
yeah guys ill mark that on the calender.......
I am up for a get together but I will be in WA on holidays until the 22 Oct which is a shame as I live about 400m from Pelican park see you at the next get together
Hi Joe, Sorry about the date for 1st meet up. There was a bit of talk about a meet up, so i thought I would get the ball rolling and as we had that weekend free, I made the suggestion. Now having said that , make another suggestion start at 11am on Sunday 11th October,
if thats ok with everyone see you all then. :) If not let me know or put ideas on here.
Ok everyone, CHANGE OF DATE Brissy meetup. As Joe will be on holiday in WA on the 11th October. Will 2 weeks later make any difference to the meetup. ??? I made the date I guess I can change it. ;D Do we have any problems with changing it to the 26th October, same time same place. That way we also have an extra member to talk too. If thats no good for anyone, say so and give some alternatives, otherwise see you all on the 26th October.
I'll be out of town from the 18th of October till the 2nd of November.
Also away from the 15th till the 26th of November.
any weekend is fine for me, i'll just book it in before the wife does lol
Ok Brissy members. As there are no other suggestions at this stage, can everyone that is going to the meetup on the 26th October at Pelican Park Clontalf, either pm me or put it on here so I know how many are going.
i'll be there, not too sure if i'll have my beddy ready in time...
ooooh no iv just found out iv got a familey double 30th sat night so i KNOW ill be still in a coma hahaha any wkend after that ill be there but if everyone is locked in for that wkend i will def make the next one
Ok Aaron, I,m sure there will be another one organised soon maybe for a christmas party.
im still going to try to b there how many people have we got ???
At the moment we have 4 definites, Bullstik, Alien8,x2 Vantastic, I have asked interested parties to PM me or post it on here, but to date thats it. ;D
anyone else going to come along, there must be more beddy members in brisbane, i've seen them about :D
in about another month ill be able to bring another 2 vans with me but ill have 2 miss this one guys bummer....
Enjoy your meet up! ;D
Hope we'll be able to make the next one ;)
Hi Guys'n'Gals,
My Beddie is still a month minimum from getting on the road. Love to go but won't be ready in time for this one. Next times a charm.
thats ok nick, mines also about a month away. I cant wait to check out the other beddys ;D
oh and meet everyone
Hi everyone, just went down today and rechecked out whats available, Ample amount of parking, electric BBQ,s. if you want there is a fish and chip shop across the road. Pelican Park is on the Hornibrook Esplarde, just opposite the Shell service Station. We should be there at 11.00 oclock. Hope to see you all there, even if your beddie isn,t quite ready, still come along to meet everyone else.
Hope to see you all then.
Julian and Kath.
Hey Nic, you can still come along, even if your van isn,t finished yet. you can still meet everyone, and then you know who your talking to on the site.
The misses and self are hoping to get there this Sunday as welll, just got to look it up on the map
cheers snow
hey snow where are you located, its near redcliff just over the hornybrook bridge (yes thats its real name) ;D
Got the van started today, but still no fuel tank :o We could still get the call tomorrow!
Ah thanks Bullstik thats just what i needed, I'am at the western suburbs but will come over the gateway and take the redcliffe turn off should be the fastest way for us, the misses nana is at kipparing so we hoping to see her as well, we are both looking forward to the meet
cheers snow
Unfortunatly I cant make it this time. Could you take some snaps? :'(
hope you all had a ball...i WILL NOT miss the next one ..............................
It was really great to meet up with everyone and see your vans.
Phils van vantastic
kaths and julians van alien8
westys van all the way from victoria
brilliant beddie bedlam busts boring brisbania !!! woo hoo ;D go da beddies
Lookin good!
I've noticed something a miss though!........ And that's a LWB pink one! I go my fingures crossed that we'll be able to show our support at the next one.
