BUGA Community
Classifieds => For Sale => Found for sale => Topic started by: hammers_spanners on April 23, 2009, 07:13:00 PM
http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Trucks-Commercials/Commercial-Vans/AdNumber=T000350831?BackToResult=true (http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Trucks-Commercials/Commercial-Vans/AdNumber=T000350831?BackToResult=true)
http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Trucks-Commercials/Trucks-Buses/AdNumber=TP001775119?BackToResult=true (http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Trucks-Commercials/Trucks-Buses/AdNumber=TP001775119?BackToResult=true)
http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Trucks-Commercials/Trucks-Buses/AdNumber=TP001723253?BackToResult=true (http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Trucks-Commercials/Trucks-Buses/AdNumber=TP001723253?BackToResult=true)
hey guys I have found the following
lwb on trading post sydney complete/ wrecking in austral
bedford cf on trading post Qld $800.00
bedford windscreen on trading post $100.00
star wars van on ebay
blue swb on ebay v8 $5000.00
yellow tray back bedford ebay
(PS is any one on here bidding on thje yellow one on ebay?
if they are I will stop bidding ,as i am only bidding on it to give it a good home
Hey Heath Stop bidding! ;D
I was considering it might be alot less work to get my chev in and K rudd just stimulated me. Man it felt good
Ok ive stopped
Cheers Heath.
I dont know where I'll put it as it would be number 4.
Jeez I think I've been bitten by the beddy bug well and truly.
Next thing you know I'll have more beddies than Ben!! ;D ;D ;D
Next thing you know I'll have more beddies than Ben!! ;D ;D ;D
No chance!
yeh youve got a chance.. with me.. not with chris thou.. im cutting back.. or cutting up lol.. next week i chop the school bus up!
Some more of the West Oz van, Craig and I checked it once, ok, but due a rebuild, but all there.One of the nicest builds I've seen
Ok so be honest, who won the yellow trayback on ebay
was not me i forgot about it!!
Hey Dano...Is that van for sale? If so how much? cheers...johnno ;D
Yeh bud, he wants 5k for it , but i wouldn't pay 2k .....there's a far bit of rust in it .... but then again ..how good does it drive , he used it for a daily driver and was a builder of some sort, it carried some usual tools etc, but not wheel barrows etc , just handy tools. I'd love to take it for a drive.