Well done all those that made it ;)
well done fellas good start!
geat guys but after looking at those beddies ill haveto keep my doors closed at the next one hahaha
gday guys hows it? so we rocked up to brissy, or just north to deception bay to a friends house. as you do a jumped on her computer and straight onto the buga site, and i was just browsing checking out the latest posts, and i saw the brissy get together post saying they were going to meet on sunday the 26th. i had no idea what the date was but soon found out that it was that day!! so off jules and i went, it was just 20 mins down the road, and met the crew. it was great to meet Kath and Julian, phil and bullstik, (sorry dude forgot your name was it shane?!) i loved the interiors of these vans they were soo cool, and they were all saying how easy all their mods were!! yeah right! definitely gives you the inspiration to do a bit more on your own thats for sure.. so anyway thanks heaps to you guys for your hospitality and hopefully see yous again at geelong next easter...
take it easy. westy
Hi guys sorry to be the last to put something on about the first run. New video/stills camera still trying to work out how to get the pics off it. But you have the pics on here already. Anyway, rock up to Pelican Park with Phil and his beddie , just to find out that the vw club is having a hugh combi van meeting, had trouble finding a parking space. Found a spot, had some people looking at our vans, some telling the usual stories I used to own one of these had it all decked out. Shane and Shobna arrived,(bullstik) and then Luke and Julie (westy12) rocked up on their way around the country. In between having some lunch we had a look at each others vans and had a good chat about what you can do to your van and how to do it. (easy just need the confidence to have a go). The girls also got invovled in the conversations about the vans. A good time was had by all, and hopefully we might see Luke and Julie at the Van Nats in Geelong next Easter.
come on brisbane whens the next beddie meet??? i know there are a few more on the road now lets get together..
Let go do some laps around ipswich on a thursday night!!!
Hells yeah,
I'll be on the road and ready to roll.
yeah id be keen as long as you its not a race out there hahaha remember guys i drive a bus haha hey brett how do your windows look?and mayman your vans looking unreal m8 youv done well..i havent forgotton the tail lights.
or even if you drive with your handbrakes on so i can keep up ..hha no ill be fine guys.. is there anyone else keen???
Someones gotta be playing "back in black" REAL LOUD!! Windows are deadly Arron. Pics in my gallery. How are those seats going?
no worries brett iv got all acdc cds itll b blearing will have a look at your gallery m8
Can you play them all at the same time? Seriously though.. this week next week...the nostalgia drags is comming up late Feb at willowbank!?!!
yeah id be keen as long as you its not a race out there hahaha remember guys i drive a bus haha hey brett how do your windows look?and mayman your vans looking unreal m8 youv done well..i havent forgotton the tail lights.
Hey Arron, thanks mate and no problem.
Everything is looking schmick except the taillights aren't working at all now.
Let me know how your going with them?
Whens this get to gether happening then?
i'll have my van ready by the end of feb, we could all do a bbq at a park or something
I've been wantin to go to Yatala( drive in) for years, great idea!!
hi guys if a cruze is still on the cards i have another 2 m8s who have vans and are keen as ..bullstick shane you can jump in with me m8 so you dont miss out if you want...yatla sounds good to..lets organise something guys.....mayman tail light moulds are started so wont be long i hope hahah
Hi guys, have been busy working on Alien8, changing the seats over to XE Ford :-[ . been taking the dash out of the XE I bought and thats going into the beddie, in its rebuild later this year. I see that everyone wants to go on a run. We will be in for a run BBQ or something like that whatever you decide, We are tied up for the Nats in Geelong over Easter. Anyway work out a date place and we will be glad to meet up with everyone.
I'm off to the nostalgia drag racing at willowbank today if anyone wants to come. Should be running consistant high 20's
hi yah guys i know we have talked about this before ..but van projects out numberd regod vans hows everyone doing now ??should be more on the road i know iv sold alot of windows to brissie vans how about us all getting together soon ????
Ill chuck a sickie this time I swear! ;D
Count Me in ........ im nearly full time in Brisbane now
...was discussing a van meet with George just the other day
Lets show these victorians a thing or two.... he he he 8)
great guys come on bullstick how far away is that big red van
lol i thought that was a trick of the eyes.
my vans about a month away, i hope ::) from being ready, i'm busy for the next to weeks but after that and i'm fine
mine is still about 6months away, but I will turn up for a meet and greet. I am on my 3rd postponement now for the sodablaster, he will be ringing today, and i'm not copping anymore excuses, it gets done tomorrow or else. I wont be recomending these guys no matter how good they turn out to be. >:( >:(
hi guys
I'm Coffs Harbour my beddie should be ariving in the next six week i love to to meet and pick your brains about lots of things I,m very keen as this is my fist beddie which my dads has owned since new been siting down in the country for 15years in a shed and she has to go